Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 446 Discovery, Search

In this world, there are monsters, ghosts, and practitioners.

Below the practitioners are the most ordinary people.

And they are all among these ordinary people. Although they have extremely powerful martial arts, they are nothing compared to the top three.

Without entering the realm, they are all ants.

Even the weakest practitioners, the weakest monsters, and the weakest ghosts have power blessings, and mortals cannot hurt them.

Yun Kaishan was also a little surprised. He vaguely remembered that the two Shiba Inus he raised were the most ordinary breeds, but they were trained by him to be majestic. How could they suddenly become monsters?

"Don't slander me!"

Yun Kaishan retorted: "It is obvious that you killed their children in front of my two beloved dogs, which further angered them to awaken their spiritual wisdom and transform into monsters."

In this world, there are many things that change due to emotions.

The most common ones are those ghosts who died unjustly.

Hearing that Yun Kaishan put such a hat on himself, the middle-aged man immediately refused to do it.

If this matter spreads, not only himself, but also his family and children behind him will be blamed by the world and will not be able to survive.


"Today I will try your sword to see if it is sharp!!!"

Hearing them talking like this, a soldier at the back was speechless.

He focused all his attention on the two dog monsters. Isn't the most urgent and important thing to survive in front of these two monsters? Why do they still have the mind to blame each other and shirk responsibility?

As a small person, he really can't figure out what these big guys are thinking?

But the various knowledge he has received since childhood tells him that if he wants to survive in front of monsters, he must do his best. Not only that, he must have great luck.

Watching Yuntaishan draw his sword, the middle-aged man draws his knife, and the two rush towards each other.

The soldier feels that he has found the opportunity. Without hesitation, he throws off his heavy armor and runs towards the jungle behind him.

No matter what his orders are, staying alive is the most important thing!

Several soldiers beside him also noticed his behavior, and their expressions kept changing.

Finally, more than a dozen soldiers dropped their weapons and armor and ran around. Some of them were the personal soldiers brought by the middle-aged man from home, and they would naturally not leave their master.

They looked at the two people fighting in front of them with entanglement.

At this moment, the changes in the two yellow dogs finally ended. They looked at each other, and then immediately used their means. Two narrow and long gas came out of their bodies, turned into a thin line, and quickly penetrated the chests of the soldiers in front of them.

A trace of blood spurted out of their mouths and splashed from their chests.

Being injured in the vital parts, they lay on the ground weakly and soon lost their breath.

The two yellow dogs came to the middle-aged man and Yun Kaishan in two steps.

They watched the fight between the two quietly.

"Do you want to kill them all now!"

"The master raised our family, so we can't kill the master. Let's get rid of that bastard first."

The male dog said after thinking for a while.

The armored man was the first to kill his child, which made him extremely angry.

The female dog nodded in agreement.

Then the two quickly divided the work.

The male dog took action and easily pulled the two people who were fighting apart.

The female dog next to him took the opportunity to use a demonic energy, and bound the middle-aged man's mind and neck in an instant.

After noticing their actions, Yun Kaishan's face changed drastically, and he quickly stopped them: "Don't do this!"

He looked at the two much older dogs with a complicated expression: "Kill him, and you will never turn back."

Those soldiers were ordinary people, and they were killed, but the identity of this middle-aged man was not simple. He was a front-end lackey of the Great Zhou royal family.

Earlier this year, he had heard that there were also some practitioners behind the Great Zhou.

Even these countries in the world have practitioners or monsters and ghosts behind them.

After all, without the endorsement of these strong men, how could they do so many incredible things?

From a certain perspective, the rise and fall of this world depends entirely on the cultivation forces behind it.

It's just that they have certain restrictions on their actions, so they usually don't act easily, and most things are decided by ordinary people themselves.

Otherwise, if they appear frequently, there will be no series of legends of Yun Kaishan in the past.

"If you kill him, you will definitely be noticed by the practitioners of Da Zhou and several other countries."

"I think you are all just awakening Lingzhi and entering the initial state of cultivation. You are definitely not the opponent of those veteran practitioners."

"So for your safety, don't kill him."

Yun Kaishan said calmly.

The male dog on the other side had a blank expression: "He killed our child. Without him, our family is still intact."

The female dog on the other side gritted her teeth: "Master, don't say anything more, this human will definitely die. Even if we die immediately after killing him, what does it matter!!"

Her eyes were turbulent.

"Ah Huang, let me do it. At that time, those humans will only kill me! You run for your life. I hope you can live better than me in the future."

Ah Huang was about to speak, and the middle-aged man who was tied up by them on the other side began to mock loudly: "Haha, I didn't expect that you two monsters would say such things. Whether you kill me today or not, you will die in the end."

"My Great Zhou royal family is the top lineage of practitioners in the world. Although they don't ask about the change of power in the secular world, once a monster appears, they must be killed without mercy."

The middle-aged man said confidently.

The resentment in the eyes of the male dog and the dead dog became deeper and deeper, and they didn't care about his words at all.

Yun Kaishan walked over.

He turned his head and looked at the male dog and the female dog.

"Anyway, neither of you can kill him, so let me do it."

"I have lived here for so long, and I have no regrets."

After saying this, before a few people could react, he drew out the long sword in his hand, put it on the neck of a middle-aged man, and then slid forward very smoothly.

Blood splattered on the ground.

The middle-aged man showed a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

Then, his head broke from his neck with a pop, and then fell to the ground, making a sound of dream.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the broken part of his body.

The land was dyed red.

The middle-aged man died.

Until the moment before his death, no one knew what his name was.

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