
"Shopkeeper Tu, why didn't you go to Goulan to listen to music? Why did you start singing at home?"

Xu Mu stepped into the store and saw a dark and thin middle-aged man, lying on a rocking chair, squinting his eyes, shaking his head and singing a ditty.

"It turns out to be Alchemist Xu!"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, turned his head, and then stood up leisurely.

"The hook bar is full of old tunes. I've long been tired of hearing them. It's better for me to hum them myself! What? Selling Bigu Pills again?"


Xu Mu nodded and took out the five bottles of Bigu Pills that had been refined.

"Can't you save more and sell it again? Every time it's so piecemeal!"

Shopkeeper Tu complained as he picked up the elixir for inspection.

Although his shop is small, selling so many bottles at a time is a bit disgusting.

"I want it too! It's a pity that I'm short of money! Why don't you lend me some first?" Xu Mu said with a smile.

He is already over fifty years old, but he will not blush with embarrassment over such a small complaint.

"If you are willing to give me the alchemy furnace, it is not a big deal to lend you dozens of spiritual stones!"

"The alchemy furnace can't do it! That's the guy I eat for!"

Xu Mu refused.

He and the other party have been friends for more than ten years. They know each other well and often make some jokes.

"Huh? Top grade!"

Shopkeeper Tu picked up one of the fluorescent elixirs with a smile on his lips.

"It seems that your alchemy skills have finally improved! There is hope for foundation building in the future!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Xu Mu laughed and cursed.

"Give me all the spiritual stones and replace them with medicinal materials for refining the Qi Gathering Pill!"


Shopkeeper Tu looked up at Xu Mu, showing a hint of surprise.

"What, you still haven't given up? Isn't it good to just keep refining the Bigu Pill? You are now able to refine the top-grade Bigu Pill. As long as you keep the quality stable, you will definitely make more money than before!" Shopkeeper Tu kindly reminded.

Before the elixir reaches a 30% success rate, it is basically a waste of money.

As for Xu Mu's current conditions, he is really not optimistic about them.

"I had an epiphany recently. I feel that my alchemy technology has improved a lot, and I might be able to succeed! The profit of Bigu Pill is too low. I have to work hard for my wife and children!"

Xu Mu revealed part of the information in his words and wanted to give the other party a vaccination first.

"Just because I have a wife and children, I shouldn't take risks!"

Shopkeeper Tu reminded again.

Xu Mu has been selling elixirs here since he helped his father in the store. Although he was evaluated by his father as a rotten wood, after more than ten years of friendship, he still didn't want the other person to go to a dead end.

"Just sell it to me, success or failure is just a matter of a few spiritual stones!"

"It's up to you! Don't wait until the time comes to refine the useless elixir, just let me sell it for you!"

Shopkeeper Tu put away the Bigu Pills, turned around and went into the back hall, and after a while, he took out three portions of medicinal materials.

"The medicinal materials of the Qi Gathering Pill are two spirit stones each. Your pill is only worth five spirit stones. The missing one will be considered as a gift from me to your daughter!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Mu thanked him sincerely.

The world is full of bad people, but occasionally there are a few good people.

Xu Mu put the medicinal materials into his storage bag, turned around and left the pharmacy, heading towards the direction of the shanty town.

After buying the medicinal materials, he is now almost penniless.

If you don't go home, why don't you stay in Fangshi and drink the northwest wind?

"I'm old and don't know how to be stable. Don't end up spending money to marry a wife who will give someone else an advantage!"

Looking at Xu Mu's retreating figure, Shopkeeper Tu complained and continued to lie there and hum his own ditty.

Although their family is not rich, they can live comfortably just by keeping this shop.

Compared to Xu Mu, it was like heaven and earth.

There is a flying sword above the head, which turns into a shooting star and flies by.

There is a majestic spirit beast roaring on the roadside!

People passing by were dazzling in their gorgeous robes.

Although it is only a small market, it has all the necessary organs. Everything in the world of cultivating immortals can be found here.


All this has nothing to do with Xu Mu for the time being.

He walked carefully through the crowd to avoid conflict with monks he didn't know.

After leaving Fangshi, he used his light body technique and rushed home as quickly as possible.

Sun Daocheng, who was guarding the entrance of the alley, did not notice that Xu Mu had passed by.

Bang bang!

"Ying'er! It's me!"

Ye Yingying looked out from the crack in the door. After confirming that it was Xu Mu, she hurriedly opened the door with a relieved smile on her face.

Xu Mu walked in and closed the door.

"Ms. sir, why are you so fast today?"

Ye Yingying asked in Xu Mu's arms.

"Of course it's because I miss you!"

Xu Mu, who was in a good mood, made a joke with Ye Yingying.

"Yeah! I miss you too!"

Ye Yingying looked at him with affection.



Xu Mu didn't know what to say for a while.

The two of them were bored for a while. Because they had just given birth not long ago, Xu Mu did not dare to go further. He asked Ye Yingying to go back to the bedroom to rest, while he went into the utility room to prepare the Qi Gathering Pill.

