Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 144: Scolding Fang Qiu and looking down on the wealthy family

"Where did this black bee come from, and why is it so poisonous?" Someone gasped.

"It should be some kind of rare alien beast. The eggs are attached to the forest trees. Once someone comes into contact, they will hatch in their bodies and then spread rapidly."

Zhao Ya put on gloves and inspected the body and came to a conclusion.

Many people's faces changed.

I thought this mission would be easy, just cutting down trees and clearing part of the forest, but I didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing.

The key point is that this is different from fighting with real swords and guns.

At least you can take precautions against real sword and gun fights in advance. You might get hit by this thing even if you don't even know what's going on.

And once he is attacked, his death will be extremely tragic.

I wonder who is not afraid.

"Then Master Zhao, what should we do now?" Someone swallowed hard and asked fearfully.

Zhao Ya threw away his gloves and looked at the forest ahead.

At this time, this lush forest is swaying in the wind, the branches and leaves are rustling, and the chirping of insects and birds is endless. It seems to be full of life.

But Zhao Ya understood that beneath this lively appearance, there was actually endless murderous intent.

The group of strange beasts last night were obviously much more cunning and powerful than I imagined, and they actually knew how to leave an ambush in the mountains and forests.

It is obviously impossible to move on at this time.

Just because you are not afraid of these poisonous bees does not mean that others are not afraid.

So he could only exhale helplessly.

"Withdraw first."

The people retreated in embarrassment with the bodies of these people.

The family members of the deceased came over after hearing the news and cried bitterly.

The martial arts school to which he belonged sent people to offer kind words and comfort.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Ya's face looked a little gloomy.

Then someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Zhao Ya turned around and saw that it was his second senior brother Shen Dao.

"Don't blame yourself. Everyone knows that dealing with the beast tide will lead to death, and no one will blame you." Shen Dao said.

Zhao Ya shook his head, "I don't blame myself, I just feel a little angry."

Shen Dao was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"This tide of beasts is clearly targeting the entire county. Why do the government and the wealthy families hide behind and only let us warriors rush to the front?" Zhao Ya said coldly.

Shen Dao was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that his junior brother would actually be angry about this matter.

"This... maybe we warriors are used to it!" Shen Dao said with a bitter smile.

In recent years, whenever something happens in the county and city, the major martial arts schools have always taken the initiative to solve it. Over time, everyone has become accustomed to it.

Even the warrior himself didn't feel there was anything wrong with this.

After all, isn't the purpose of practicing martial arts to protect the safety of one party?

But Zhao Ya didn't think so.

When he went to the Shang Mansion to find Shang Luoluo, he wanted to ask the county governor Shang Jingchuan to come forward, but he was rejected.

The reason was made very clear by Shang Luoluo at the time. The government had no intention of intervening in this matter. It would be best if the power of the warriors could be weakened by this beast tide.

At that time, Zhao Ya returned without success. After he came back and reported it to his master, Lu Dingtai, even he was accustomed to this incident and did not think it was too outrageous.

But Zhao Ya always felt aggrieved.

Because he told Shang Luoluo at that time that this beast wave was probably extraordinary and could not be defended by warriors alone.

At that time, Zhao Ya almost said that the eggs were wilted under the overturned nest.

Shang Luoluo also agreed to persuade his father.

But after so many days, the government remained indifferent, which shows that Shang Luoluo's persuasion did not work.

The government forces headed by Shang Jingchuan are still dreaming of enjoying the benefits of being a fisherman.

But they never thought that if something went wrong this time, the entire county would be destroyed.

As for those wealthy families, they usually make a lot of plans, let alone this time.

But Zhao Ya was unwilling to spoil this group of people.

He watched silently as the family members collected and carried the body away, then turned and left.

This time he went straight to the government office on Lion Street.

The guard in front of the door naturally recognized him and knew that he was Junyan, a young man who had been in the limelight recently. Even the county guard valued him, so he did not dare to stop him and let him in after informing him inside.

After walking around for a while, when he saw the county governor Shang Jingchuan, Zhao Ya didn't show any politeness and went straight to the point: "Your Excellency, the governor, I am here for the beast tide."

The smile on Shang Jingchuan's face did not diminish at all, "I asked you to shout out to Nephew Zhao, I know you have been busy with the beast tide recently. To be honest, I have always wanted to help, but It’s so helpless that I can’t do anything.”

