Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 143: Alien beasts siege the city, solid walls and clear fields

Upon hearing this shout, Zhao Ya reacted almost instantly.

"Zui'er, take the things you prepared earlier and go to the martial arts hall immediately to find the master."

While speaking, Zhao Ya had already returned to the house and took out all the practical items such as the poison hand crossbow.

"Brother Xiaoya, where are you going?" Zui'er asked eagerly.

"Go to the edge of the city and see what's going on!" Zhao Ya said calmly.

"Then...be careful!" Zui'er looked worried.

Zhao Ya smiled when he saw this, "Don't worry, if I want to run away, no one in the county can keep me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Ya jumped up to the roof, and then disappeared after a few dodgers.

Zui'er followed Zhao Ya's instructions, picked up the baggage that had been prepared in advance, and went to Dingtai Martial Arts Hall.

Although they lived only a stone's throw away from Dingtai Martial Arts Hall, Zhao Ya still let Zui'er go to the Martial Arts Hall just to be on the safe side.

Lu Dingtai was in charge there, and it was the safest place in the entire county.

At the same time, Zhao Ya had already rushed to the city wall and jumped to the top of the city tower.

After entering the tower, it was empty.

The dozen soldiers responsible for guarding the city were hiding in the corner and shivering.

In fact, it's no wonder they were there. Among the dozen or so soldiers, the youngest one must be over fifty.

On weekdays, it was okay to open and close the city gates to maintain order, but in such an emergency, there was no hope at all.

Zhao Ya ignored them and went straight to the lookout and looked out. He saw black shadows shaking in the darkness, and the mountains and forests in the distance kept shaking.

At the same time, many strange beasts have gathered under the city wall, and they are swimming back and forth, as if they are waiting for something.

"Who discovered it first?" Zhao Ya asked in a deep voice without looking back.

At this time, there were several people at the lookout entrance, all of whom were young warriors. Zhao Ya was asking about them.

"Go back to Mr. Zhao, I was the first to discover it." One of the men said respectfully.

"Oh?" Zhao Ya looked back at the man and felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Do you recognize me?" Zhao Ya asked.

"Master Zhao is such a noble man who forgets things. Didn't you save Senior Brother Pan and me in the mountains and forests before?"

Zhao Ya suddenly realized, "You are from the Baibu Martial Arts School..."

"Yang Ping, this is my junior brother Jiang Zhong!" The man pulled the person next to him, and the two of them clasped their fists and saluted Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya waved his hand, "No need to be polite, how come you came to the city tower and found traces of strange beasts?"

"Back to Mr. Zhao, our Baibu Martial Arts School is closest to the city gate, and since the last incident in the forest, Senior Brother Pan has always been worried, so he sends people to guard the city tower every night. It happens to be my turn tonight. With Jiang Zhong." Yang Ping said.

After hearing this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Unexpectedly, a person who was saved at that time would play a big role now.

At the same time, some martial arts schools closer to the city wall also heard the news and came over.

Baibu Martial Arts School is naturally among them.

Pan Xuexian carried a long bow on his back and climbed up the tower. When he saw Zhao Ya was there, he couldn't help but feel happy.

However, this was not the time to chat and reminisce, so he just nodded to Zhao Ya, and then came to the lookout to observe carefully.

After looking at it for a while, he frowned slightly.

"Did you see anything?" Zhao Ya asked.

He knew that archery masters like Pan Xuexian generally had extremely sharp eyesight and could see details that ordinary people could not see.

"These strange beasts under the city wall have been just roaming around. Although the mountains and forests in the distance cannot be seen clearly, there should be a large number of strange beasts hidden. Such a large group of beasts gather together but do not launch an attack. They are so What do you want to do?" Pan Xuexian asked doubtfully.

"Are you waiting for the opportunity?" someone said.

"Don't be ridiculous. This is a strange beast and not a human being. How can it have such a high IQ? If you are still waiting for the opportunity, you can just say that they are arranging their troops." Someone refuted.

But Zhao Ya's expression became more serious.

Because he actually always had this guess in his mind.

If these strange beasts were attacking in a chaotic manner, Zhao Ya was relieved.

What I'm afraid of is the current situation of not speaking out.

"It's a pity that we can't see what's going on in the mountains and forests in the distance." Zhao Ya sighed.

He had thought about making a simple telescope before, but found that there was no usable crystal near Yunxiao County.

As for glassware….

This world does not have such advanced glass smelting technology, and the glass produced has very poor transparency and cannot be used at all.

In desperation, I had to give up.

After Pan Xuexian heard Zhao Ya's words, he took off the long bow from his back, and then pulled out a special arrow from the quiver. The arrowhead was round and contained liquid.

After igniting it with a fire stick, the arrowhead will burn like a huge torch.

Then Pan Xuexian stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, pointed it at the distant mountain forest, and shot out.

With a whoosh, the arrow shot out like a shooting star, breaking through the darkness and streaking over the mountain forest.

The mountains and forests they passed became much clearer under the illumination of arrowhead torches.

Although it is still very vague, it is enough for a master of Zhao Ya's level.

At a glance, he could see many beast-like beasts hidden in the mountains and forests.

There are many types of jackals, tigers and leopards.

But at this time, these strange beasts were all dormant in the mountains and forests, not moving.

At this moment, a sharp cry suddenly came from the night sky, and then a huge bird flew past at an extremely fast speed, its wings fanning just above the arrow.

With a snap, the arrow was smashed into the forest, and everything returned to darkness.