"Whether you can live a good life in the future depends entirely on today!"

Xu Mu prayed silently in his heart.

Putting the alchemy furnace in place, taking out the medicinal materials, Xu Mu inspected them all.

Purple orchid leaf grass, bone-washing flower, black leaf lotus, snake fruit, polyspirant grass...

After checking it over and over again, Xu Mu felt relieved.

He is really short of money, and if the refining fails once, he will probably feel distressed for a long time.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, recalling the refining process over and over again to make sure nothing went wrong.


With a flick of the finger, the flames burst into flames.

Xu Mu paid full attention.

The medicinal materials were put in one by one in order.

Under Xu Mu's control, the flames continued to rotate around the alchemy furnace, forming a whirlpool of flames.

Because of excessive nervousness, Xu Mu's spiritual energy was consumed very quickly, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the room was steaming.

It's October now, the weather has already been cool, but in Xu Mu's room, it feels like midsummer.

"When I get rich in the future, I will have to buy an insulated robe. This is really uncomfortable!"

Although controlled by firebending, the temperature of the body's surface will not rise infinitely, but being roasted by fire like this is really uncomfortable.

And isolating the temperature itself also consumes energy.

If he had a robe, it would make it easier for him to make alchemy.

However, the cheapest robe also requires a medium-grade spiritual stone, which is the same price as his alchemy furnace. It is not something he can afford yet.

With the passage of time, the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace have been completely integrated.

As Xu Mu used the method to extract the impurities, the medicinal properties began to precipitate, and the medicinal liquid began to fuse and condense.


The moment the elixir was formed, the runes on the elixir furnace suddenly lit up.


Xu Mu's magic formula flew up. The next moment, the furnace lid opened, and eleven round, green pills flew out from it and landed in Xu Mu's palm.

"Eleven! Ten of them are top grade, and only one is middle grade!"

Xu Mu's excited hands trembled slightly, and he took a few deep breaths before calming down.

These days were like a dream to him.

From the beginning, life was hopeless and he could only accept his fate. When his daughter was born, his system suddenly awakened and his strength was completely transformed.

Everything is like a dream!

Make him feel unreal!

I was afraid that I would wake up the next day with nothing, and I couldn't bear to look at my wife's tired appearance.

Until this moment,

Holding the Qi Gathering Pill in his hand, the solid feeling finally made him settle down.

All things are virtual, only what is in your hands is real.

In fact, given his master level of Qi Gathering Pill, it is natural for him to succeed in refining it. It would be strange if he failed to refine it.

He was so nervous just because he took it too seriously.

He put ten of them into the bottle, left one in his mouth, swallowed it, and began to close his eyes to restore his spiritual power.

The Qi Gathering Pill enters the abdomen and immediately turns into medicinal power that spreads throughout the body.

Xu Mu felt like his body was soaked in cool spring water, creating a sense of transparency from the inside out.

The Perfect Level Spiritual Flame Technique was operating, and the little bits of spiritual energy around him poured into his body like migratory birds returning to their nests.

"The absorption speed of spiritual energy has increased by more than 50%! No wonder the Qi Gathering Pill is so popular!"

Xu Mu was surprised and happy.

Surprisingly, the effect of the elixir is so strong.

Fortunately, he refined this medicine.

An hour later, the spiritual power in Xu Mu's body was completely restored, and he even had a trace of energy, which was worth his two or three days of hard training.

"It's true, I feel good for a while after taking medicine, and I feel good all the time!"

Opening the system to check, the cultivation level has indeed increased a bit.

He has been in the system for so many days, and this is the first time his cultivation level has improved.

If he takes the elixir every day from now on, he feels that he will be able to break through the fourth level of Qi training in two to three months.

Of course, in addition to the Qi Gathering Pill, there are also reasons for the improvement of skills.

This speed of improvement was more than ten times faster than his original speed.

"Do you want to raise the Spiritual Flame Technique to a higher level?"

Xu Mu suddenly felt impatient at the thought of being promoted to the fourth level of Qi training.

But think about it, let’s forget it for now!

His primary goal is not to improve his cultivation, but to get rid of poverty and become rich.

With master-level firebending skills, he does not need to improve his cultivation to increase his strength for the time being.

Next, Xu Mu continued his efforts and refined the other two medicinal materials into Qi Gathering Pills.

In the end, a total of thirty-four Qi Gathering Pills were harvested, including twenty-nine high-grade pills, four medium-grade pills, and one top-grade pill.

After putting away all the elixirs and giving instructions to his wife, Xu Mu left the house again.

I didn't meet Sun Daocheng this time, and I don't know if he was away for something or if he had given up.

After arriving in Fangshi, Xu Mu did not go to Shopkeeper Tu's Snow Lotus Pharmacy. Instead, he went to the largest pharmacy in Fangshi, the Song Family Pharmacy, which sold Qi Gathering Pills.

It's not that he is ungrateful, and his alchemy skills have improved too quickly. If shopkeeper Tu has some small thoughts, what little affection the two may have will be gone.

