Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 616 Hundred-Star Black Water Mystic Snake

【Evolution successful! 】

【Evolution successful! 】

The voice of the system kept ringing in his mind, and Wang Fugui's size was getting bigger and bigger.

When he evolved to 50 stars, the Black Water Black Snake's body had grown to its limit. Wang Fugui was now a full kilometer long.

The power is even more terrifying and powerful.

At this point, he could still continue to evolve. Wang Fugui didn't think much about it and continued to evolve.

From this moment on, his body never grew and remained at the length of a thousand meters. What puzzled him was that no matter how many times he evolved, the shape was still the same black water snake he had seen before. .

The whole body is covered with black scales and there is a sarcoma on the head.

Originally, he thought that the sarcoma was a sign of the growth of dragon horns, but after transforming into a black water black snake and evolving several times, Wang Fugui concluded that this thing was probably a symbol of this creature.

No matter how many times he evolves, it seems that it is not enough for him to grow dragon horns or four legs to achieve the evolution of Xiaolong.

Time passed slowly, and after consuming a large amount of evolution values, Wang Fugui's body finally grew into a hundred-star black water snake.

After reaching this step, he suddenly felt an extremely strange force between heaven and earth slowly growing in his body.

Under the influence of this force, his huge body quickly shrank and slowly transformed into a human form.

The scales on his body automatically move and a black robe is draped in front of him. His hands are covered with black snake-shaped tattoos, and there is also a snake eye on his head.

His cheeks were still narrow and pale.

He doesn't seem like a good person, full of evil energy.

Wang Fugui stood in the deep sea and carefully felt this new change.

After evolving to the Hundred Stars, he was able to directly transform into a human form, which was somewhat unexpected.

During the continuous evolution, he also discovered a problem. Perhaps the reason why he could never become a true dragon was because of the bloodline of the Black Water Black Snake.

The pinnacle of evolution of this kind of creature may be its basic form.

The so-called evolution cannot increase his blood concentration. The biggest change is to increase his strength.

Just like the previous dark pterosaur.

No matter how much it evolves, the essence is still the same. Apart from getting a little bigger, there really isn't much to say.

"It seems that when transplanting blood in the future, we have to consider the genetic blood between them."

Wang Fugui thought thoughtfully. Taken together, his aunt's bloodline was too crude.

The reason why he didn't get those inherited memories may be because of these bloodlines.

If he can continue to evolve with the original lizard body, he will probably be able to reappear the appearance of his remembered ancestors in the end.

All thoughts stopped. Wang Fugui tilted his head and looked at the man who rushed in front of him.

The visitor looked middle-aged, with an extremely cold face, and his eyes were full of hatred when he looked at Wang Fugui.

"Who are you related to that shark?"

The middle-aged man kept looking at Wang Fugui with his cold eyes, and the development of the matter was no longer under his control.

Initially, he thought Wang Fugui was just an ordinary creature, but after getting closer, he discovered that this guy had also reached the realm of a hundred stars. Not only that, he had also transformed into a human form like himself, and his strength was not weaker than his own.

It is already difficult to avenge one's own grandson.

"I am his ancestor."

In the world, there are very few giant sharks with his bloodline.

So when he learned that his grandson had been killed, the middle-aged man was very angry, but when he found that he could not avenge his grandson, he quickly regained his composure.

"It seems that these are all misunderstandings. This comrade has something to do, so he will take the first step."

The middle-aged man said casually, then turned into a wave of water and shot away in the distance.

Wang Fugui smiled slightly, how could he let go of the food delivered to his door so easily: "Why are you walking so fast? I can't eat people. I just have some treasures here. Come over and take a look."

He muttered something casually.

The next moment, the energy in his body burst out, pushing him forward quickly.

That's right, after raising his cultivation level to a hundred stars, an energy appeared in his body that he could use. This energy was similar to the world he had been to before, so Wang Fugui was very skilled in manipulating it.

It didn't take long for him to slide countless distances, blocking the middle-aged man layer by layer. A large amount of energy turned into invisible walls, blocking all the middle-aged man's paths.

"Comrade, there is no life-and-death hatred between you and me, so why should we go to such great lengths of war?"

"We are all members of the Water Tribe, and we should unite to deal with the outside world. Isn't it ridiculous to kill each other like this?"

Unexpectedly, this guy was quite articulate. Wang Fugui did not answer his words, but directly launched an attack. The energy in the body turned into streams of profits pouring out from all directions, attacking the middle-aged man from all tricky angles.


Seeing how reckless he was, the middle-aged man's face turned ugly for a while.

He knew that this battle was inevitable.

With a cold snort, he controlled the mysterious power in his body and began to fight with Wang Fugui.

But it is a pity that his combat experience is far weaker than Wang Fugui. After attacking several times, he not only failed to defend Wang Fugui's first wave of attacks, but also revealed several huge flaws.

After discovering these flaws, how could Gu Shang let it go easily? He condensed a spear and stabbed him in the abdomen.

The middle-aged man immediately bled, his face quickly turned pale, and then his strength began to slowly decline.

A few seconds later, he turned into a giant shark a thousand meters long, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Wang Fugui.

After two casual attacks, he actually beat him back to his original form. Wang Fugui was really a little surprised. This guy was too useless.

He came forward and turned into a thousand-meter giant snake, directly wrapped around the shark, opened his huge mouth, and bit the shark's flesh with dense teeth.

The opponent was already seriously injured. Under Wang Fugui's subsequent attacks, he had no power to resist and could only watch his flesh and blood being eaten and swallowed.

A few minutes later.

Wang Fugui finished this feeding.

After this swallowing, his evolution value increased a lot.

After evolving to 100 stars, he still had 18 evolution opportunities left. This time, after devouring the other party, he gained another 5 evolution opportunities, reaching 23.

"Sure enough, once the power is increased, it will become more and more difficult to obtain evolution value."

It is estimated that those small fish and shrimps that follow, or even his own evolution before, will not give him an additional evolution opportunity.

If he wants to become stronger, he can only choose those strong people of the same realm.

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