Speaking of this, Shang Jingchuan sighed and said helplessly: "Although I am the governor of Yunxiao County, in fact, I have neither soldiers nor generals under my command, and only have a little authority to allocate food and grass."

"The only people who can be mobilized by me are the dozens of personal guards in the government office. If you don't mind nephew Zhao Xian, you can take them all away. I will pay a sum of money in my own name to pay for this time. The beast tide has done its part.”

Zhao Ya didn't say a word, just watched Shang Jingchuan complain quietly.

It wasn't until he finished speaking that Zhao Yafang said, "Are you done?"

Shang Jingchuan's expression changed, "Nephew Zhao Xian, you don't believe what I said?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it. The Sheriff enforces the law impartially and has a clean mind. He is indeed praised by others. But what you did this time is really unethical."

"What's the meaning?"

"People don't do secret things. You and I are both smart people, so don't beat around the bush. You want to use this beast tide to weaken the power of our warriors, but do you think you can regain power in this way?"

The smile on Shang Jingchuan's face gradually faded away.

Because Zhao Ya didn't play his cards according to the routine at all, and no one in the general management field would talk like this.

These key words hit the point, even he couldn't resist.

He couldn't help but re-examine the young man with bright eyes opposite him.

"Could Nephew Zhao Xian be threatening me?" Shang Jingchuan said calmly.

"Of course not." Zhao Ya shook his head, "I just want to tell the governor a few things."


"First of all, the intensity of this beast wave will be unprecedented. I even suspect that there are traces of human manipulation, because the behavior of the beast herd is so abnormal."

Zhao Ya briefly told the strange movements of the beasts last night and the ambush in the mountains and forests today.

Shang Jingchuan listened silently.

"Then what?"

"Then, under such a strong beast tide, if your government wants to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, and ultimately reap the benefits, it is destined to be an illusion, because the situation in front of you cannot tolerate the slightest restriction or carelessness. It's the danger of overthrow. Of course..."

Without waiting for Shang Jingchuan to speak, Zhao Ya continued.

"Does the Sheriff think that the cavalry stationed in Bolingyu can rest easy? In fact, this is a big mistake. Not to mention that the garrison leader Wei Hongbin is despicable. In terms of the current situation, if this team The cavalry is stationed in the county and refuses to leave, what should you do?"

"He dares!" Shang Jingchuan sneered, "Wei Hongbin was born in a general, how can he not know the King of Yan's method? If he really does that, will he still have his head?"

"The King of Yan's method..." Zhao Ya couldn't help but chuckle.

He finally knew what the biggest problem with people like Shang Jingchuan was.

This kind of person is obviously still living in his own fantasy.

Nowadays, chaos has emerged in the world, and the separatist trend of the world's heroes has gradually become clear. Many places, such as Wuxiang City, have not known the king's fate for many years. Who will take this so-called King of Yan's law seriously?

Maybe he was offended by Zhao Ya's attitude.

Shang Jingchuan's face turned pale, "Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Zhao Ya showed no mercy and nodded: "Yes!"

"Humph, you are young, I don't blame you, but have you ever thought about it, even if Wei Hongbin has evil intentions, why does he still dare not enter the city after being stationed in Bolingyu for so many years?"

"Because you control his food supply!" Zhao Ya said helplessly.

"Yes, the power of food and grass supply is in my hands. I understand that even Wei Hongbin can't change the situation."

Now that Zhao Ya had spoken out, Shang Jingchuan simply stopped hiding it and spoke very straightforwardly.

In his idea, he would rely on the tide of beasts to weaken this group of warriors who never paid attention to the government, and then use Wei Hongbin's garrison to drive away the tide of beasts. Finally, he would profit from it and gain actual control of the county.

This skill of driving away tigers and devouring wolves is perfect.

But Zhao Ya just sneered when he heard this. He was too lazy to show mercy to Shang Jingchuan, so he said it directly.

"Master County Sheriff, you are the county guard sitting in the government office in the city, but if the rebels enter the city, do you think you will still be there?"

This question goes straight to the soul.

Shang Jingchuan was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Ya stood up and said, "To be honest, I didn't expect that at your age, Mr. Juncheng, you are not as mature as your daughter Luo Luo. Do you think you can act unscrupulously with the power of allocating grain and grass in your hands?"

"The cavalry of Wei Hongbin listened to you in Bolingyu, but once they enter the city, there will be food and grass everywhere. Do they still need to obey your orders then?"

