Longevity starts with Liver Gu recipe

Chapter 83 Lively Dashi Village

But the only thing that makes him feel dissatisfied is that he has not yet mastered the magical powers.

I don't know what happened, or for whatever reason, he just couldn't condense the external Dharma. He tried every method, but he and the five clones practiced at the same time without making any progress. So far, the progress of cultivating magical powers is still zero.

This made him scratch his head and head so anxiously that he was about to grow old.

A skill without magical power is imperfect. How could he, a perfectionist, be willing to give up?

There must be something wrong, there must be details that he doesn't know about.

Long Xuan frowned again and thought hard.

There is absolutely no problem with the creation of the technique. If the technique is wrong, the progress will never reach the limit of the first level. Since there is no problem with the technique, the problem must be with himself. Long Xuan's frown deepened. .

Then where did I go wrong? The method clearly said to use blood essence and blood like this and this, and then this and that, and then it was done.

I did it exactly according to the requirements of the exercise, and the steps were very perfect. There was no mistake at all. How could it not be successful? What was the problem? He was dying of anxiety.


Long Xuan suddenly had an idea. The physical appearance outside his body was the phantom of a powerful creature. Does that require something from such a creature as a medium?

Otherwise, how could a body be created out of thin air? There is definitely no charm in using soul power to imitate it. How can it be possible to transfer the power of this creature?

That's not right. The mythical beast and dragon have been extinct in the Gu world for countless thousands of years. How can there be so many media.

So how did Long solve this problem, and how did he condense this damn external appearance? Long Xuan was almost worried.

Even if there are plenty of media about mythical beasts in this world, why doesn't Long just write this restriction into the technique?

This doesn't make sense? If it is to prevent theft, there is really no need to only use this method. He was puzzled.

In the end, Long Xuan decided to walk around to find some inspiration. If he didn't solve this problem, he would not feel comfortable doing anything every day.

Dashi Village is very large, with various stone houses standing in clusters, and the roads are filled with the sounds of children chasing each other playing and fighting.

The old woman has a smile on her face, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs are running around. It is a warm and friendly scene, full of rural atmosphere.

As soon as Long Xuan came here, he felt much relaxed and no longer bored as before.

Although he was born in Dashi Village, he did not have much contact with the villagers, and it could even be said that he was not close.

As an immortal, he felt that it was inappropriate to have too many ties with mortals. Gu cultivators and mortals were not from the same world and could not interact together.

Mortals get old, sick, and die too quickly. If you are really involved with mortals too much, you are destined to experience life and death frequently. Experiencing such things too much may even leave you with inner demons.

Therefore, both the original owner and Long Xuan chose to isolate themselves from the mortal world.

As a result, Long Xuan saw that many of the villagers' faces were unfamiliar and could not be called by their names. Many mortal villagers did not recognize him and were looking at him with curious eyes.

Today seems to be a very special day in Dashi Village. It is very lively. Many people have smiles on their faces and are gathering in one direction.

Driven by curiosity, Long Xuan also followed the flow of people and came to a very wide place in the center of the village. There was a high platform built of stones in the center, on which stood two Long family Gu cultivators with arrogant looks on their faces.

Listening to the discussions of the surrounding villagers, Long Xuan quickly understood what was going on.

Today turned out to be the day when the Long family was recruiting handymen. No wonder the village was so lively today. It was just the right time for me to rush.

But don't think that being a handyman for a Gu cultivator is not a good thing. For an ordinary mortal, it is a lifelong event that has the opportunity to become a Gu cultivator and change his own destiny. Therefore, how can a mortal not be excited?

From the memory of the original owner, Long Xuan learned that the Long family would come to Dashi Village to recruit handymen every three years and teach them the knowledge of Gu cultivators, so that these handymen would have the opportunity to become Gu cultivators.

Don't get me wrong, Long is not that generous, nor does he lack that fighting power.

It is entirely Gu cultivators who are not engaged in production. No matter what they do, they need a large number of mortals as labor force.

For example, can Gu cultivators be able to do menial tasks such as chopping firewood and making fire for cooking? Why not recruit a group of mortals to take care of their food, clothing, housing and transportation?

But there are some tasks that mortals are not capable of, such as cutting down spiritual trees. How can mortals have the strength to cut down spiritual trees?

For example, when looking after an elder's insect room, the bugs and poisonous insects in the insect room are so ferocious that ordinary mortals would only be able to deliver food or extra meals. Without some force, they would not be able to do the job.

Therefore, the Long family also needs a group of mortals with Gu cultivation qualifications to do various difficult chores.

Not just the Long family, almost all Gu cultivator families do this. Every Gu cultivator's training time is precious, and all matters unrelated to cultivation must be left to this group of mortals with Gu cultivating qualifications.

Of course, this world is always something that is treasured by oneself, and the unique and core things can never be passed on to the outside world. The major Gu cultivator families will only teach the most basic things and common things to these mortals with Gu cultivating qualifications.

It is impossible to teach special skills to these mortals with foreign surnames, even if this mortal has heavenly qualifications.

