Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 610 Three Moonlight Wolves

Following a strange rhythm in his body, Gu Shang successfully transformed into a moonlight wolf after consuming an opportunity to evolve.

The whole body is white, with a crescent mark on the top of the head. It has a body over two meters high and four meters long.

Just after transforming into a moonlight wolf, the next moment, his body changed again.

There was a numbness and itch in the neck, and then two heads came out. Then the strength of the whole body increased greatly, and the body size directly expanded to more than 5m high and 10m long.

The energy in the body has also increased more than three times.

[Evolution successful, currently three Moonlight Wolves]

This name is really unpretentious.

At this moment, he is the Moonlight Wolf with three heads.

With three heads, which meant that he had six ears and six eyes at the moment, his whole field of vision became messy, but it didn't take long for him to completely adapt to it.

After all, this evolution is for the better. After having three heads, he can see more things and is more sensitive to danger. This is a good thing. As for appearance, he doesn't care at all.

After the evolution, Gu Shang felt hungry.

It seems that every evolution still consumes the energy stored in the stomach.

After shaking his head three times, he smashed the rocks beside the cave and rushed out.

There was a familiar smell in the air. It was the giant rhinoceros that had been chasing him before. Gu Shang smiled slightly and chased after the smell.

After his strength increased, he could defeat those rhinos with the energy in his body and the moonlight attack.

Although these rhinos have strong defenses and a somewhat dry taste, it is undeniable that the flesh and blood essence in their bodies is stronger than that of other animals.

After thinking about it, perhaps due to his body's instinct, Gu Shang's three mouths started drooling at the same time.

After the successful evolution, his speed increased significantly, and he was very satisfied with all aspects of his body's performance, but there were also some parts that left him a little puzzled.

The most important thing is that after evolving into three moonlight wolves, he did not inherit the memory.

Also, although there is abundant energy in his body that can be used to attack, the attack method is very simple and can only be used in the form of moonlight archery.

Even though he has thousands of ways to perfectly utilize this energy, there is no way to use it.

"Could it be that after the blood transplantation, the person simply changes into the other person's appearance and does not have the inherited memory?"

He didn't know about the ability to use moonlight rays at first, but after sensing the body and the energy in the body, he deduced it from past experiences.

Putting aside these concerns, he increased his speed and continued to pursue the group of rhinos.

Ten minutes later, he stopped on a big tree, overlooking the small river below.

Both sides of the river were covered with a large number of rhinos, and they were playing happily next to the river.

After taking a look around and finding that no one was interfering, Gu Shang immediately launched an attack, shaking his three mouths slightly and shooting out moonlight rays at the same time.

The energy in the body is consumed rapidly.

Next to the river, three rhinos suddenly shed a large amount of blood, their bodies penetrated by moonlight rays, and they fell to the ground after wailing.

Facing this group of creatures with only physical strength, Gu Shang's energy attack was a complete instant kill.

After spending half of his energy standing on the tree, more than ten rhinoceros carcasses were lying next to the river.

Most of the rhinos ran away quickly and left the small river.

He did not go down rashly, but continued to stand on the tree, staring at the churning river.

Next to the carcasses of several of the rhinos. Crying, he revealed a huge mouth, bit the rhinoceros carcass, and then violently dragged the rhinoceros into the water.

The river was suddenly filled with a large mass of blood mist.

"You little thing, you even dare to steal my food."

Perhaps it was because he turned into an animal that the wild nature in Gu Shang was completely stimulated.

After he brewed for two seconds, a thicker moonlight ray spurted out and penetrated the river in an instant. After a while, a green crocodile corpse more than ten meters long floated on the water, followed closely by a large group of rhinoceros corpses. fragments.

There was another churning in the river, and those crocodiles who were still waiting for an opportunity saw the tragic death of their companions, and they immediately did not dare to show their heads and left the place quickly.

After leaving part of his energy for self-protection, Gu Shang jumped off the tree trunk and began to clean up.

Having three heads also provides Gu Shang with a huge advantage, that is, he can eat food from three directions at the same time.

Each of his three heads has its own part of the esophagus, and the organs above the chest are all independent.

Large amounts of food are poured into the stomach from three throats.

As for Gu Shang, who has an evolutionary system, he doesn't have to worry about the so-called feeling of fullness or overeating.

All the food will be instantly converted into evolutionary values ​​after he swallows it. Of course, if he is willing, he can also digest the food in his body to fill his stomach.

After eating all the rhinos, Gu Shang's evolution value has reached 1%.

Just like fighting monsters and upgrading, when his physical strength improves, the experience required to improve it again will continue to increase.

Gu Shang has long been accustomed to such changes.

Walking to the river, he tore the crocodile on the water to the shore with three mouths at the same time, and swallowed the last mouthful to replenish the energy he had just consumed.

The energy in his body was still recovering slowly. If he wanted to recover completely, it would probably take another hour.

Gu Shang has always been a person who values ​​time.

After waiting on the shore for two minutes, except for the energy that had not been recovered, his body reached its peak again.

Without hesitation, he continued to chase the group of rhinos.

It was so fun to chase him before, and now it was time to let the other party enjoy it.

The main reason was that this group of rhinos did not have any powerful means of attack. He could deal with them quickly and accurately, and would not waste much energy at all.

Who would not like this kind of thing with little effort and much reward?

It took two days for Gu Shang to chase them relentlessly, and finally killed all the rhinos and put them into his stomach.

And his evolution value was successfully accumulated to 15%.

Living in this vast jungle, he did not have to worry about the source of food.

From early morning to dusk, from the woods to the grasslands, there were powerful beasts everywhere. In other words, he lived in a pile of food.

As he devoured more and more flesh and blood, Gu Shang gradually became excited. What was the real power system of this world like?

It was a pity that the lizard inheritance did not tell him this.

But from his own changes, he was sure that the strength of this world was definitely far beyond that of Blue Star.

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