Twenty-seven pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, Xu Mu exchanged ten of them for medicinal materials for refining the Qi Gathering Pill, and prepared the remaining seventeen pieces to buy some things.

Just buy the medicinal materials directly from Song’s Pharmacy!

"Guest, walk slowly!"

Although Xu Mu's transaction volume was small, the maid sent him out politely.

Because I knew he was an alchemist, his attitude became much more enthusiastic.

After leaving the Song Family Pharmacy, Xu Mu walked towards the market dedicated to setting up stalls in Baishifang City.

"Black-scale beast meat! Two kilograms of low-grade spiritual stone!"

"talismans! Talismans! They are all high-quality talismans! If the effect is not good, there is no charge!"

"Shiquan Dabu Pill! Taking one pill will make you strong for three days!"

The market was bustling with people, shouts, shouts, and bargains, and it was much more lively than the shops.

Xu Mu was also a frequent visitor here before!

It’s just that I have been short of money in recent months and have to take care of my wife, so I haven’t been here for a long time.

"Eh? Isn't this Lao Xu? I haven't seen you for a long time!"

A short but very burly meat seller looked at Xu Mu walking towards him and said in surprise.

"My wife has been staying at home recently since she gave birth to a baby!" Xu Mu said with a smile.

This man was someone he met when he used to set up a stall here, and his name was Du Mao.

"That's it! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Du Mao bowed his hands towards Xu Mu and expressed his congratulations.

"Thank you!"

Xu Mu returned the gift.

Then he asked Du Mao to help him cut two kilograms of monster meat.

"It seems that you have become rich! You are even willing to eat meat!"

Du Mao quickly cut off a piece of rib meat, wrapped it in oil paper and handed it to him.

When cutting the meat, you can clearly see that Du Mao's left hand is missing three fingers.

"My wife just gave birth to a baby and I need to make up for it!"

Xu Mu took the meat, handed over a low-grade spiritual stone, and said goodbye.

Then he went to the stall where he bought spiritual rice and spent four low-grade spiritual stones to buy twenty kilograms of spiritual rice.

Putting the two together, there are five low-grade spiritual stones in total.

In the past, it was equal to half of his monthly income.

And these things can only be eaten for seven or eight days at most.

I would never have dared to be so extravagant before.

Xu Mu then went to the stall selling talismans and bought five sealing talismans.

This kind of talisman can strengthen the wall. If it is attached to the door, it can form a sealing force, making it difficult for people to open.

Buying the sealing talisman was mainly for Ye Yingying's safety.

When he is not at home, he has a certain ability to protect himself.

In addition to the sealing talisman, he also bought three amulets, which were also left for Ye Yingying to protect herself.

One low-grade spiritual stone for the sealing talisman and two low-grade spiritual stones for the amulet. Together they cost eleven yuan.

After counting the money spent on buying meat and spiritual rice, Xu Mu only had two low-grade spiritual stones left in his hands.

"The spiritual stone is really worthless!"

Xu Mu sighed in his heart.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a stall selling books.

I couldn't help but stop and walked over.

He plans to sell a few more spells and go back to practice. If he encounters any crisis in the future, he will have more options to improve his response.

The small stalls were crowded with quaint-looking books.

[Correction of the Talisman] [Secret of Immortality] [Detailed Explanation of the Bigu Pill] [Thunder Sword Technique] [Encyclopedia of Fire Spells] [Encyclopedia of Spells During the Qi Training Period] [Summary of Breakthroughs during the Qi Training Period] [Ten Important Precautions for Alchemists]...

These books may seem intimidating, but in fact they are all basic books, and the physical swordsmanship in them is a bit interesting.

Xu Mu was also a frequent visitor to the market before, and he had seen these books countless times.

Without wasting time on those miscellaneous books, Xu Mu directly picked up the "Encyclopedia of Qi Training Period Spells".

"How much is this book?"

The book seller was a little old man who was picking his nails. He had a lot of age spots on his face and he must be in his nineties.

After hearing Xu Mu's words, he immediately stretched out five fingers.

"Five low-grade spiritual stones!"

Xu Mu said nothing, threw the book away, got up and left.

"Hey! Hey! Don't leave! We can negotiate! How about two yuan? One piece! One piece! No matter how low it is, we can't sell it!"

Hearing what the old man said, Xu Mu stopped and walked back.

The books in the old man's stall have long been sold out. If Xu Mu didn't find it troublesome, he could borrow a few books from a monk he knew before.

It's difficult to practice just by reading books. He didn't know how many times he had been tricked before!

"I'll give you two more Bigu Pills and sell me this Thunder Sword Technique!"

"Holy shit! You're too picky! Do you know how hard it is for me to copy a book? At least five!"

Copying books?

Only ghosts believe you!

