Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 538: Exploring the Truth

In the process of fighting, Gu Shang is also constantly exploring the truth of the world.

The main way to leave the world last time was to use the energy in the body to create a door.

After fighting, Gu Shang also tried, and through this method he was indeed able to leave this world.

This also allowed him to confirm that the jungle he was in now also belonged to the same type of space as a village.

There are many monsters here.

The specific area is endless and is very suitable for his body growth, so he is in no hurry to leave this space.

As he continued to kill, he gained more and more experience, and his strength climbed up easily.

In the end, in order to speed up efficiency, he had completely ignored those small miscellaneous fish. After all, the experience they brought was too little, and no matter how large the number was, it had no practical significance.

He transformed a large number of flying creatures, causing them to search for suitable targets in all directions, and then quickly rush to kill them.

This kind of precision strike is much more convenient and faster than range coverage.

After the seventh day of coming to this space again.

Gu Shang brought a large number of birds to a blue wall.

Seven days and seven nights of killing had greatly improved his experience, and his strength at this moment had reached the limit of 100 times.

And his fast journey also brought him to the end of the world.

Behind him is still a very similar jungle, with all kinds of big trees, birds, beasts, and flying insects appearing frequently.

It's just that because of his accurate killing, the number of some large monsters has been greatly reduced, leaving only the extremely small and densely populated miscellaneous fish.

In front of him was a strange blue wall.

This wall is made up of blue bricks, and it extends infinitely to both sides. Even with Gu Shang's current ability, he can't see the end at a glance.

Stretching out his right hand, Gu Shang touched it lightly.

It feels very real, not illusory at all, just like a brick wall with a different color.

After experiencing it, Gu Shang lost interest in this place.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of dense blades were thrown out from his body. These were the accumulation of seven days and seven nights revealed by its energy. He had already stored enough energy.

The wind-like blade quickly killed most of the creatures in front of him, but even so, it only brought him 0.001% of experience.

With the improvement of his strength, the number of monsters that can allow him to continue to improve has become less and less.

"The limit of 100 times is probably a big level."

Feeling the various powers on his body, Gu Shang was thoughtful.

What he has improved is still only his physical strength, not mixed with any special energy. The only manifestation of energy he possesses is originally stored in his body.

The increase of seven days and seven nights only increased this number.

What he can do is still very limited, and he cannot embody some very special and weird things.

But relying on his own experience, he can also use these energies to accomplish some bizarre things.

After all, these energies can be fully manifested and can be transformed into any substance in his imagination. Of course, it is currently limited to those at ordinary levels.

"It's time to get out of here."

Back in the human army, the 100-time limit was already the most powerful force.

If there are no accidents, if he goes out with such strength, his safety outside will be greatly improved, but he is not sure whether he will reach the real world after leaving this space.

With his mind moving, he took back all the materials he had dedicated with energy.

At the same time, he began to use energy silently to open the previous door in front of him.

When all the energy returned to the body, the gate was completely opened. Just like the previous village, the moment the gate appeared, the entire world was covered in white, or rendered.

Without any hesitation, Gu Shang opened his legs and stepped into the world behind the door.

The next time, an endless darkness suddenly hit him. It didn't take long for him to lose all consciousness. But in a trance, he saw a huge eye.

Like the third eye on Yang Jian's forehead, this eye is vertical.

Most of his eyes were dark blue, except for his pupils, which were pure white.

"Wake up, wake up!!"

"He's awake!"

When his consciousness returned again, Gu Shang instantly heard a burst of joyful cheers.

Squinting his eyes, he slowly saw the world in front of him.

In front of him was a face that looked extremely innocent. Judging from every detail, it was a girl.

The girl looked at him excitedly and kept saying things like wake up, wake up, etc.

Turning his head, Gu Shang found himself in a thatched cottage. All the furniture around him was very old. Judging from this situation, productivity fell sharply behind, and was not even as advanced as the world he traveled to.

Even the clothes the girls were wearing were made of animal skins.

Gu Shang smelled a faint fishy smell from the other party's body.

He frowned slightly and slowly sat up, leaning on the haystack behind him.

Just then, a series of footsteps came, and then, several tall, muscular men wearing animal skins rushed to his side, looking at him eagerly.

"You finally woke up. We waited so long for you!"

The middle-aged man in the lead said with emotion.

He was wearing a white animal skin and a crown made of branches on his head. He looked very high-ranking. The girl just now was holding the other's arm with both hands. Judging from their appearance, they were either brother and sister or father and daughter.

"You've been waiting for me for a long time..."

Gu Shang repeated silently.

After feeling the difference in power between him and the other party, he stopped hiding it.

He asked directly: "I hope to get all the information I want. I believe you all know what I want to know."

He said nonsense.

But everyone here understood what the other party meant.

The middle-aged man bent down silently and then knelt on the ground.

"Respected messenger, sir, you are the angel sent by God to save us!"

"Our race has been waiting for you here for three thousand years."

"Greetings, sir messenger!!"

As the man moved, all the people around him knelt in the small thatched house and spoke a bunch of words of faith to Gu Shang in an extremely fanatical tone.

After listening to a few words, Gu Shang shook his head gently: "I don't like to listen to nonsense."

As he said, he stood up silently.

Consuming energy, it turned into a brand new set of clothes and put them on him.

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