Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 107 Return quietly, beheading in dream

Mountain refuge.

When the anxious Zui'er finally saw Zhao Ya who was safe and sound, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Have the eldest lady and the head of the family left?"

Zhao Ya nodded, "Well, we have all left safely."

Hearing this, Zui'er lowered his head and said very sadly: "I really don't know if we can see each other again after this departure."

Zhao Ya reached out and rubbed Zui'er's little head and comforted him softly.

"Don't worry, I'll see you again."

After a little repair in the shelter, Zhao Ya asked Zui'er to stay here and wait, not to go anywhere until he came back, and then prepared to leave.

Zui'er couldn't help but become anxious when he saw this, "Brother Xiaoya, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going back to Wuxiang City, and I need to take care of some things."

"But..." Zui'er looked worried.

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "Don't worry, with my current strength, not many people can stop me if I really want to run away. Besides, when I go back, I won't fight with real swords and guns. I have my own way." .”

Although he said this, Zui'er was still a little worried, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He could only look at Zhao Ya's leaving figure and silently pray in his heart that Brother Xiao Ya would be safe.

Dancing Elephant City.

After the turmoil for most of the night, the inner city finally gradually returned to calm.

At this time, Hong Shouchang stood on the ruins of his home, his face so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

He never imagined that the Song family would actually have such a back-up move when the three-party coalition attacked the Song family's base camp and robbed the meat fields.

The Song family actually took advantage of the situation and sent people to defeat Zhuang Ding, who was left behind by the Hong family, and burned the manor.

Although Hong Shouchang ordered his men to put out the fire desperately after he returned, it was too late, and the fire still burned the huge Hong family manor to pieces.

Such a huge loss made Hong Shouchang's heart bleed.

The only consolation is that the Yang family was not spared, and because the rescue was not timely, the losses were even more severe.

"Have you searched?" Hong Shouchang asked.

"We have searched and there is no trace of them in the city. They probably left Wuxiang City overnight. Do we need to send someone to chase them?" Hong Xu said.

"What are you chasing after?" Hong Shouchang suddenly became furious and asked loudly: "When we get outside the city, do you dare to say that you can deal with the Song family's black-armored army?"

"I know my mistake, kid!" Hong Xu quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"Hmph, use your brain before speaking from now on!"


Hong Xu did not dare to refute anything, because he knew that his father was angry at this time, and he might become a punching bag if he was not careful.

"Have all arrangements been made for everyone in Qingzhuling?"

"The arrangements have been made, and he will live in a villa in our house."

"Send someone to keep an eye on them. Give them whatever they want, but don't let them run away."

"My child understands."

At that time, in the Song family, the Hong and Yang families almost fought over the meat fields of exotic animals.

After all the effort and the death of so many people, everyone wanted to occupy the meat fields.

Later, Zhan Feng, the leader of the second village in Qingzhuling, intervened and said that the meat field was owned by the three families and would be temporarily taken into his custody.

Although they were unwilling in their hearts, due to Zhan Feng's strength, the Hong and Yang families reluctantly agreed.

What Hong Shouchang fears most at this moment is that the people from Qingzhuling take the meat fields and run away again, and then he will really lose everything.

Yang Sansi's idea was similar to that of Hong Shouchang. He also sent people to the Hong family's annex. The euphemistic name was to serve, but in fact it was surveillance.

Zhan Feng naturally knew this, but he didn't care.

Anyway, now that the meat field is in his hands, it will not be that easy to take it out again.

Zhan Feng took out the meat field from the bag and looked at it carefully.

This exotic beast meat field is completely white and spherical in shape. If you look closely, you will find that there are many grain-sized particles in it.

These are the eggs that hatch alien beasts.

To put it bluntly, this meat field is equivalent to an incubator. As long as it is placed in the right environment and catalyzed, exotic beasts can be bred.

Zhan Feng's eyes were full of greed.

Although I only managed to grab one exotic beast meat field this time, and I didn't find any breeding technology, this meat egg alone was worth the price of admission.

Because the dried meat of exotic beasts is extremely important to martial arts practice, mastering this is equivalent to mastering a steady stream of money.

This is why the Hong and Yang families tried their best to destroy the Song family.

Even Zhan Feng couldn't help but hesitate in his heart.

Do you want to take this thing and fly away?

But he soon gave up the idea.

Because you can’t create an environment for incubating this meat field by yourself, which would require a lot of money.

Zhan Feng turned around and looked at the meat field, and from time to time he would reach out and rub it.

Fu Tingfang on the side was a little absent-minded.

The battle last night had left her so frustrated that she was still a little unhappy.

She didn't expect that Zhao Ya, whom she wanted to kill, would become so powerful. If Zhan Feng hadn't arrived in time, she would have died a long time ago.