Although there is no printing technology in this world, there is watermarking technology. It does not take much time to copy a book. The only troublesome thing is the binding.

"Two! Forget it if you don't sell it!"

"Maimai! When I meet you, the old man will have to wear his pants to accompany you!"

The old man complained, but collected things very quickly.

Xu Mu took the book, looked through it briefly, and after making sure it was not damaged, he put it in his storage bag and left the market.

After walking out of Fangshi, Xu Mu took a deep breath and felt a sense of security that he had never felt before.

Because of--

He made money!

But, it’s not enough!

Just now he went to the place where he rented a house in Fangshi to inquire, and found that the rent had increased again, and a high deposit was required, and many conditions were set!

There was a feeling that he didn't want to rent it to him, and Xu Mu didn't know if he was overthinking it.

Fallen leaves blew in from the Baihe Forest in the distance and covered the roads in the shanty town, covering up the stinky excrement.

It's okay in Fangshi. There are dedicated people responsible for cleaning.

No one cares about such things in shantytowns, it all depends on voluntariness.

Therefore, it is inevitable that some monks who want to save trouble will throw away rubbish on the streets.

It's autumn now, approaching winter, and the weather is getting cooler and a little better. If it's hot summer, it's almost impossible to walk.

Fortunately, the people living here are all cultivators. If they were mortals, the plague would have broken out long ago.

"Actually, it's good to go to the mortal world!"


"I can't afford the boat fare!"

The area where Qinghe Sword Sect is located is mostly barren mountains.

It's not that the Qinghe Sword Sect has any special quirks, but that only in these places can there be spiritual materials and spiritual energy.

The areas where mortals live are basically close to the center of the continent, which has been completely developed, with thin spiritual energy and rare spiritual materials.

The only Lingshan and Great Rivers have been taken over by sects long ago. Golden elixir sects like Qinghe Sword Sect can only come to such remote places where no one has a chance to develop and run their own business.

It is very difficult for cultivators to survive in this kind of place, and it would be death for ordinary people.

So basically there are no mortals.

Everyone in this world can cultivate immortality, but there is a huge gap in talent between them.

If a talent like Xu Mu were in a mortal gathering area, no sect would be willing to accept it.

Only in places like the Qinghe Sword Sect can one be trained to become an immortal cultivator. As for those who cannot be trained, they are all dead.

The Qinghe Sword Sect is tens of thousands of miles away from the nearest mortal country, and the travel expenses alone cost ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

So Xu Mu didn't even dare to think about it before.

Carefully avoiding the unknown objects that appeared on the ground from time to time, Xu Mu quickly arrived at the entrance of the alley where he lived.

It is still a short distance away from Baishifang City and is located in the middle of the shanty town.

More than two or three miles away from here is Baihe Forest.

Many monks make a living by entering the Baihe Forest, hunting monsters, collecting medicinal materials, mining, and collecting resources.

In the entire Baishifang City, there are only a small number of people like Xu Mu who make a living by refining alchemy.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, we meet again!"

Sun Daocheng jumped out from a nearby alley and stopped in front of Xu Mu.

His hair was messy, his body was sloppy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, if it's still the same thing, don't mention it!"

A trace of anger flashed in Xu Mu's eyes.

This old guy is really haunted.

"Fellow Daoist Xu misunderstood. I was indeed reckless and talking nonsense! Let me apologize to you first!"

"No need! Just don't bother me anymore!"

Xu Mu was about to leave, but Sun Daocheng stretched out his hand to stop him again.

"Don't be anxious, fellow Daoist Xu! I'm looking for you this time for a good thing!" Sun Daocheng said with a smile.

"Good thing? What good thing?"

Xu Mu frowned.

It was hard for him to imagine that someone like Sun Daocheng could do any good things!

"I recently met a big employer who wants to ask me to refine a batch of chalcedony pills, but I'm a little too busy on my own, so I want to ask you to come with me! I can pay you two low-grade spiritual stones a day, and jade I can also give you the recipe and formula for the Marrow Pill!"

The price offered by Sun Daocheng can be said to be extremely generous.

Not to mention the two low-grade spiritual stones every day, the elixir recipe and elixir formula alone are already worth a lot of money.

Chalcedony Pill is a second-level elixir that improves cultivation qualifications and strengthens physical fitness. It is much more precious than Qi Gathering Pill.

If it were in the past, Xu Mu would be willing to do it if he was given pill recipes and pill formulas.

But now,

How could a weasel be so kind as to pay New Year greetings to a rooster?

"No need! I still have to take care of my wife and daughter at home!"

Xu Mu refused and walked away quickly, leaving Sun Daocheng shouting behind him.

"This bastard! You won't even take the bait!" Sun Daocheng's eyes filled with anger.

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