Shang Jingchuan's face gradually turned pale.

"Then why would he..."

"Because there are many martial arts forces in the county, and when these martial artists unite, even he, Wei Hongbin, has to weigh it. Therefore, the three parties can always maintain this delicate balance."

Zhao Ya directly told the key.

Shang Jingchuan fell into a chair, his face pale and silent.

Zhao Ya ignored him.

He knew that people like Shang Jingchuan read too much and really thought that reality was just like what was written in the books. He could command thousands of armies with tokens and arrows, and he would be invincible.

In reality reality is never that simple.

Because real power is always cruel.

To put it bluntly, it means awe.

Shang Jingchuan relied on the supply of grain and grass in the city to take advantage of Wei Hongbin. Wei Hongbin obeyed and did not dare to complain at all. Of course, it was not Shang Jingchuan who was afraid, but the grain and grass in his hands.

Once Shang Jingchuan took advantage of the opportunity to enter the city and took possession of the prosperous land of the county city, Shang Jingchuan's power would naturally cease to exist.

At this time, Zhao Ya rushed behind the screen and said, "Miss Luoluo, you have been listening behind the screen for so long and you still don't want to show up?"

A silver bell-like laughter came from behind the screen, and then a charming woman appeared, it was Shang Luoluo.

"It's not that the little girl refuses to show up. She is really fascinated by Mr. Zhao's wonderful analysis just now."

Shang Luoluo's eyes were indeed filled with wonder and admiration.

She really couldn't figure it out.

How could a young man who only turned twenty years old after the Chinese New Year have such a keen and clear understanding of the situation?

Especially the sentence about the three parties maintaining a weak balance made Shang Luoluo secretly amazed.

"Miss Luoluo is joking. You must have had these thoughts as well."

Shang Luoluo shook his head, "Yes, there is, but it's not as clear as Mr. Zhao."

After saying that, she turned to look at her father.

"Father, you have heard what Mr. Zhao just said, so it is better not to have those unrealistic ideas. It is true that we unite with Mr. Zhao and the others as soon as possible to ensure that the county can survive this crisis safely. . You don’t want to see people all over the city in ruins.”

Shang Jingchuan had gradually regained consciousness at this time and smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

"I know, I was a little naive as a father before."

As he spoke, he sat up straight and looked at Zhao Ya with a solemn expression.

"The government can fully support you, but it's not enough for us alone."

Zhao Ya nodded, "Of course, those wealthy families cannot stay out of the matter. I will go find them next."

Shang Jingchuan sighed, "Then you have to be prepared for failure. After all, those wealthy families are different from me. They all have a way out. At worst, they will abandon the city, so they may not be willing to take action."

"How will you know if you don't try? And at this time, do you think they can still get out of the city?" Zhao Ya sneered.

"you mean……."

"I don't mean anything. It's just that this beast tide has polluted the mountains and forests. There must be ambushes on the roads. It's not that easy to leave now."

After saying that, Zhao Ya turned around and left.

Shang Luoluo suddenly stopped him, "Wait a minute."

"What else can Miss Shang do?" Zhao Ya stopped and asked.

"I'll go with you. After all, I know all the wealthy families in the city. They have to give me a little favor when I go there." Shang Luoluo brushed his hair from his ears and said with a sweet smile.

Zhao Ya thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll bother you then."

After leaving the government office, Zhao Ya took the lead and asked, "Where does the Zhu family live?"

Shang Luoluo was a little surprised, "Master Zhao plans to attack the Zhu family first?"

"Yeah! No?"

"Okay, okay, but the Zhu family is very powerful. I heard that they have connections in the capital, but it's a tough nut to crack."

"No matter how hard it is to chew, you have to chew it!"

The reason why Zhao Ya chose to attack the Zhu family first was because some time ago, the batch of cloth armor materials stolen from Yongsheng Cloth Village was sold to the Zhu family.

Presumably he should have made cloth armor hidden in his home at this time.

Although this thing is less capable of dealing with swords, it is perfect for dealing with the poisonous bees in the mountains and forests today.

Shang Luoluo brought Zhao Ya to the Zhu family and met Zhu Zihao, the head of the Zhu family, smoothly.

This is a middle-aged man with a big belly, who looks very rich and kind.

After seeing Zhao Ya and Shang Luo, he greeted them with a smile.

"Luoluo, is this Young Master Zhao who has been in the limelight recently?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhu, this is Master Zhao Ya," Shang Luoluo introduced.

