Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 106: Linked to each other, draining the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron (please subscri

"Black Armor Army!"

"It's the Song family's black armored army!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and fear appeared on some people's faces.

After all, the reputation of the Song family's Black Armored Army has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so it is natural to be a little frightened when they suddenly encounter it.

Zhan Feng didn't care about this. He rolled his eyelids and suddenly rushed over with a lunge, aiming at a black-armored warrior with a palm.

The black-armored warrior did not dodge, but raised his hands and crossed his arms to block the slap.


After a loud noise, the black-armored warrior grunted and stepped back more than a dozen steps. His arms were twisted into twists. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Zhan Feng flew back to his original team and sneered: "Is this the famous Black Armor Army? I don't think it's very good."

Although he said this on the surface, Zhan Feng was actually a little shocked inside.

You must know that you are a warrior of the Fourth Realm. With such strong palm power, it is only ordinary for you to break stones and open monuments. Ordinary warriors will die if you touch him.

But the black-armored warrior just had his arms broken, and his life was not seriously injured. This shows the strong defensive power of this armor.

"We, Qingzhuling, have been fighting for a long time. Where are the elites of the Hong family and the Yang family?" Zhan Feng asked.

At this moment, two teams also rushed into the manor.

The team is all composed of warriors at the peak of the second realm, and the leader is a third-level warrior. Although his eyes are a little dull, his momentum is quite good. It is the Hong family's biggest trump card, the martial arts true army.

These people were basically trained by the Hong family using secret methods. Although their potential was lost due to forcibly improving their realm and their minds became a little dull, they were extremely powerful.

It was thanks to this team that the Hong family was able to surpass the Song family and the Yang family and have been the number one in Dancing Elephant City for many years.

The other one is slightly inferior, but everyone is wearing leather armor. Although it is not as brave as the black armor army, nor as strong as the individual strength of the Hong family's martial arts true army, it is more balanced.

Not only that, the Yang family's team of medicine men will all swallow secret medicine before going to the battlefield.

This secret medicine was carefully developed by the Yang family. After swallowing it, not only the pain will be greatly weakened, but also the courage will be greatly increased, and you will become brave and fearless of death, so your combat power is amazing.

At this point, the biggest trump cards of the three major families in the inner city have all appeared.

This is also the first time these three teams have met on the battlefield.

At the same time, Song Linqing also appeared fully armed.

He looked at Hong Shouchang and Yang Sansi standing in the crowd in the distance and couldn't help but sneer.

"People named Hong and people named Yang, I really didn't expect you to collude with the bandits outside the city. You really don't even want to lose face for the sake of profit."

Hong Shouchang snorted coldly, "Song Linqing, it's useless to say anything else now. Obediently donate your meat fields and breeding technology. I will spare your life because of our long-term friendship. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"It sounds like you have been polite before. The meat field is in the atrium, and even the breeding technology is there. If you have the ability, come and get it. I want to see how you divide it between the three families." Song Lin said coldly.

Hearing this, Hong Shouchang's eyes showed a hint of greed.

He has long been coveting the Song family's exotic beast meat field. As long as he has that thing, he can further control Wuxiang City.

That's why he desperately tried to rush into the atrium just now, but was beaten back by the black-armored army.

Now that the elites of the three families are here, as long as they rush over, the thing will be theirs.

He was about to give the order when he saw Yang Sansi on the side had already spoken first.

"Charge through!"

With an order, his team of medicine men rushed forward without saying a word.

Under the firelight, the eyes of these people under their helmets even glowed dangerously red.

That was a side effect of taking drugs, proving that they had fallen into madness.

"Listen to the order of the Hong family, whoever can rush into the atrium first will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold." Hong Shouchang roared.

The martial arts true army roared and rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, the people from Qingzhuling were naturally not willing to lag behind.

Zhan Feng laughed ferociously, "Kill, kill all the members of the Song family!"

The coalition forces formed by the three families crashed into each other like a stormy sea.


The two sides collided.

The Black Armor Army's formation trembled slightly, but quickly stabilized.

Like a firm rock, it withstood the erosion of the waves.

At this point there is nothing left to say, just one word.


Everyone's eyes were red, and they tried desperately to insert the weapons in their hands into each other's body.

But no one from the Hongyang family, including those from Qingzhuling, noticed.

As they charged, the black-armored army was slowly moving back.

In fact, even if someone noticed it, they probably wouldn't think much about it. They would just think that the black-armored army couldn't bear the pressure anymore, so they retreated.

When they retreated to the corridor connecting the front yard and the atrium, these black-armored troops suddenly accelerated their retreat.

This sudden move also shocked the three coalition forces who were in full swing.

what happened?

Is the Song family giving up resistance?

It was at this moment that it suddenly started "raining" in the sky.

The rain fell on the three coalition forces with a strong and pungent smell.

Huo Tianxiao, who was in the Qingzhuling team, was shaken all over, and his heart was filled with infinite fear.

Because this smell is so familiar to him.


He shouted this and ran away.

At the same time, a rocket fell among the crowd.


Fire shot into the sky.

Everyone who was contaminated by the "rain" was ignited with blazing flames.

For a time, the three coalition forces were in chaos, and people were scrambling to escape the sea of ​​​​fire.

But this corridor is very long and narrow, and it is impossible to escape for a while.

Zhan Feng was furious when he saw this, and he knocked down the walls on both sides of the corridor with his palm, thus solving the escape dilemma.

After people escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire and extinguished the flames on their bodies, they discovered that after all this tossing, a quarter of the three parties' troops had been damaged.

