"Ying'er, you stay at home, I'll go visit next door!"

Xu Mu walked out of the house and knocked on the door next door.


The door opened from the inside, revealing two chubby figures.

A man and a woman, both in their thirties.

The man's name is Jia An and the woman's name is Li Moqing.

Xu Mu visited them when he first came here. He would say hello to them occasionally when he met them when he went out, so he was relatively familiar with them.

There are only two types of people who can become fat in Baishifang City, one is a child of a big family in Baishifang City, and the other is a person who has practiced special skills.

The two live in a shanty town, and it’s easy to see why.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, why are you here free?"

Jian An forced a smile.

Li Moqing next to him looked a little unhappy.

"My little girl's crying has disturbed you two these days. Please don't blame me, my fellow Taoists. There are a few Qi Gathering Pills here, so I'll take them as an apology to you two!"

With that said, Xu Mu handed over the bottle containing the Qi Gathering Pill.

"Qi Gathering Pill?!!"

Jia An and his wife were immediately shocked.

One Qi Gathering Pill is a low-grade spiritual stone, which is worth one month's rent for them, and judging from Xu Mu's tone, it shouldn't be possible to only put one.

"This, this is too valuable. Fellow Daoist Xu should take it back!"

Jia An pushed away with his mouth, but couldn't use any strength with his hands.

The wife Li Moqing next to her had bright eyes and couldn't help but want to reach out.

Xu Mu smiled and put the elixir in Jia An's hand, which he wanted to take but didn't dare to take.

"A small gift is not a sign of respect. If there is anything wrong in the future, please forgive me!"

He only put three Qi Gathering Pills in it, not too much or too little, but it should be enough to build good relations with neighbors.

"Young Daoist Xu is so polite! We are all neighbors and we should help each other! It is normal for children to cry and fuss! In fact, we both like children very much!"

Jia An put the Qi Gathering Pill into his storage bag, and the smile on his face became extremely sincere.

Li Moqing's displeased face also revealed a warm smile.

In the past few days, Xiao Ling'er's crying has really annoyed the couple, but they couldn't say anything because of their dignity.

But now.


That cry is so sweet!

"I'd like to thank you both for your understanding!"

Xu Mu thanked him again.

"Fellow Daoist Xu!"

Jia An looked left and right at the alley behind Xu Mu, and after making sure there was no one nearby, he lowered his voice and said, "I saw you and Lao Suntou walking very close recently. You'd better be careful. I saw him entering the house the day before yesterday." He broke into the Li brothers’ family!”

"Thank you for reminding!"

Xu Mu's eyes flickered and he didn't say anything more.

Say goodbye and leave!

As for the house on the other side, there is no need to visit because it is still vacant for the time being.

After returning home, thinking of Sun Daocheng's behavior in the past few days, Xu Mu began to feel restless.

"This old guy must be dealt with!"

Although he was not 100% sure that Sun Daocheng wanted to harm him, Xu Mu couldn't afford to gamble.

For the sake of my wife and daughter, this kind of thing must be nipped in the bud.

He returned to the utility room, opened the newly purchased spellbook, and turned to the page that recorded the invisibility spell.

Memorize carefully, ponder and then start practicing.

Like most low-level spells, invisibility is easy to learn but difficult to master.

It only took half an hour for Xu Mu to learn it.

He borrowed Ye Yingying's bronze mirror and placed it in front of him.

Xu Mu kneaded the magic formula with his hands, and the spiritual power surged in his body, transforming into wonderful magic power, covering his whole body.

He in the mirror just disappeared out of sight.

But after only three breaths, his figure appeared again.

"The time is too short, and it will disappear at the slightest movement! It's completely useless!"

But this is normal.

First-level spells have very little effect.

If the power of each one is amazing, then everyone is already practicing magic, so who would buy magic weapons?

Especially at the entry level, it is even worse than useless.

Most practitioners give up after a little trial and error.

It's such a waste of time.

If you have that time, you might as well concentrate on improving your cultivation, earning money, and buying more powerful magic weapons.

But Xu Mu is different.

He has a system!

Open the system interface, and the invisibility skill is indeed displayed on it.

[Introduction to Invisibility; 1/100]

Xu Mu, who was already familiar with the game, directly invested 99 points in it.

[Proficiency in invisibility; 0/200]

It is not difficult to get started and become proficient. If Xu Mu practices hard, he can achieve it in a month or two.

Therefore, it is easy to complete the integration of cultivation experience.

He has also gained some experience in the continuous use of the system during the recent period.

It is actually not cost-effective to use luck value to increase the skill in the early stage.

When normal people practice spells, it becomes more difficult as they get to the later levels, and there is still a bottleneck when it comes to breaking through the levels.

Luck values ​​completely ignore this.

A little experience at the entry level consumes exactly the same amount of luck as a little experience at the master level.

In real situations, the difficulty of gaining a little experience at the master level may be dozens of times that of the entry level.

In this case, it is actually the most cost-effective way to use the luck value by practicing on your own when you first get started, and then use the luck value when it is difficult to improve in the later stage.

But this time, in order to eliminate the crisis as soon as possible, he could only use his luck value.

Xu Mu used the invisibility technique again, this time for more than five breaths, and his body could make small movements.

However, it’s still tasteless!

Xu Mu was not only a little hesitant!

If he doesn't achieve the effect he wants in the end, wouldn't his investment be in vain?

Take a deep breath, suppress these messy thoughts, and start to improve again.

Now that you've made your decision, don't hesitate any longer.

[Invisibility +50]!

[Invisibility +50]!

[Invisibility +50]!

[Invisibility Mastery; 0/400]

This time Xu Mu used it again and was able to become invisible for twenty breaths and move around slowly.