This feeling of being left far behind made the self-proclaimed beauty of heaven feel deeply desperate.

Diao Ruhai saw Fu Tingfang's thoughts, but didn't know how to persuade her.

In fact, even he still had some lingering fears at this time.

When he closed his eyes, he felt the force of the knife enveloping him like a strong wind.

Diao Ruhai secretly decided that after returning to the mountain this time, he would reduce the number of times he went down to the mountain to show his face, and would keep a low profile as much as possible.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Hong Xu's voice came from outside the door.

"For the village owners, the meal has been delivered. Please come down and have a meal!"

After a night of fighting, Diao Ruhai and others were really hungry, but no one dared to move without permission, and they all looked at Zhan Feng.

"You go down and eat. Just bring me a portion of the food later. I'll stay in the house and look after the meat field." Zhan Feng said.

He refused to leave this meat field even an inch, for fear of another accident.

Fu Tingfang and Diao Ruhai went downstairs.

Sure enough, the Hong family sent a sumptuous breakfast.

Fu Tingfang ate absentmindedly, but Diao Ruhai didn't care about that and ate the delicious food with big mouthfuls.

Diao Ruhai soon had a full meal, and then stretched out quite tiredly.

"I'm going to take a nap first. If you need anything, Miss Three, just call me."

"Well, go ahead!"

Diao Ruhai yawned and went upstairs, found an unoccupied room, lay down and went to sleep.

He didn't sleep a wink all night and soon began to snore.

Diao Ruhai didn't know that while he was sleeping soundly, there was a figure on the roof tiles above his head, listening.

At this time, Zhao Ya held his breath and concentrated, and his breath-containing technique was used to the extreme.

Because he knew that Zhan Feng, who had the strength of the Fourth Realm, must also be in this small building.

So he was very cautious.

After hearing Diao Ruhai's snoring, Zhao Ya had a murderous intent in his eyes.

He came back this time, firstly to check out the consequences of last night's fire, and secondly to see if there were any opportunities that could be exploited.

The effect of the fire was very good, and the manors of the Hong family and the Yang family were almost razed to the ground.

Zhao Ya was very satisfied with this, and then quietly followed Hong Xu, who was delivering the meal, to this other courtyard.

Just now Diao Ruhai went downstairs to eat, and Zhao Ya, who was lying on the roof, had already heard him.

Regarding this Diao Ruhai, Zhao Ya ranked him first on the must-kill list.

So after he finished eating and went back to his room to sleep, Zhao Ya began to move carefully.

Under the blessing of the movement technique that has reached the peak of perfection, Zhao Ya is as light as a feather and makes no sound.

Soon, Zhao Ya came to the eaves of the back room, turned over like a kite, and rolled under the eaves, and hooked the beams under the eaves with his hands.

At his feet was the window of the room where Diao Ruhai slept. Zhao Ya was not in a hurry.

If he just kicked open the window and broke in, Zhan Feng would definitely be alarmed.

Although Zhao Ya is not afraid of Zhan Feng, after all, last night's battle has shown Zhao Ya that Zhan Feng's palm skills are extremely powerful, but his Qinggong and body skills are not very good, at least not as good as his own.

But once the thieves in Qingzhu Ridge are alerted, it will be difficult to kill Diao Ruhai.

So Zhao Ya raised his legs, hooked his feet on the beam, and made a posture of hanging upside down from the golden hook. He leaned down and came to the window.

At this time, even the sound of Diao Ruhai grinding his teeth could be clearly heard.

Zhao Ya pulled out the knife and inserted it into the crack of the window, gently cut open the latch inside, and then pushed open the window very slowly.

After the gap was big enough for him to pass through, Zhao Yamo used his body skills and quickly got into the room like a civet cat.

The whole process sounds complicated, but in fact it only took more than half a minute.

When Zhao Ya stood in front of the bed, Diao Ruhai was still sleeping soundly.

Logically speaking, for a warrior with the strength of the third realm, this situation should not happen.

But first of all, it was because Diao Ruhai felt that there was Zhan Feng, a master of the four realms, sitting on the second floor, who was not afraid of death and dared to come here to act wild, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Secondly, it's because Zhao Ya's current Qinggong and Shenfa are superb.

Being as light as a swallow is no joke, and with the blessing of the Breath Condensation Technique, even Zhan Feng, who has the strength of the fourth realm, is not aware of it, let alone this Diao Ruhai.

Looking at Diao Ruhai, who was snoring like thunder, Zhao Ya sneered silently, flipped his wrist, and the meteorite knife fell down, reaching straight for his neck.

Although he was asleep, Diao Ruhai was a warrior of the third realm after all, so he was still awakened instantly.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was the light of the sword slashing at him and Zhao Ya standing beside the bed.

At that moment, Diao Ruhai even thought he was having a nightmare.