Some people were not even burned to death, but trampled to death.

For a moment, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly.

Who would have thought that the Song family would suddenly make such a move.

Zhan Feng was furious and grabbed Huo Tianxiao, who was the first to escape.

"What's with this fire?"

Huo Tianxiao was full of grievances, "How do I know what this fire is about? My fire oil is secretly made. Who knew the Song family would have it too."

Huo Tianxiao was indeed not lying.

His recipe for fire oil has always been kept secret, so he was also shocked.

But how did he know that for Zhao Ya, who was educated in modern chemistry, his secret recipe was not a secret at all.

After several blending experiments, Zhao Ya made a kerosene with almost the same effect.

Then he secretly transported them to the corridor, and negotiated with Song Linqing in advance to let the Black Armored Army fight and retreat, lead the three coalition forces here, and finally attack them with fire.

At this time, Zhao Ya was hiding on a ridge in the distance, looking at the embarrassed three coalition forces, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Although this strategy was successful, the results were not satisfactory.

Only about a quarter of the people were burned to death, and the rest were not seriously injured, and their combat effectiveness was not affected.

But Zhao Ya also knew that this was already the best effect.

After all, the three coalition forces this time are all the best among the best, such as Zhan Feng. If he hadn't collapsed the walls on both sides of the corridor with his palm, the losses of these people would have been greater.

At this time, Zhan Feng also realized that he had suspected the wrong person. Huo Tianxiao was almost burned to death, so how could he collude with the Song family.

"Damn it, charge in and seize the meat field first."

Zhan Feng let go of Huo Tianxiao, turned around and rushed towards the atrium.

His actions also reminded Hong Shouchang and others, and they hurriedly followed.

Zhao Ya sneered when he saw this, and instead of continuing to look, turned around and left.

After a while, he came to an alley near the city wall and saw Song Linqing, his brother and sister, and a group of people.

Almost all of them, including the breeders in the meat fields, Tan Ziwang, Tan Dong and his son Song Renqiang, are here.

But the Black Armored Army is not here.

"How is it?" Song Linqing asked first.

"About a quarter of them were burned to death, and the remaining people have already rushed into the atrium."

Song Linqing sneered slightly when he heard this, "It's not bad to burn a quarter of them to death, and I also left a little surprise for them in the meat field greenhouse."

"How long has the Black Armor Army been there?" Zhao Ya asked.

"We've been walking for about two-quarters of an hour, so it should be almost done."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw fire erupting from two directions in the inner city at the same time.

Song Linqing and Zhao Ya looked up and found that it was in the direction of the Hong family and Yang family manors, and a smile appeared on their faces.

This time the plan was planned by the two of them in advance.

First use a group of black armored troops to hold back the three coalition forces, and then use fire to attack them when they reach the atrium corridor.

At the same time, Song Linqing and others left the Song family manor through a secret passage.

Then another black armored army took advantage of the empty situation of the Hong Yang family to attack and burned the manor.

At this point most of the plans have been completed and are progressing smoothly.

"I guess this fire will make Hong Shouchang and Yang Sansi very distressed. After all, the meat fields they cherished so much were not harvested, and their old nest was burned down." Song Linqing smiled very happily.

At this time, the black armored army who went to perform the mission also came back.

After this mission, the Black Armor Army also lost at least one-third of its troops. But even so, this team is still full of power, and their morale has not dropped at all.

It is indeed a powerful brigade!

Zhao Ya sighed in his heart, and then said seriously: "Without further delay, let's leave Wuxiang City quickly."


They followed a secret passage that Zhao Ya had explored before, and everyone quickly left Wuxiang City and arrived at the official road.

After arriving here, it was useless even if the three coalition forces came to chase them, and it was time for them to part ways.

"Xiao Ya, come with us!" Song Linqing persuaded him to stay for the last time.

Zhao Ya smiled and shook his head.

"Master, I'm really sorry. I do have something of my own to do. I will definitely go to Wanshou County to find you after I finish it."

"All right!"

Song Linqing knew that he couldn't change Zhao Ya's mind, so he glanced at his sister, then sighed and strode away.

For a time, they were the only two people left on the official road.

Looking at Song Peiwan who lowered his head and said nothing, Zhao Ya didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he could only whisper: "Take care along the way."

After hearing this, Song Peiwan raised her head and looked at him, her eyes filled with tears.

"Is that all there is to say?"

"Uh..." Zhao Ya didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Song Peiwan suddenly stepped forward and hugged Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya froze, but then he sighed secretly and gently hugged Song Peiwan.

After only a few seconds, Song Peiwan stood up and wiped the tears from her face.

"You said you would come see me then, don't lie to me."

"Well, I will never lie to you!"

"Pull the hook!"

"Okay, Lagou!"

Zhao Ya stretched out his hand to flirt with Song Peiwan, and then Song Peiwan smiled.

"Let's go, you...take care of yourself!"

As she spoke, she suddenly put a box in Zhao Ya's hands, then turned around and strode away.

Looking at her back, Zhao Ya suddenly felt a little sad.

At this time, Tan Dong's choked shout came from the distance.

"Brother Zhao, please remember to come to me. I am yours in life and your ghost in death."

Zhao Ya: "......"

The Song family's team left.

Zhao Ya opened the box that Song Peiwan had given to him before leaving and found that it was full of high-quality jade snakes.

He carefully packed the box close to his body, turned around and entered the jungle.

As early as daytime, he had already sent Zui'er to the shelter in the mountains and forests.

At this time, he had to go see Zui'er first, and then do something extremely important.

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