Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 451 Continue to enter the world

"It's time to enter the next world to continue to verify the correctness of the only way of heaven and earth."

If he really breaks through to the 29th realm after this time, it means that his path is truly feasible.

With this path, he can smoothly break through the 30th realm, the 31st realm, the 32nd realm...

With a hint of expectation in his heart, he said hello to Huang Guoshu, Lin Fan and others, and immersed himself in this coming.




In the endless jungle.

Under a large wide leaf, a small sharp head emerged. It was a thumb-sized snake head.

The whole body was black, and the scales were arranged closely.

At first glance, it was quite cute.

Gu Shang looked at the world in front of him in a trance.

This was one of the first times he became an alien, instead of existing as a human.

With a thought, he understood his current situation.

At present, he is a small black snake only 10cm long. Judging from the various glands in his mouth, it is a poisonous one.

It has not been more than five days since he broke out of the shell.

Home is in a small hole under this leaf.

In the memory of the little black snake, everything is very ordinary. This is a simple forest scene. There are no huge monsters, nor any extraordinary strong men who can spit fire and use Kamehameha.

Of course, it is very likely that the time of hatching is too short.

In five days, the little black snake will not come out more than three times in total.

Puff! ! !


Suddenly, a strange sound came from the surroundings.

Gu Shang took a look and saw that they were his brothers and sisters.

Like him, they were all black venomous snakes, just hatched, less than a month old, and their bodies were larger than him.

At this moment, a total of seven black snakes popped out of their heads.

The main reason was that the mother snake had not returned for two days this time, and the snakes were hungry.

Although they could last for a long time after eating a meal, the food they ate last time was too little, and they could no longer hold on.

Gu Shang continued to sense it, trying to figure out the cause and effect of this snake.

After a few seconds, he understood everything.

Before he came to this world, the little black snake had four wishes.

The first one was to have a good meal.

The second one was to find his mother and snuggle in her arms to sleep.

The third wish was to kill a rabbit on the opposite side, mainly because he was stepped on by a big white rabbit when he came out for the second time. It was also because of this kick that the little black snake was seriously injured.

The fourth reason was to change to a more spacious home. The hole they live in now used to be for mice. It was not easy to accommodate eight snakes. It was very crowded.

"This wish is okay."

If there is no accident, he can get everything done within a day.

Leaning out, Gu Shang drilled on the leaves. These fallen leaves were said to be dropped by his mother one by one, covering the top of their hole to prevent some natural enemies from noticing.

Seeing that he drilled out directly, several brothers and sisters around him looked at him with some confusion.

Gu Shang directly used his ability.

The affinity of snakes in the Heavenly Snake Seal was improved.

Relying on the induction in the dark or the special communication among the same tribe, he transmitted the information of lying still to them.

The seven little black snakes that had not yet grown up suddenly shrank back, revealing only a small wolf bag, looking at Gu Shang in confusion.

After doing all this, he continued to use the ability of the Heavenly Snake Seal to summon ordinary snakes.

With the continuous consumption.

Various snakes appeared around him.

Colorful, poisonous or non-toxic, all kinds of species.

After summoning more than a thousand ordinary snakes in one breath, he stopped.

"With this place as the center, expand around, find a suitable underground cave, find a big white rabbit three meters away in the southeast direction, find some smaller prey, and find a four-meter-long, black-bodied, triangular-headed venomous snake."

The Heavenly Snake Seal alone can help him fulfill these four wishes.

At a command, a thousand snakes of all sizes continued to expand around, strictly executing his orders.

It didn't take long before the ordinary snakes that were spread out conveyed simple messages one by one.

There were four instructions in total, three of which had been successfully completed, leaving only the mother snake.

A black python with a body length of 8 meters, holding a struggling rabbit in its mouth, gently placed it in front of Gu Shang. After that, he opened his mouth again and bit several holes in the rabbit, leaving it seriously injured and dying.

Gu Shang dragged his body and crawled in front of the rabbit.

Judging from the smell on his body, it was the big white rabbit that stepped on this body before. He moved it with his mind to directly control the blood in the big white rabbit to flow rapidly.

There was no difficulty. With this golden finger that controlled blood, he easily solved this dead rabbit.

As soon as the rabbit died, he felt a sense of lightness on his body. One of the four wishes was completed just like that. It was really too fast.


Gu Shang walked to the body of the rabbit.

The two pythons next to him quickly surrounded it and quickly cut the rabbit into small pieces.

He is still too small to swallow the whole rabbit in one sitting, so the food needs to be divided.

Opening his mouth, he began to eat.

With unlimited physical strength and the ability to continuously recover from injuries, he quickly stuffed the entire rabbit into his stomach.

At the same time, after absorbing the blood of the rabbit, his strength increased and his size reached 15cm.

After finishing the rabbit, he immediately felt that his second wish had been fulfilled.

This little guy is so adorable.

Only two wishes remained.

Continue to send ordinary snakes to find the snake mother, and at the same time bring back a large amount of flesh and blood for him to absorb and increase his strength.

He turned around and was led by several ordinary snakes to a wider cave nearby.

There used to be a group of larger gophers living here. Under the siege of ordinary snakes, they quickly wiped out the group of gophers. Then they cleaned up and made this place a new home.

Gu Shang climbed in slowly.

Everything is very comfortable.

The third wish was also successfully fulfilled.

"The next step is to find the snake mother, and then snuggle up to her to sleep, tsk tsk tsk."

Climbing out of the cave, he continued to frantically summon ordinary snakes, and not long after, nearly five thousand more snakes appeared around him.

The largest one is fifteen meters long, and its scales are yellow. It looks very domineering and mighty.

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