With the presence of the King of Giant Country, the surrender ceremony was held very smoothly.

In combination with the national conditions of the two countries, the Heaven Devouring Empire quickly accepted all the resources of the Giant Country.

Gu Shang specially settled a large piece of land for the Giant Country and gave them many preferential policies to allow them to develop and live harmoniously.

Of course, the price of this is that all the secrets in the Giant Country are in his hands. In addition, all the precious iron and stone resources are also collected by the Heaven Devouring Empire.

After controlling all the lands of the Giant Country, the national destiny was immediately poured into Gu Shang.

With the defense of national destiny, he was not afraid of anyone's betrayal, and naturally he would not have any fear of them.

After annexing the Giant Country, the strength of the Heaven Devouring Empire increased rapidly.

With this experience, Gu Shang did not rashly gather all the resources and cultivate talents uniformly, but continued to invest most of the resources in the lowest level of creatures according to the previous strategy.

Of course, for those truly talented people, he will still give some training.

Under this reasonable strategy, the national destiny rose rapidly.

Three months later, the Heaven Devouring Empire quickly absorbed all the accumulation during this period, and Gu Shang's strength skyrocketed. In the blink of an eye, he reached 999 stars.

Only one step away from breaking through to the peak state of the Sun and Moon Kingdom, Thousand Stars.

As for the land area, it is still a little short of the peak state of the Sun and Moon Kingdom, but it doesn't matter.

Without the obstruction of the Giant Kingdom, Gu Shang's troops continued to move in four directions, constantly occupying more land and carrying out a series of infrastructure construction on those lands.

In terms of external expansion, he gave the troops great autonomy. Each person could get a part of the credit for a piece of land they conquered. They could reasonably arrange their own forces and bloodlines through these credits and survive and operate on the new land.

Under the stimulation of such huge interests, both human soldiers and soldiers of other races were like chicken blood, and they went all out for him.

After digesting all the accumulation during this period, Gu Shang continued to formulate a more detailed development plan according to the current scale of the Heaven Devouring Empire, and handed it over to his 20 core ministers, who were responsible for its implementation.

After a while, he got another good news. Under Zhou Wujin's exploration, he developed dozens of powerful national destiny weapons.

One of the national destiny weapons can temporarily open up space and go to other worlds.

For these worlds, Zhou Wujin made a detailed study and also gave a very reasonable theory.

Gu Shang was very interested in this news and immediately called all the core talents under him to hold a meeting.

In the palace meeting hall that had doubled in size.

Zhou Wujin sat on the table to the right of Gu Shang and was narrating excitedly.

"Through the stimulation of national destiny, I found that the world we live in is just a single continent. There are many small worlds outside this unified continent. The scale of these small worlds is naturally not as large as our continent, but they also have rich resources and some strange races."

"Call these small worlds different spaces."

"At present, hundreds of different different spaces have been located through national destiny weapons."

"As long as your majesty stays for life, we can enter those spaces with national destiny weapons, occupy everything, and collect all resources for your use."

Zhou Wujin said very excitedly, his body kept shaking, very excited.

Gu Shang nodded with satisfaction.

"In this case, you will form the first batch of different space pioneers."

"I want you to prepare for the attack within a month."

For three months, his men were spreading around every moment, but apart from discovering some small-scale tribes and alien races, there was nothing else.

The emergence of these different spaces greatly alleviated Gu Shang's pressure on resource loss.

Even if these worlds do not have the resources he needs, relying on a large number of living beings alone can improve his national fortune slightly.

He has absolute confidence that as long as he can capture an alien space, integrate them into the continent, or migrate all the people in it to the Tongtian Empire, his national fortune will be able to grow further and break through the Thousand Stars Realm.

With Gu Shang's order, Zhou Wujin became even more excited.

He took out a map and immediately located a relatively reasonable alien space, and then tailored a series of national fortune weapons and equipment based on the various information conveyed by this alien space.

In half a month, he adjusted a 100,000-man advance force, each of which has a combat power of more than 500 stars.

Most of them are humans and a small part are other races.

They are all the peak of each race, excellent talents.

With Gu Shang's earnest expectations, Zhou Wujin successfully opened a blue space portal with the national fortune weapon and broke in with his men.

Runtu next to him looked at him with envy.

"Your Majesty, my bloodline has reached a bottleneck recently."

"I hope Your Majesty can give me a different space for my bloodline to occupy and develop."

With Gu Shang's support, Runtu's strength has also made great progress during this period. The number of bloodlines in his hands has been increasing. At this moment, his strength has reached 900 stars.

Faced with his idea, Gu Shang shook his head with some regret.

"Your ability has reached its limit. No matter how complex and numerous your bloodline is, it cannot bring you the biggest breakthrough. Your physical limit is 900 stars."

"Before we solve this limitation, let's not consider these problems first."

Gu Shang directly poured a basin of cold water on him, but Runtu's fiery heart did not completely calm down.

"I believe this is not a problem. Zhou Jin once told me that physical fitness is not the only factor that determines my growth limit. Maybe I can strengthen myself by absorbing other physical fitness and break through this limit."

He is still full of confidence.

Gu Shang patted him on the shoulder: "Then go forward bravely, let me see how you break through your own limitations."

With his words, Runtu became more confident.

Then the dark elves, tree people, giants, orcs, the latest races, also spoke up and asked Gu Shang to give them a different space to survive and develop.

After all, the main population of the Tiantun Empire is still humans.

Gu Shang’s external publicity is also mainly based on humans. Under such circumstances, their race inevitably suffers from some discrimination and pressure.

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