"It's a flying beast!" someone exclaimed.

Flying beasts are very rare, and they are extremely difficult and terrifying. If encountered in the wild, they are extremely dangerous.

"Fortunately, there are not many of these flying beasts, and they all have a strong sense of territory and will not appear in groups!" Someone said thankfully.

At this time, more and more people gathered on the tower.

Shen Dao and Miao Shaocheng also came.

"What's the situation?" Shen Dao asked when they met.

"Besieging the city without attacking it, that's the situation." Zhao Ya said.

While they were talking, someone suddenly shouted: "Back off, they are back off."

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough, it was true.

The herd of beasts that had been cruising under the city wall gradually retreated into the forest and disappeared.

As the herd of beasts dissipated, the tense atmosphere in the tower also relaxed a lot.

Many people were relieved.

Someone even laughed and said: "Isn't it stupid to see these strange beasts? I guess they saw so many people here and knew they couldn't defeat them, so they were scared away."

But Zhao Ya didn't feel relaxed at all, but his expression became more solemn.

Of course he would not think that these strange beasts were scared away.

Moreover, this group of strange beasts retreated in an orderly manner, and there were even vague shadows of an army.

This made Zhao Ya even more worried.

Shen Dao naturally saw Zhao Ya's worry and couldn't help asking, "Is there any way?"

Zhao Ya shook his head.

He is not a god.

These strange beasts are clearly waiting for the opportunity, and will attack in a big way after they have accumulated enough strength.

This situation is simply not something that an individual can change.

Unless a master from the Five Realms comes forward, it is possible to influence the situation of the battle.

Shen Dao couldn't help but fell silent when he saw this.

Perhaps the dignified aura of their fellow apprentices infected the others, so the warriors in the tower gradually closed their mouths and stopped talking.

Pan Xuexian heard the conversation between Zhao Ya and Shen Dao just now. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it anymore and asked.

"Master Zhao, what do you think? Can you tell me for everyone's reference?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, you are smart. If you have any ideas, just tell us and let everyone listen!" someone echoed.

"We all listen to you!" Someone simply expressed support.

Nowadays, as Zhao Ya's reputation is growing, his status in the minds of the warriors is also rising.

Many people looked at him expectantly.

Zhao Ya pondered for a moment, and then said: "The retreat of this wave of alien beasts is by no means the end. I speculate that they are also waiting for the opportunity, so we must not take it lightly."

"In my opinion, starting from today, all our martial arts schools should send people to guard the towers. This is the first priority. After all, if a few junior brothers from Baibu Martial Arts School hadn't discovered the situation in time today, we might all have suffered. "

Everyone had no objection to this and agreed with a loud voice.


"That's how it should be!"

"Our Zhenshan Boxing Gym will have the first vigil tomorrow!"

While shouting, Zhao Ya continued: "The second thing is outside the city. With the cover of the mountains and forests, strange beasts can easily hide, so they must be eliminated."

"When it's daytime, I'll lead the team. All the martial arts schools will send more people. Let's clear the mountains and forests within two miles outside the city wall first, so as not to give the strange beasts a hiding place."

Naturally, everyone has no opinion on this.

So after some discussion, they left first.

After Zhao Ya said a few words to Pan Xuexian and others, he also returned to Dingtai Martial Arts Hall.

After meeting Lu Dingtai, Zhao Ya told what happened, and Lu Dingtai frowned slightly after hearing this.

"These beasts still have such discipline. It shows that there must be powerful and intelligent beasts commanding them."

Zhao Ya nodded, "This is what my disciples guessed, so I decided to build up the walls and clear the fields first, cut down the forest outside the city, and try to force out the command beast as much as possible. As long as it is destroyed, the pressure will be greatly relieved." "

"Okay, just do what you want."

With Lu Dingtai's support, Zhao Ya brought dozens of disciples from Dingtai Martial Arts School to the city gate after dawn.

At this time, people from major martial arts schools also arrived.

All parties gathered together, then opened the heavy city gate and began to cut down the trees outside the city.

For these warriors, cutting down trees couldn't be easier.

Sometimes there is no need for a knife or axe, and the tree can be chopped down with just one strike of the palm.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the progress was very fast.

But at this moment, a martial arts disciple suddenly felt an itch on his face.

He scratched it nonchalantly, and then howled miserably the next second.

By the time Zhao Ya arrived, the disciple was already rolling on the ground, his cheeks swollen like watermelons, and he was howling miserably.

At the same time, he also exuded a sweet smell.

The martial artist's fellow apprentices pressed hard on his hands and feet, controlling him not to scratch.

Zhao Ya quickly walked closer and found an inconspicuous small wound on the young warrior's cheek.

But even this small wound caused his face to swell up, and something seemed to be squirming faintly inside.

Zhao Ya was startled. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the young warrior suddenly roared loudly, jerked his arm away, and grabbed his face with all his strength.

There was a pop.

The transparent skin was scratched, and dozens of black bees flew out from inside.

Zhao Ya's expression changed drastically, "Get away quickly!"

But it was too late. The closest brothers were instantly surrounded by black bees, and then they also howled miserably like the young warrior.

The other black bees pounced on the crowd, and some of them even pounced on Zhao Ya.

But as soon as they got closer, these black bees fell to the ground.

At the same time, Zhao Ya dodged and secretly transported poison, and finally succeeded in poisoning all the dozens of black bees to the ground.

Looking at the people on the ground at this time, their skin had already ulcerated and they were dead.

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