I can only repay the other party in another form if I have the opportunity in the future.

"This fellow Taoist doesn't know what you want to buy?"

A tall and slender maid wearing a green robe with a beauty mark at the corner of her eye came up to her with a smile on her face.

Although Xu Mu's dress was full of the shabbiness of a low-level monk, the woman still received him warmly.

Not because she is highly qualified, just because this is her job.

"I want to sell the Qi Gathering Pill! I wonder if you will accept it here?" Xu Mu asked.

Although I have lived here for decades, this is the first time I have come to the Song Family Pharmacy.

Even if someone else took the middle-to-low-grade Bigu Pills that he had refined in the past, he would be too embarrassed to sell them.

"Of course! I wonder how much you want to sell?"

When she heard that Xu Mu was going to sell the Qi Gathering Pill, the woman's eyes lit up slightly.

Qi Gathering Pill is a very popular pill, and the supply is basically in short supply. If she can purchase a large amount, the store will have many rewards.

"Thirty pills!"

"Thirty pills?"

The woman's face was slightly stiff.

Just that much?

In the past, she also received alchemists who came to sell medicines. First-level elixirs such as Qi Gathering Pills were sold at least a few hundred pills each time, and most of them were in the thousands.

She has even seen tens of thousands of people several times!

Dozens of pills...

It really is!

"Want to test the elixir?"

Xu Mu asked calmly as if he couldn't see the embarrassment in the other person's expression.

"Of course!"

The woman's face returned to normal.

Although thirty grains is a bit too little, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Besides, she has no right as a maid to chase people away.

"plz follow me!"

After receiving Xu Mu into the back room, the woman turned and left.

Not long after, a bald old man followed the woman in.

"You want to sell the elixir? Take it out!"

The bald old man was obviously a little impatient.

But due to the rules of the store, I had to take over.

Xu Muquan pretended not to see it.

He took out three bottles of elixirs and handed them over.

At first, the bald man didn't pay too much attention, until he saw the top quality Qi Gathering Pill, and his expression became a little more serious.

He took it under his nose and smelled it, then scraped off some powder and tasted it, and his expression suddenly became different.

"Did you refine this elixir?"

He looked at Xu Mu and said uncertainly.

Judging from the color and taste of the pills, these Qi Gathering Pills were all recently refined.

This has a high probability of indicating that the other party is an alchemist, rather than passing it on from someone else.

Although the Xu Mu in front of him is a bit old, he can refine the best Qi Gathering Pills. His ability to refine Qi Gathering Pills has at least reached a perfect level.

This is not simple at all!

This shows that the other party is capable of refining high-quality Qi Gathering Pills in large quantities!

Although the Song family has stronger second-level alchemists, there are not many who can refine high-quality Qi Gathering Pills in large quantities.

"it's me!"

Xu Mu nodded.

There's nothing to hide about this thing.

In the future, he will sell in large quantities and cannot hide it even if he wants to.

The reason why he came to Song's Pharmacy to sell was because the other party's backend was very powerful. His little stuff was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party, and it was not worth the other party's concern.

Seeing Xu Mu's affirmative answer, the bald old man was silent for a moment and said: "If you are willing to sign a contract with our drug store and sell us Qi Gathering Pills in a fixed amount every month, I can purchase your pills at 80% of the market price. !”

After all, they also have to make money, and they can't completely buy at market price.

"If it's 90%, I'll agree!" Xu Mu said.

The supply of Qi Gathering Pills exceeds the demand, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them, and the refining process is entirely done by him alone, while the other party does nothing and gets 10% for nothing.

So the price is not low!

Of course, he can also sell it in the market himself, but without the endorsement of a store, the buyer and seller cannot trust each other, which will be very troublesome.

Xu Mu was worried about his wife and really didn't dare to waste time on this kind of thing.

"Impossible! Unless you pass the assessment and join our pharmacy!"

The bald old man flatly refused Xu Mu's price.

"forget about it!"

Xu Mu shook his head.

The reason why he refused was not only that the price offered by the other party did not satisfy him, but also because he did not want to be bound by the contract.

He doesn't plan to spend his whole life refining the Qi Gathering Pill.

In the end, the bald old man bought his batch of pills at 70% of the market price.

And promised that he is welcome to sign the contract at any time.

Xu Mu agreed casually.

Although it was only 70% of the market price, the thirty Qi Gathering Pills also allowed Xu Mu to gain twenty-seven low-grade spiritual stones.

Ordinary mid-grade Qi Gathering Pills come one piece at a time, but Xu Mu's is high-grade, which is 1.2 times that of mid-grade, and 1.5 times that of top-grade, rounding up to a round number.

After deducting the cost of six spirit stones, this time he made a net profit of twenty-one dollars.

If you include the three coins eaten midway and the remaining one on your body, the overall profit is as high as five times.

"The alchemist is really making money!"

At this moment, Xu Mu finally felt that his alchemy skills were getting better!

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