Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 142 The spleen is successfully unlocked and the talent is obtained: Shengqing

Chapter 142 The spleen is successfully unlocked and the talent is obtained: Ascension of the Qing Essence

Yuan Chenfeng is taking stock of his gains during this period.

What he said before was indeed true. According to the current income, he can really save a considerable amount of meat in more than a month.

Although most of them are in the first and second realms, there are only a few in the third realm.

But that's enough.

As long as you spend money to hire a few veterans who are good at breeding and build a breeding greenhouse, the income will be endless and more than enough to feed the entire Chenfeng Martial Arts Gym.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chenfeng felt extremely comfortable, as if he could see his own martial arts school outperforming other heroes in two or three years and becoming the largest force in the county.

When the time comes, I will settle the accounts with Lu Dingtai and Zhao Ya.

Yuan Chenfeng thought fiercely.

At this moment, someone ran in in a panic.

"Master...Master, something serious has happened!"

Yuan Chenfeng frowned. What he hated most was someone disturbing him when he was counting his profits.

"What's wrong? I'm not dead yet. Why are you so panicked?" Yuan Chenfeng cursed angrily.

"Xia...Senior Brother Xia, they...them..." The man ran out of breath and was speechless for a moment.

"What happened to Cunyi?"

"They encountered a group of very powerful alien beasts and were completely wiped out."


Yuan Chenfeng, who was originally the old god, suddenly stood up, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

"How is this possible? You must know that Cunyi has not yet broken through the four realms, but he is still a good hand. With so many people, how could his entire army be annihilated?"

These words were not so much said to the disciple who reported the news as to comfort himself.

The disciple who reported the news was about to cry, "It's true. The news was brought back by several warriors who happened to pass by the place where the incident occurred. They also brought back Senior Brother Xia's badge!"

"Take me to them!"

Yuan Chenfeng's face was ashen as he hurried outside and saw the people who brought back the news.

It turned out that these people were all disciples of the Guangrui Martial Arts School. They were hunting outside the city at that time, not far from the place where Xia Cunyi and others had the accident. However, they were lucky and hid themselves immediately after noticing something was wrong, so they were not attacked by the ghost-faced giant. Ape found.

When Yuan Chenfeng heard that Xia Cunyi's group was surrounded and killed by the ghost-faced giant ape, his face instantly turned pale.

"How is it possible? Don't all the Ghost-faced Giant Apes act alone? How come there are six or seven of them?" Yuan Chenfeng murmured to himself.

The people at Guangrui Martial Arts Hall were also in shock. One of them smiled bitterly and said: "Not only were six or seven of them gathered together, we also saw a giant ape with a height of four meters appearing in the forest. It is estimated that the strength is at least It is the pinnacle of the four realms.”

Yuan Chenfeng's face turned even paler.

Although it was emotionally difficult to accept that a strange beast at the peak of the Four Realms would appear, he also knew that these warriors would not lie about such a thing.

Yuan Chenfeng cheered up and expressed his gratitude to these warriors.

These people said goodbye and left.

Then Yuan Chenfeng sat blankly on the chair, feeling extremely confused for a moment.

Although he was saddened by Xia Cunyi's death, he could still accept it reluctantly.

The key point is that none of the disciples who went out with him can come back.

Those are the elites carefully selected by Yuan Chenfeng, and they are the foundation for the prosperity of a martial arts gym.

But now they are gone.

Suddenly, Yuan Chenfeng seemed to have thought of something, stood up and shouted: "Quick, go and notify Guizhi and Zhongbao and ask them to come back quickly."

The eldest disciple Yu Guizhi and the second disciple Ge Zhongbao were each leading a group of men to hunt outside the city.

Yuan Chenfeng was afraid that something would happen to them again, so he was anxious to send someone to call them back.

But after shouting for a long time, no one dared to go.


Even Xia Cunyi died, which shows how dangerous the mountains and forests outside the city are.

Although the remaining disciples were not elite, they were not stupid either, so no matter how much Yuan Chenfeng shouted, they were indifferent.

no way.

Yuan Chenfeng could only take action himself.

Just as he was preparing to go out with a sad heart, Yu Guizhi hurried back with a few people.

Yuan Chenfeng's heart skipped a beat when he saw his great disciple.

Because Yu Guizhi was covered in blood, and there was a scratch on his back that was deep enough to show bone.

As for the people who came back with her, they looked even worse.

One person even lost an arm.

"Master!" Upon seeing Yuan Chenfeng, Yu Guizhi shouted sadly.

"Have you also encountered a giant ghost-faced ape?" Yuan Chenfeng's voice trembled.

"That's right, the second junior brother and I were planning to come back, but we encountered a group of giant ghost-faced apes. The leader was huge and extremely powerful. We were surrounded by them. If I hadn't fought desperately, even I might have returned. not coming."