But the wind of the sword blowing towards his face told Diao Ruhai that all this was true.

A strong look of fear instantly appeared in Diao Ruhai's eyes, and he opened his mouth wide, wanting to shout.

But it was too late, Zhao Ya's knife was so fast, Diao Ruhai's head moved with one strike.


Blood spurted out from the cavity, splattering the head of the bed red.

Looking at Diao Ruhai's head with eyes wide open and the expression of shock and fear before death solidified on his face, Zhao Ya felt extremely happy. He felt that the anger that had been stagnated for a long time in his chest had dissipated a lot, and his thoughts also followed. Be enlightened.

When Meng Lei was attacked by a sneak attack and died tragically in his arms, the leader of Qingzhuling's stronghold was naturally blamed as the culprit.

But Diao Ruhai can also be regarded as one of the accomplices.

By killing him now, Zhao Ya would be able to collect some interest in advance.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from the stairs, and they came straight here.

Zhao Ya did not hesitate, reached out and pulled up the quilt on the bed, covering Diao Ruhai's head and all the blood stains on the head of the bed.

Then Zhao Ya dodged and hid behind the door, and the breath-holding technique reduced his presence to the lowest level, and even the sound of his breathing was inaudible.

It was Fu Tingfang who came over.

She also felt a little sleepy after eating, so she was going to find a place to rest for a while.

But when she walked to Diao Ruhai's room, Fu Tingfang suddenly smelled a strange smell.

Although she is a woman, she has practiced martial arts with her brother since she was a child and grew up in a bandit den, so Fu Tingfang is very familiar with this taste.

It smells of blood!

Fu Tingfang was shocked.

Why is there such a strong smell of blood?

She reached out to open the door, but suddenly thought of something and retracted her hand, then pretended not to know and muttered: "I'm so sleepy, find a place to sleep."

After saying that, he yawned and left.

Zhao Ya frowned slightly when he heard the footsteps going away.

He had planned to wait for Fu Tingfang to open the door and sneak in from behind, but he didn't expect that she would not be fooled.

It can be seen that Fu Tingfang is not a fool.

Zhao Ya naturally knew that the smell of blood could not be hidden from people like Qingzhuling. He just wanted to use this method to lure Fu Tingfang or others in, and then kill one of them.

But if the other party didn't fall for the trick, Zhao Ya knew it was impossible to do anything. Fu Tingfang must have noticed it.

Fortunately, killing Diao Ruhai was not in vain.

So Zhao Ya quickly touched the corpse and planned to return the same way.

But as soon as he reached the window, the door and half of the wall suddenly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out from the smoke, and a pair of fleshy palms struck Zhao Ya's face.

Zhao Ya did not hesitate, raised his knife and slashed at the pair of fleshy palms.

This figure dodged and landed beside the bed, it was Zhan Feng.

He first glanced at the quilt on the bed that was already soaked in blood, and knew that something unexpected had happened to Old Five Diao Ruhai, and he couldn't help but feel angry in his chest.

He was admiring the meat field in the room, but he didn't expect Fu Tingfang to rush over in a hurry and tell him that something might have happened to Diao Ruhai.

At first Zhan Feng thought it was impossible. After all, he was sitting on the second floor. Who would be so bold as to act wildly?

But when he came to the front and back of Diao Ruhai's gate, the smell of blood that was too strong to be eliminated was like a loud slap on Zhan Feng's face.

In anger, he smashed the wall with one palm and came to the house.

"Baby monkey, you are so brave. You dare to kill people under my nose. Do you really think I can't kill you?" Zhan Feng said coldly.

At this time, the people downstairs had heard the noise and were coming here.

Listening to the chaotic footsteps, Zhao Ya was not afraid at all.

The reason why he dared to come was because he was sure that he could escape safely.

What's more, Song Linqing told himself that there was a surprise buried in the meat field. It was estimated that Zhan Feng had already caught it without knowing it.

So Zhao Ya just smiled coldly, turned around and flew out of the window.

And this silent contempt also made Zhan Feng completely angry.

He followed him in a flash and sent a message to Fu Tingfang.

"Third Miss, help me keep an eye on the meat field. I'll come back after taking this guy's head."

Zhan Feng's figure disappeared while he was talking.

At this time, Huo Tianxiao and others had already broken into the house.

"Miss Third, what's going on?" someone asked.

"Holy shit, who killed Lao Wu?" Huo Tianxiao couldn't help but exclaimed when he lifted the quilt and found that Diao Ruhai's head was missing.

Fu Tingfang clenched her teeth, stared out the window, and said something through her teeth.

"That Zhao Ya did it!"

I'm really speechless. I had already checked everything and planned to upload it, but the phone and computer were not synchronized, which resulted in some minor errors and some inconsistencies. So I just checked it again and now the problem has been solved.

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