The northern border of the Song Dynasty.

The endless grassland was covered with corpses, some human, some cattle and sheep.

On the south side, a slender figure was walking forward step by step. He was wearing a black four-clawed python robe and holding a long sword shining with blue light.

In front of him, a large number of innocent people were screaming for their lives. In the face of life and death, they burst out with great potential.

But no matter how fast they were, they were ordinary people. How could they compare with "Zhao Wuji"?

The python robe on his body trembled slightly. "Zhao Wuji" loosened his right hand, and the long sword in his hand flew out of his hand, shining with a blue tail line and flying towards the crowd in front.

The speed of the long sword was abnormally fast.

It penetrated the bodies of those people naturally and easily. Every time a person was killed, the light on the long sword would deepen a part.

The sword silently executed the killing order in front.

"Zhao Wuji" followed step by step behind, and he walked very slowly. But as if he could teleport, he took a step and was already several meters away, keeping the same frequency as the speed of the long sword.

Not long after, there was only a large grassland in front of them, and no creature was breathing or surviving.

Twisting his neck, "Zhao Wuji" slowly opened his mouth, and the next moment, the long sword was inserted directly into his mouth and swallowed by him.

"It's really a good body. Although I gave up the power accumulated for tens of thousands of years, I got such a body that can let me break through the limitations. This deal is worth it!"

While speaking, he suddenly froze for a moment.

Finally, his face gradually became ferocious, and his facial features became more and more distorted.

"What's the situation? The boy's consciousness has not dissipated yet."

Thousands of years have passed. The consciousness of an ordinary person should have completely disappeared long ago. How could there be any remnants?

Feeling the conflict that continued to erupt in his consciousness, "Zhao Wuji"'s face changed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The next moment, the surprise on his face was even greater.

"He is actually devouring my consciousness, and he has the ability to snatch control of my body from me?"

With his eyes closed, he sat cross-legged on the soft grass mat, constantly practicing the method.


Gu Shang was flying in the sky.

After knowing the relevant information about Zhao Wuji, he quickly rushed here.

On the way here, he also roughly understood the information of this world.

This is an ordinary ancient world. Although there are various myths and legends, there is indeed no supernatural power. Zhao Wuji is just an exception among exceptions.

Gu Shang even thought that it was because he opened the door to the fantasy world and interfered with the normal development of this world, which triggered the scene of Zhao Wuji destroying millions of enemy troops by himself thousands of years ago.

After more than ten minutes, with a thick layer of dark clouds, he finally arrived at his destination.

With sharp eyes, he quickly found the figure on the ground.

"People of the same origin!"

This hint is too obvious.

As soon as he saw this guy, Gu Shang understood his identity.

Who else could it be but Zhao Wuji?

"Change his lifespan to 0 times the current one."

From a great distance, he used his ability directly, wanting to kill him instantly.

But surprisingly, after he used the ability to change his fate, Zhao Wuji was still doing well there, and his aura did not change at all.

"Could it be that his cultivation is three realms stronger than mine?"

There is no such thing as cultivation in this world.

There is no such thing as martial arts realm.

Some martial artists in the world rely on their own skills to fight, and there is no such thing as internal force and true qi.

He frowned.

He continued to attack.

Two blood-red rays shot out of his eyes.

Twilight rays!

The two rays were very fast, but just when they were about to fall on Zhao Wuji, he suddenly opened his eyes, and then his figure floated away, leaving this area.

The speed was really too fast.

If Gu Shang had not felt any spatial fluctuations, he would have really thought that this kid could teleport.

Two twilight rays left two huge traces on the ground. Zhao Wuji's expression changed. He looked up at the figure on the cloud and began to sneer.

"One by one, do you really think I'm so easy to calculate?"

"I, Zhao Wuji, was born free. No one can subdue me, no one can control me!"

"No one can kill me!"

With a roar, he opened his mouth and reached out to take out the sword he swallowed.

The whole body of the long sword was shrouded in blue light.

Zhao Wuji's eyes became deeper and deeper, and his murderous aura quickly condensed, as if brewing some extraordinary attack.

He has never had much desire for power.

He likes power, strong power that can make him do whatever he wants.

It is for this reason that he chose to trade with the evil ghost and briefly possessed the omnipotent power. In the meantime, he made various preparations and left a lot of back-up plans.

Finally, he successfully resurrected thousands of years later, perfectly occupied this body, devoured all the memories of the evil ghost in one fell swoop, and reached the peak of his own state.

Although he is now not comparable to him in Kyoto thousands of years ago, he is definitely not someone that the guy in the sky can kill!

Gu Shang never gives others a chance to prepare a big move.

Without thinking too much, he threw down various means of attack in the sky.

His mental power was quickly consumed, and ordinary snakes of different shapes appeared on the ground. They twisted their bodies quickly and bit Zhao Wuji.

He casually summoned golden thunders and thundered down.

However, most of these attacks could not cause the damage they should to Zhao Wuji.

He stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

An invisible barrier enveloped him, and all attacks were blocked by the barrier and could not go any further.

After a few seconds, Zhao Wuji raised his head violently.

At this moment, his attack was already brewing.

Holding the very fragile killing line on his head, Gu Shang was confused.

For his own safety, he quickly flew away from here.

A sword light rushed out from Zhao Wuji, carrying layers of blue light and murderous intent.

However, Gu Shang's speed was very fast, and his attack also missed.

He looked up again.

Zhao Wuji could no longer find Gu Shang.

"You're smart. If I see you again next time, I will skin you alive and make a drum out of you, and beat it every day!"

Zhao Wuji shook his head with disdain.

"The blood and energy I have accumulated now is still too little. I need more blood and energy to increase my strength!"

Licking the corner of his mouth, Zhao Wuji's figure floated and ran towards a town at the end of the grassland.

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