"What about Zhongbao?" Although he had guessed the result, Yuan Chenfeng still asked with the last glimmer of hope.

Yu Guizhi said sadly: "Second Junior Brother, he was accidentally killed and died in the mouth of the giant ape."

Yuan Chenfeng's body swayed, but he didn't faint.

Someone quickly helped him.

"Master, don't be too sad. Isn't Senior Sister returning safely?" A disciple advised.

But that being said, how could Yuan Chenfeng not feel sad.

In one day, 90% of the elite martial arts disciples were lost and died in the mountains and forests.

This is no longer breaking the bones, this is uprooting the roots of Chenfeng Martial Arts School.

"I'm going to fight that giant ape!" Yuan Chenfeng roared angrily, and then became furious. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fainted from the anger.

Soon, the news about what happened at Chenfeng Martial Arts School spread and shocked the entire county.

You must know that Chenfeng Martial Arts School is one of the four major martial arts schools in the county. Although it has been outnumbered by Dingtai Martial Arts School during this period, its strength is quite strong.

But for such a powerful martial arts school, most of its disciples were lost in one day, and the two direct disciples all died.

Not only that, just on this day, more than a dozen disciples of Guangrui Martial Arts School died, and other smaller martial arts schools or forces suffered countless casualties.

For a moment, the whole city was shaken.

At this point, people finally believed Lu Dingtai's previous warning, and those who had been about to go out of the city to get a vote have all calmed down.

In Renyong Martial Arts Hall, Shang Tiefeng was filled with joy after hearing the news.

"Jingnian, it's a good thing that I listened to your advice before becoming a teacher and didn't act without permission. Otherwise, the one who would be in trouble now would probably be our Renyong Martial Arts School."

"Yes, Master, Yuan Chenfeng is greedy by nature, and he brought this outcome upon himself. It's just a pity for those disciples." Nie Jingnian sighed.

Regardless of Yuan Chenfeng, those disciples are all innocent.

They were all a group of passionate men in their prime, but they died in the mountains and forests because of their own selfishness. How can we not feel sorry for them.

Shang Tiefeng was also filled with emotion.

After leaving his master, Nie Jingnian hesitated and went straight to Dingtai Martial Arts School instead of going home.

The guarding disciples of the martial arts hall all recognized him and knew that he was good friends with his master uncle Shen Dao and his junior master uncle Zhao Ya, so they did not stop him and let him go directly.

He did not go to find Zhao Ya at home because he knew that Zhao Ya must be in the martial arts gym at this time.


In the training ground of Dingtai Martial Arts Hall, Nie Jingnian saw Zhao Ya.

At this time, he was teaching people to practice martial arts.

Nie Jingnian didn't bother him and just waited quietly in the distance.

"Your boxing technique is wrong. You have speed but not enough strength. Just imagine how lethal a fist like this would be when it hits a person? Keep practicing your strength. When will you gain strength? Let’s pursue speed again.”


Zhao Ya pointed out the shortcomings of these people one by one and gave them some advice and corrections.

The disciples nodded sincerely, their faces full of respect.

Nie Jinnian watched this scene from a distance, feeling a little amused.

Because almost all of these disciples are older than Zhao Ya, some are even over thirty years old, but they don't even dare to raise their heads in front of Zhao Ya, and they have to call him "junior uncle". It's really disturbing. People laugh.

At this time Zhao Ya came over.

"Why are you so free today?"

"Do you know about Chenfeng Martial Arts School?" Nie Jingnian went straight to the point without any courtesy.

"Yeah, I heard about it."

"Do you have any idea?"

"What thoughts can I have?" Zhao Ya chuckled, "The news has been told to them in advance. If they don't listen, who can they blame?"

"I'm not talking about the Chenfeng Martial Arts School, but what do you think of the sudden appearance of these ghost-faced giant apes? I heard that one of them has even reached the peak of the Four Realms." Nie Jingnian asked very seriously.

Zhao Ya's expression also became solemn.

"After you and I broke into the crypt and saw the giant-winged blood bat, I felt that something was wrong with this beast wave, so it is not surprising that a strange beast at the peak of the four realms appeared."

"Then do you think the county can survive this time?" Nie Jingnian suddenly asked.

Zhao Ya was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know."

"If everyone can unite as one, we will definitely be able to survive this beast wave, but you also know that that is absolutely impossible."

Nie Jingnian left worriedly.

After he left, Zhao Ya also returned home.

"Hey, Brother Xiaoya, did you come back so early today?"

"Well, I came back early today because I had nothing to do. How are you practicing your palm skills and sword skills?" Zhao Ya asked.

"It's pretty good. I feel like it gets more interesting the more I practice."

"Practice it once and let me see."

