"It seems that my reputation Li Wuxian is still too small, any garbage from the Yuan Shen Realm dares to bully me, or in my father-in-law's house, you are really powerful" Li Wuxian slowly stood up, slowly glanced at the people around

him, and with a cold voice in his words, everyone who didn't look at Li Wuxian looked over one after another, and when they saw Li Wuxie, who was only just one meter tall, they all showed a look of surprise, and they naturally knew Li Wuxie's name

"Isn't Li Wuxian rebellious to the congenital? No, rebellious to the congenital, it's really Li Wuxie" Everyone was still a little unconvinced, but after a closer look, they were suddenly shocked one by one, looking at Li Wuxie's eyes with a trace of fear

The man next to him who pushed Li Wuxian down, at this time there was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, only to see a cold glint in his eyes flash, picked up a chopstick on the table, and quickly stabbed Li Wuxian on the forehead, it was so ruthless

"Not good" Everyone is not stupid, naturally they can see the man's movements, but no one wants to make a move, Li Wuxian is dead, they can also push away the charge, and they are not comfortable when they are alive, so no one

is careful, there is also a strong man sitting at the women's table, seeing Li Wuxian being plotted, he said, but unfortunately it was still a step too late, the man succeeded, and the chopsticks and Li Wuxian's body came to a confrontation

Snap, the chopsticks broke and fell to the ground, Li Wuxie had no trace on his forehead

"Looking for death" Li Wuxian said angrily, the sword finger of Zhu Xian stretched out, and headed towards the man's head, because he was immersed in why he didn't succeed, the man didn't react, and when he reacted, there were already two more fingers and a large stream of Zhu Xian sword qi in his brain

This scene happened too fast, and when the blood fell on the ground, everyone reacted, and looked at Li Wuxie's eyes one after another, with a look of fear, too fast, without defense, the man was pierced through the head by

Li Wuxie, "Li Wuxie, Lao Tzu will not let you go" I saw that the man's body was destroyed, but the voice came from nowhere, and he kept scolding Li Wuxie

angrily, "No, it should be said that you have no chance" Li Wuxian glanced around, and the sword pointed at the man's dantian, causing countless people to close their eyes, ah, a miserable scream came, and a pale golden phantom jumped out of which flesh "Li

Wuxie, you dare to break the rules and harm my Yuan Shen, aren't you afraid that the righteous path will crusade against you?" The man said angrily, the Yuan Shen was extremely illusory at the moment, and it was obvious that he had been hit hard, and he didn't have the hard energy before

Glancing at the Yuan Shen, Li Wuxian took a little, pulled the Zhuxian Sword from the dilapidated body, wiped the blood on his hands, glanced around, where his eyes passed, everyone lowered their heads, and some even covered their ears,

they were also people who wanted face, when the man was plotting against Li Wuxian just now, he didn't see anyone to protect him, and now the man said this, if he wants to help them get on the boat, it is naturally impossible to get on the boat

. Li Wuxian pouted and said, a dodge came to the man, grabbed his neck, and the immortal devouring technique worked quickly, and began to devour his primordial god,


In the eyes of outsiders, the man's primordial spirit fell into Li Wuxian's hands, and it was uncomfortable to be pinched, but the primordial god knew how ruthless Li Wuxie's hand was, and it was able to devour his own heritage

The entire courtyard was just less than a hundred breaths, Li Wuxian once again refreshed everyone's opinion of him, killing decisively, ruthlessly, regardless of the rules of the rivers and lakes, and acting independently

"This person will be punished" The person sitting at the men's table said secretly, each afraid of looking at each other, and saw the look in each other's eyes

Sometimes people like Li Wuxian are a kind of person who is very liked by the major forces, but sometimes they are also people that the major forces hate, without him, because Li Wuxian is

too strong and weak, he can cause some painless trouble to other forces, and he can also use this as a talking point, but if he is too strong and muddies the originally calm water, he will become the person they hate the most

Once the water is turbid, it means that some things will precipitate, and some things will float up, which is what the major forces don't want to see, but it's a pity that Li Wuxian has already done

"I was wrong, spare me, please, let go, I'm sorry uncle, I was really wrong" The man's Yuan Shen kept begging for mercy, it seems that it is very painful to devour others alive with the immortal devouring technique

Seeing this, Li Wuxian increased the power of the law, making this man more painful than before, now is the time for

Li Wuxian to stand up, if he is released, it will be known that Li Wuxian is a soft egg, dare not kill "You, you really want to kill me, you can save me quickly, I will agree to any conditions" The man saw that Li Wuxian had no intention of keeping his hand at all, and naturally he was not stupid, he vaguely guessed Li Wuxie's thoughts, and opened his mouth to ask for help

It's a pity that no one will save him, the men's table and the women's table, I'm afraid they are looking at him with indifference, and when the people at the women's table see that he wants to attack and kill Li Wuxie, they have already lost their favor for him, Li Wuxian is so cute, it must be because he was frightened by this man, so he killed people in anger

This is what everyone at the women's table thinks, all of them at the men's table have an attitude of watching a good show, looking at the man, earlier it was this man who bullied Li Wuxian first, no one else bullied, as long as you like to pretend, then you have to pay the price for it

"You, you, in vain as a righteous path alliance, even if you don't save you when you die, well, if that's the case, then accompany me to die" The Yuan Shen said angrily, but it suddenly swelled, causing everyone's faces to change greatly, "It's a self-explosion, it's not good" Everyone said in their hearts, and they all used their mana to form a shield

Seeing this, Li Wuxian's face also changed, although he said that if he blew himself up, he could bear it, but he would definitely be seriously injured

But at this time, on the men's table, an old man holding a piece of luxurious cloth in his hand instantly threw it towards the Yuan Shen, "The innocent young man quickly retreats, the old man blocks it for you" The old man said, and the cloth fell on the Yuan Shen who was about to explode

Instantly trapped it into a small ball, only to hear a bang, the cloth shattered, and an extremely rich aura exploded from the courtyard, that was the natal aura of the primordial god, the most important supplement

"Thank you old man, but I didn't think that there are such good people in this world, it's really innocent, I have seen it for a long time" Li Wuxian quickly poured a glass of wine and saluted, biting the last four words very hard, but it was a snap in the face of everyone present

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