"Hey, I already know what happened outside the city today. You are running for the sake of the people in the city. It is really admirable. My Zhu family is willing to give three thousand taels of gold to help, how about it?"

Before Zhao Ya could open his mouth, Zhu Zihao had already spoken first, and he had three thousand taels of gold in his mouth, so he was very generous.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ya shook his head.

Zhu Zihao laughed, "Is it too little? Then five thousand taels of gold and a batch of dried meat. This is the greatest sincerity of my Zhu family."

The words also reminded Zhao Ya not to be too greedy.

Zhao Ya said: "Master Zhu has misunderstood. I am not here to ask for money."

"Oh? What do you want?"

"Bujia." Zhao Ya said these two words very calmly.

Zhu Zihao also became quiet and stared at Zhao Ya with a pair of toad-like eyes.

After a long time, Zhu Zihao suddenly laughed.

"Blame me, blame me. Why didn't I expect that the batch of fabrics stolen from the Ning family was recovered by you, Shao Xia Zhao?"

"It's a pity that you're late, Young Master Zhao. I have already sent that batch of cloth armor materials to the capital, and they haven't stayed in Yunxiao County at all."

Zhao Ya didn't speak, just looked at Zhu Zihao coldly.

Zhu Zihao stood there with a smile on his face, but gradually, the smile on his face gradually stiffened, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He also has the second level of cultivation, but it was purely for the purpose of strengthening his physique. He has never been in actual combat. How can he compare with the momentum of a fourth level warrior like Zhao Ya who fights with swords and spears.

At this time, the guards around him also noticed something strange and were about to step forward.

Suddenly, Zhao Ya said: "Master Zhu, does he know that this wave of beasts has polluted the mountains and forests? Even if you want to leave, it will probably be difficult."

Zhu Zihao's expression changed wildly, "Are you threatening me?"

"Whether it's a threat or not, the Zhu family will find out by sending a few people out to test it." Zhao Ya said coldly.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Zhu Zihao's face.

The reason why he was so calm and calm before was that he felt that the worst he could do was abandon the city and leave. Why would he have to live and die with this county.

But now Zhao Ya's words ruthlessly shattered his illusions.

"Of course, if Master Zhu insists on leaving, I won't stop him. It's just that it's thousands of miles away from the capital, and it's hard to predict what will happen on the way."

After saying that, Zhao Ya stood up and left.

At this moment, Zhu Zihao suddenly called him.

"Wait a moment!"

"What else does Master Zhu have to do?"

"I suddenly remembered that there is a batch of leftover cloth armor in the warehouse, about three hundred pieces, is it enough?"

Zhao Ya smiled slightly and said, "Five hundred."

Zhu Zihao gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll search again and I should be able to get enough."

"Thank you very much, Master Zhu."

After saying that, Zhao Ya took Shang Luoluo and left.

As soon as he walked out of the Zhu family's door, Shang Luoluo looked at Zhao Ya and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhao Ya was a little confused.

"The way you bargained just now looked like a profiteer."

"Haha, if you continue to rape, you can still have these wealthy people rape you?"

"To be honest, I didn't expect that Zhu Zihao would actually give you face like this. Five hundred cloth armors. Now his Zhu family is bleeding a lot." Shang Luoluo said with a smile.

"He didn't give me face, but gave face to all the martial arts schools in the city."

"Now, almost all the martial arts schools in the city have been united into one place. This force is so strong that even these wealthy families, let alone the Zhu family, will have to bow down if they are tied together. And I am here this time to represent all the people in the city. Warrior, tell me, does he dare not to bow his head?" Zhao Ya said calmly.

Looking at the young man in front of him who scolded Fang Qiu and looked down at the wealthy families in the city, Shang Luoluo suddenly felt a little dazed.

"Are you listening?" Zhao Ya couldn't help but asked strangely when he saw that Shang Luoluo hadn't spoken.

"Ah... Listen, listen, let's go, let's go to the next house and try to make all the wealthy families in the city bleed before dark."

Don't think that the attitude of these wealthy families is unreal. Think about the time when Li Zicheng's army surrounded BJ City, Chongzhen raised military pay, and his father-in-law was so rich that he could only rival the country. In the end, he was only willing to pay 30,000 taels of silver, and he kept crying about poverty. After the city was broken, his family alone was tortured out of millions of taels of silver.

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