Zui'er immediately started practicing, while Zhao Ya watched from the side and nodded secretly.

In the past few days, he had been busy with the martial arts school and hadn't paid much attention to Zui'er.

But it can be seen that she is not lazy and practices every day.

"Brother Xiaoya, how's my practice going?"

After finishing training, Zui'er raised his little face, looking like he was about to praise me.

Zhao Ya laughed and felt that his heavy mood had relaxed a lot.

"Well, good practice, keep up the good work."

"Hehe, I know! Brother Xiaoya, are you thirsty? I just made the sour plum soup and it's being chilled now. I'll pour you a bowl to try."

Zui'er left happily.

After a while, a bowl full of sour plum soup was brought.

Zhao Ya picked it up and took a sip. It was indeed sweet and sour, very refreshing.

After drinking a bowl, Zhao Ya felt that the anger aroused by trivial matters during this period was gone.

Zhao Ya perked up and blurted out: "It's great!"

Then he gave Zui'er a thumbs up and said, "It tastes really good!"

Zui'er smiled so hard that his eyes turned into crescent moons.

What she likes most is when Zhao Ya praises herself.

After giving the bowl to Zui'er, Zhao Ya calmed down for a while, then took out the last piece of fifth-grade dried meat, threw it into his mouth, and started practicing his daily homework.

Now Zhao Ya's eight-step Vajra Kung Fu has reached its peak.

After reaching this state, there is no need to stick to fixed movements. Even if you just stand there, you can achieve the same effect just by trembling the muscles of your body.

However, Zhao Ya was still used to performing moves.

While practicing these movements, Zhao Ya felt his heart calm down.

After the Vajra Kung Fu comes the Longevity Kung Fu.

These eight movements were much more complicated than before, but with strong muscle memory, Zhao Ya still completed all the movements flawlessly.

After practicing, Zhao Ya suddenly felt a warm current rushing through his body, and then a line of prompts appeared.

[The spleen is unlocked and you get the talent: Shengqingjingshui]


When the panel is opened, the human body outline has changed.

Next to the unlocked stomach, the fog covering a horseshoe-shaped organ gradually receded, and then a warm brilliance lit up the place.

Zhao Ya felt that his stomach and intestines felt more comfortable than ever before.

Some of the dregs hidden in the folds of the stomach caused by the grinding of dried meat were now wrapped in a warm stream of blood and quickly melted.

The entire intestines and stomach take on a new look, and the speed of transporting Qi and blood is significantly accelerated.

If the previous Shuigu essence was just for digesting dried meat and absorbing the qi and blood nutrients, then now with this Shengqing essence, not only the absorption capacity has been improved to a higher level, but also the transportation of qi and blood, and the regulation of water and dampness. All have made leaps and bounds of progress.

To put it bluntly, this talent is equivalent to applying an upgrade patch to the previous stomach.

In fact, when unlocking it before, Zhao Ya discovered that the progress of unlocking the spleen was obviously much faster.

This should be related to the inseparable relationship between the spleen and the stomach.

After all, there is some overlap in functionality between the two.

At this time, Zhao Ya opened the skills panel.

Name: Zhao Ya. Age: 19 years old. Remaining life: 211 (+61 days) years

Skill: Eight Parts of Vajra Longevity Skill (20% to the highest level)

Five Tiger Fist (reaching the peak of 99%)

Gust Sword Technique (peaked at 98%)

As light as a swallow (peak: 99%)

Breath Condensation Technique (peaked at 88%)

Big monument smasher (Skilled 3212/5000)

King Kong Fist (Integrated Mastery 1989/2000)

Golden Body Technique (Proficiency 1149/5000)

[Kidney unlocking progress: 87%]

The remaining life span has exceeded the two hundred years mark.

You must know that this lifespan can only be achieved by those Five Realm warriors who have successfully exchanged blood.

In addition, martial arts skills such as Wuhu Fist, Guangfeng Sword Technique, etc. are on the verge of breakthrough.

But there is always just one thing missing from being promoted.

Zhao Ya knew that this was probably due to the lack of an opportunity. After all, reaching the top would mean returning to one's original nature.

What is needed at this time is not proficiency, but whether your understanding of this martial arts has reached a new level.

Only by simplifying the complex, summarizing it, and making new expansions can it be possible to advance.

That's why Zhao Ya has been teaching martial arts to his disciples in the martial arts hall during this period of time.

This is also a comprehensive summary of the martial arts I know.

In addition, the kidney unlocking progress has reached more than 80%. Even if the progress will be slower due to the absence of level 5 dried meat, it can still be successfully unlocked in a month or two at most.

I just don’t know if I can give myself a month or two for this upcoming beast wave!

Zhao Ya was sighing when he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the city gate in the distance, and then he heard someone shouting in great fear.

"Alien beasts are attacking the city!"

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