Unfortunately, it still couldn't achieve the effect he wanted.

Keep improving!

[Invisibility +10]!

[Invisibility +10]!

[Invisibility +10]!

[Invisibility perfect; 0/800]

This time, invisibility finally made a qualitative leap.

It can be invisible for sixty breaths and will not disappear even if it runs at will.

"about there!"

Luck is precious, and Xu Mu doesn't want to waste too much on this kind of thing.

Time flies

On this day, as evening approached, Xu Mu decided to go out and sell elixirs in the market.

Before leaving, he posted five sealing charms on the four walls of the bedroom and on the roof.

"I may come back later today. If there is danger, activate these five talismans immediately!"

"and this!"

Xu Mu took out two amulets and placed them in Ye Yingying's soft palm.

"It's dangerous outside, so you should keep it!"

Ye Yingying wanted to refuse.

Since she married Xu Mu, she has never seen him go out at night.

Even though Ye Yingying was simple-minded, she was vaguely aware of something.


Xu Mu didn't explain too much. Ye Yingying remained as obedient as before.

After saying "oh", he took out another talisman from his arms.

It was the evil talisman that Xu Mu once bought for her.

"Then just hold this, it's not safe at night!"


This time Xu Mu did not refuse.

He remembered the reminder from the Yaren and the moldy severed hand.

He has confidence in his own strength.

But I'm really not sure about those weird things.

"Just close the door, don't lock it. The bedroom door must be locked! I will call you if you come back!"


Ye Yingying nodded.

A feeling of uneasiness arose in my heart.

But she didn't say it out loud because she was afraid that Xu Mu would be worried.

Saying goodbye to his wife, walking out of the house, Xu Mu hurried towards Fangshi.

After arriving at Fangshi, many shops had already begun to pack up and prepare to close.

Only a few shops are still open and become lively, such as Goulan and gambling houses.

After arriving at the Song family medicine shop, he explained his purpose of coming, and the maid ushered him into the back hall.

The person in charge of testing the medicine was still the bald old man.

Because it had only been a few days, the old man still had an impression of Xu Mu, so he mentioned signing the contract again, but Xu Mu naturally rejected it.

Four bottles of Qi Gathering Pills were exchanged for twenty pieces of low-grade spirit stones and fifteen refining materials for the Qi Gathering Pills.

After leaving the market, Xu Mu bought twenty kilograms of spiritual rice and five kilograms of monster meat from a nearby store.

It's much more expensive than setting up a stall in the market, but now that the market is closed, he can only buy it in the store.

After buying all the things, Xu Mu did not leave Fangshi immediately. Instead, he found a hidden corner and used the invisibility technique.

Then he quietly hid in a small alley near the gambling house.

Night is falling!

There are fewer and fewer people on the streets, and every house has closed its doors.

The cool breeze blew by, picking up the fallen leaves and flying into the distance, disappearing into the night, as if being swallowed by an invisible mouth.

In the brightly lit gambling house, a slovenly figure walked out, cursing.

"I'm so unlucky today! Before coming next time, I must ask a divination master to calculate it first! Bah!"

Sun Daocheng spit out thick yellow phlegm, looked at the sky, and quickly quickened his pace.

He didn't want to encounter those weird things.

It's okay inside Fangshi, but outside Fangshi, haha, you can only ask for your own blessings.

Walking out of the area covered by the lights of the gambling house, Sun Daocheng pinched a magic formula in his hand, and bang! A ball of light the size of a walnut appeared at his fingertips, illuminating the path under his feet.

This is a first-level spell, light ball!

Click click click!

While walking, Sun Daocheng suddenly frowned and looked back sharply.

It was dark and empty behind him.

"Strange! It shouldn't be time yet?"

Sun Daocheng shook his head and continued to move forward, but his pace accelerated a bit.

Not long after he left Fangshi, a flash of orange-red light suddenly appeared behind him.

Sun Daocheng was shocked.

He didn't look back stupidly, but quickly accelerated and ran forward.

Five green pills with a pungent smell appeared in his hand, and he threw them behind him.

The elixir flew halfway and suddenly exploded, turning into a large ball of green corrosive gas.

But he reacts quickly, and the other party reacts even faster.


A figure, like a shadow, dodged the poison pill in an instant, caught up with him, and surpassed him.

"So fast!"

Sun Daocheng thought fiercely.

At this moment, a fist-sized, dark red fireball flew out of the opponent's hand and shot towards him.


The moment he saw the fireball, a huge feeling of fear suddenly emerged in his heart.

The distance was too close and it was too late to avoid. Sun Daoceng instinctively activated the life-saving amulet.

A cyan light film instantly covered his body.

He dodged and fled to the left.

next moment!

At that moment, the dark red fireball suddenly cracked, like explosives.


The red flame formed a ring-shaped shock wave and spread violently towards the surroundings.


The protective technique on Sun Daocheng was as fragile as an air bubble.

It was torn to pieces in an instant!

Everything as far as the eye can see is covered in fire

Sun Daocheng didn't even have time to feel the pain, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

"Who wants to kill me?"

With this only thought left, Sun Daocheng's body was directly blown away by the impact of the flames.


When he landed on the ground, his flesh and blood were already mutilated, and only half of his head was left.

Where the fireball exploded, a large pit half a meter deep appeared on the ground, and the walls several meters away were shaken and cracked.

After a few breaths, the figure that dropped the fireball returned again, pulled the storage bag from Sun Daocheng's waist, and disappeared in an instant.

The violent explosion spread throughout half of the shanty town, but no one came out of the room to check.

The shanty town, which originally had some movement, suddenly became dead silent with the explosion.

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