Even if this mortal has the most ancient evil qualifications, as long as he is cultivated, he will become a Gu King, and he will not be given away by the rich family.

Remember, the unit of power in this area is the family, not the sect.

Each major clan will only pass on the inheritance to people of the same clan with the same surname. Outsiders who are not related by blood will be excluded, no matter how highly qualified they are.

It is precisely because of the strong tendency of self-preservation in this world that a large number of mortals have no place to go. As a result, more than 95% of the Gu cultivators in this world are composed of casual cultivators.

But even if it is something that will not be taught to the core, it is enough to make the mortals from all major mortal villages flock to it and rush to do any job.

The original owner had participated in this kind of handyman selection meeting with excitement before, but he went there happily and came back disgraced.

He was the first one to be eliminated, and he came down as soon as he went up, because he was a Ten Ultimate Body...

At this time, Long Xuan was very interested in this Long family's handyman selection meeting.

At this time, he was considering whether to send a clone to plant a nail in it, let the clone sneak into the Long family, secretly use the original world to copy the Long family's library, catch all the untold secrets of the Long family, and secretly learn them all .

Maybe the key to condensing the Dharma outside the body is hidden in the Long family's library. If I send a clone to sneak into the Long family, I might really be able to solve the problem of being unable to condense the Dharma.

The more Long Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible and he could give it a try. Maybe this would be the opportunity for him to develop magical powers.

Long Xuan showed a happy face, and the sadness on his face for many days was gone.

He looked around and found a corner where no one could see him. Then he released the clone of Tao and ordered him to participate in the Long family's handyman selection meeting, so that he could break into the Long family and wreak havoc.

So the clone of Tuo went up happily, seeming to enjoy the thrill of being a spy. However, he went up quickly and came back quickly. He came down as soon as he went up, and then looked at the main body with a depressed face.

Long Xuan was stunned, why was he eliminated so quickly? Is this script wrong? He is the protagonist. According to the plot, he should be chosen as a sidekick. Why don't they follow the plot?

The confused Long Xuan hurriedly checked the memory of Tao's clone, and soon looked embarrassed, finally understanding what was going on.

When the clone was gone, Long's Gu cultivator saw that he was an extremely powerful person, and immediately kicked him out in disgust, not even giving him the job of cleaning the toilet.

Long Xuan was confused on the spot. Who had he offended with his own unique body? Why do you think you are a dog and not qualified to clean toilets?

It seems that the last time the original owner participated in the handyman selection meeting, he was dismissed for this reason.

The Long family Gu cultivator who was responsible for the selection also happened to be from the same group. Long Xuan's familiar face was exposed as soon as he came up, so he was kicked out on the spot, humiliating himself.

Long Xuan sighed bitterly, and had no choice but to leave this place that made him sad.

There was no way he would give up on this plan. He had to let the clone break into the Long family no matter what.

Not only is he looking for the secret of condensing the Dharma, but he is also really interested in the various inheritances of the Long family.

Whether it's "Xuanyuan Dragon Art", "Reverse Dragon Jue", "Release Force Technique", or the Shenglong Gu and Earth Gu in Long Qilin's hand, or the Evil Dragon Emperor's Eye of Elder Long.

He found that the inheritance of this big family was too powerful and gave him too much to learn from.

The various unique inheritances of this Gu cultivator family are so mysterious that they don't seem to come from a small place at all. They definitely have big secrets and big origins.

So he was very interested in this wealthy family and planned to send a spy in to package up all the unique secret techniques.

Then he left secretly, and he had to praise himself for being such a clever guy. How could he be so smart?

However, going through the handyman selection meeting didn't work, so he had to find another way.

Long Xuan quickly thought of a way and walked straight in the direction of Mr. Long.

That's right, he plans to find a way with Mr. Long.

After so many years, he finally succeeded in repairing the Hundred Flowers Pill formula that was about to torture Elder Long to death. It was not easy and made him laugh for three days in a row.

However, although Long Lao's Hundred Flowers Pill recipe was finally repaired successfully, the materials used were obviously different from Long Xuan's, and the efficacy of his Hundred Flowers Pill was several percent weaker than Long Xuan's.

Perhaps because he was in a cheerful mood and all the depression in his heart was gone, he quickly completed his breakthrough and became a spiritual sea stage Gu cultivator, becoming a rare master in this area.

In addition, he also has the special status of an alchemist. After he advances to the spiritual sea stage, he may become a third-level alchemist. You must know that there is not a single third-level alchemist in the entire Far West.

By that time, his value will skyrocket, and his future will be bright.

So Long Xuan had a hunch that he was not far away from leaving Dashi Village.

There is no way that a spiritual sea level alchemist like him would stay in a small mortal village anymore. That would be too unqualified. The head of the Long family would definitely let other Long family Gu cultivators take his place.

So Long Xuan wanted to hug the thigh of this future potential Gu, let the clone leave Dashi Village with him, follow him to the Long family, continue to take care of the medicine garden for him, and then wait to learn everything secretly before looking for an opportunity to leave.

But I just don’t know if Mr. Long misses his old friendship, and I don’t know if he still needs a handyman.

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