Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 433 The cause and effect of the world

Just when these people were getting impatient, Gu Shang suddenly raised his head, and his eyes looked at them consciously.

"I thought you would choose a more tactful way, but I didn't expect it to be so rude."

He snapped his fingers and turned around silently.

Then, a drop of blood was divided into several parts, and fell accurately on their bodies, instantly transforming them into blood sons.

In this way, these people had completed their absolute loyalty to Gu Shang without knowing it.

Doing such a thing was very simple for Gu Shang, and there was no sense of accomplishment at all, just like dealing with the most ordinary little thing in life.

He had figured out the specific form of this armor, and he could even actively create this new element through his own power and mass produce it.

The form of the armor and Er Gou combined with each other, which could quickly pull up an armor army for him.

But this was meaningless. The power of the armor was relatively limited, and the lethality that could burst out was very weak. It would be better for him to sit here and wait for the exponential explosion to slowly strengthen him to the level of a superman.

"Deal with this matter cleanly, and it's best not to let anyone know of my existence."

After a casual reminder, Gu Shang left here.

The mission to come to this island has been completed, and he has tested most of the armor data.

Not only that, he also obtained all the official data of armor on this island, and some private data...

With these armor data, he can also produce armor himself.

Of course, all this is meaningless.

Gu Shang ordered those blood sons to spread in their own positions, so as to slowly control a new part of the power.

They are indeed regular troops of the Federation, but this activity is private, mainly to plot against his money.

The young man specializes in this kind of thing, and Gu Shang already knew the general information before.

It's just that their rank in the official troops of the Human Federation is low.

But according to the relationship network of human society, there is a chance to slowly, step by step transform the more powerful people above.

After leaving the room, Gu Shang wandered around the city on the island for a while. The economic development level here was similar to that of the small county town he had been in before. The main thing was that this small island was relatively equal, and the only advantage was the so-called armor hiding technology.

Those who studied armor were relatively poor. They had lofty goals and ideals, and naturally would not be seduced by the so-called material life.

After looking for a while, there was no important information here, so Gu Shang lost all interest and flew back that day.

After returning home, he restored his identity and went back and forth between school and home as a student.

The days turned back to the period when he had just crossed over.

Although it was boring, the ordinary life was extremely warm, which reminded him of the things he had experienced when he was weak, and cleansed his mind to a certain extent.

In order to complete the task 100%,

he did not take any cheating means.

Relying on the rich knowledge in his mind, he slowly showed his grades in various subjects, so that when his real grades were exposed, it would not be too abrupt. As for why others asked why he had improved so quickly, there were many ways.

Completely calming himself, Gu Shanger has been immersed in this ordinary day.


Time passed slowly.

After going through one exam after another and one ordinary event after another, he finally ushered in the college entrance examination.

According to his true level.

He successfully obtained a good score. Before the score came out, he was discovered by a regular university at the headquarters of the Human Federation, and was admitted in advance after unanimous review.

In just a few hours, the name Li Ziming caused an uproar on the Internet.

These three words have long occupied an important position in various online media.

His popularity surpassed all the previous ones.

After all, the results he showed were too amazing and too incredible.

Although there was a certain gap between the answers he wrote and the reference answers, they were completely consistent in the subtle context and met the expectations of the examiner.

This perfect test paper was the first time since the formation of the Human Federation.

Just when the Human Federation decided how to work hard to train this young man.

The world has undergone tremendous changes in secret.

In the long summer vacation after the college entrance examination.

Gu Shang left the small county where he lived before and came to a nearby village to buy a property with the money in his hand.

He lived a rural life here alone, and his light temperament surprised the neighbors around him.

Since he was admitted to the famous university, he found that the three Britains belonging to Li Ziming had completely ended.

After this step, he could choose to leave here at any time, and he could successfully break through the twenty-eight mirrors as long as he returned to the real world, but in the dark, this world told him that there was still one thing that was not completed.

Gu Shang now understood that it should be the next biggest cause and effect.

In the village, he mastered the specific information on the Internet and in reality through Ergou and several men, so as to analyze the possible cause and effect produced by this world.

One morning.

After washing up, he just walked into the yard and found that it was different here.

Vaguely, he saw that the growth trend of some grass outside the yard was obviously faster. With his strong mental power, he has been closely observing the things around him during this period.

Before this, the growth of these grasses was very consistent, although regular, but today it seems that some different changes have occurred.

Walking in, Gu Shanger observed carefully.

At this moment, a little bird in the sky flew slowly, and then suddenly hit a tree next to it, fell from the air, fell in front of Gu Shang, and crushed a little grass.

Its black feathers were covered with mud and blood, showing a brown color.

Looking at this little black bird falling from the sky, Gu Shang took a closer look, and then his heart jumped.

Standing up, he walked around the village and looked at all kinds of flowers, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish.

Then he asked Ergou to transmit the data of flowers and plants and biological data in some famous rivers and mountains from early last night to now.

Finally, I came to a very clichéd conclusion.

"So the variable in this world is the revival of spiritual energy. Is karma asking me to end it all?"

He raised his head and looked at the sky, which was turning white, and was speechless for a while.

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