Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 172 A visitor from outside the city, an old smoking man


Shen Dao responded, and then rushed in with a group of people.

Others stayed.

Zhao Ya turned around and looked at the group of cavalry outside the door, with a sneer on his face.

Zhao Ya had discussed it with his second senior brother before coming, and he would be the main leader.

Zhao Ya gave full play to his own advantages, lighting fires everywhere and making a big splash.

After all, with Zhao Ya's speed, if he wanted to leave, few people could stop him.

But looking at the swarming cavalry, Zhao Ya had no intention of leaving.

He shouted to the people behind him: "Are you all ready?"

"Ready!" The group of people shouted in unison, and then they all took out something like a water gun.

"Point to the sky, aim at the heads of these cavalry, and release!"

Zhao Ya was afraid that these untrained warriors would get excited and spray kerosene on him, so he warned them.

However, he still underestimated the abilities of these warriors.

Compared with complicated fist and kick routines, this kind of activity of aiming at the target and pulling the trigger couldn't be simpler.

In an instant, the pungent kerosene was sprayed into the sky, and then fell on these cavalrymen like raindrops.

During this period of time, Zhao Ya was not idle at all. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also processed a large amount of kerosene.

This thing is cheap and easy to use, and it played a huge role when the beast tide attacked the city last time.

This time, in order to deal with Wei Hongbin and his group of cavalry, Zhao Ya thoughtfully prepared a large amount of kerosene as a meeting gift.

But this alone is not enough. When the beast tide attacked the city last time, everyone relied on the strength of the city wall to use the kerosene easily.

Now that he and Wei Hongbin were fighting hand to hand in the city, this advantage was naturally gone.

So Zhao Ya followed the method of Huo Tianxiao, the leader of the third village in Qingzhuling, and made many kerosene guns.

Although this thing is limited in materials, its power can only hit seven or eight meters at most, and its failure rate is extremely high, making it basically a one-time consumable.

But Zhao Ya didn't expect this thing to be very powerful. As long as it could spray out the fire oil and cover the desired area, it would be considered a success.

At the same time, this group of cavalry also noticed something was wrong.

"It's kerosene!"


The quick-thinking cavalryman turned his horse's head and wanted to run away.

But as I said before, the street in front of the government office is very narrow, and so many cavalry gathered together to block the road.

So these cavalrymen couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Upon seeing this, some cavalry simply abandoned their horses and tried to escape on foot.

But it was too late.

Zhao Ya raised his hand and threw a fire seal.


Before the fire broke out, the oil vapor in the air had already ignited the whole place.

Raging flames soared into the sky, and then the screams of these cavalrymen could be heard in the firelight.

The sound was so tragic that it was unbearable to hear.

There was even a look of unbearable expression on the faces of some warriors.

Although the two sides are in a hostile relationship.

But fighting to the death with real swords and guns, being burned alive by fire is really too cruel.

But Zhao Ya was not moved at all.

It's not that he has a hard heart, it's just that the battlefield is like that.

Not to mention someone's cruel methods, Zhao Ya believed that if Wei Hongbin's people had kerosene, they would use it even more unscrupulously than he did.

Don't just kill the first culprit. From the moment these cavalry followed Wei Hongbin into the city and acted arrogantly, they could not stay away.

After all, people can't just take advantage and then say it has nothing to do with them when it's time to take responsibility.

At the same time, the tragic scene of the group of cavalry being burned alive in front of the government office shocked the entire battlefield.

The smell of roasted meat filled the air and was nauseating.

Many guards showed fear on their faces, and some even began to retreat quietly.

On the contrary, the morale of the warriors was greatly boosted.

Suddenly, the situation on the battlefield began to change bit by bit.

In the past, the guards relied on the government's geographical advantage to block the attacks of the warriors, but now this advantage is gradually being leveled.

But it is not easy to capture the government office. After all, Wei Hongbin has many martial arts experts under his command.

These people are basically trained according to military methods. Although their realms are generally not high, mostly around the second and third realms, because the training methods are close to actual combat, their combat capabilities are extremely strong.

They are especially good at forming formations and fighting together, and their power is astonishing.

Fashionable Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming had also attacked from the left and right sides. The three parties joined forces and started a fierce battle between the front hall and the back house of the government office.

But because Wei Hongbin had been setting up here for a long time, even if the three parties worked together, they still could not break into the back house.

As a result, the two sides turned from the initial fierce battle into a stalemate.

Zhao Ya wandered around the battlefield like a ghost, taking action from time to time to harvest the lives of these military masters.

But these people are Wei Hongbin's die-hard confidants, the best among the best. Even so, they still fight to the death.

Not only that, Zhao Ya's previous idea of ​​forcing Wei Hongbin out of the back house of the government office has not yet been realized.

Even though he asked Pan Xuexian to shoot rockets and fire oil into the back house several times, the fire was often quickly extinguished as soon as it started.

Zhao Ya knew that Wei Hongbin had obviously prepared a lot of sand in the back house for fire extinguishing.

For a moment, Zhao Ya actually felt like there was nothing he could do.

Although the gate of the government office was breached, if Wei Hongbin could not be captured, all efforts would be in vain.

He chopped off a strong man from the Third Realm with one strike, and then quietly came to Shang Tiefeng's side.

"Uncle Shang, we can't go on like this."

Shang Tiefeng waved his swords, forcing back a battle formation that had been blocking him, and then said in a deep voice.

"Yes, although these guys are not strong, they are good at the joint attack technique in the army. Plus, they are all brave and not afraid of death. They are really difficult to deal with."

"I plan to go to the back house to explore the way." Zhao Ya said in a deep voice.

Shang Tiefeng was shocked, "No, this is too dangerous!"

Shang Jingchuan and Shang Luoluo mentioned more than once that Wei Hongbin built the back house of the government office like an iron barrel for his own safety, with traps everywhere inside, and ordinary warriors would die if they entered it.

Although Zhao Ya's strength was amazing, Shang Tiefeng still felt that doing so was too risky.

"Changes will happen later. If Wei Hongbin is not captured or killed by daybreak, then our operation will be considered a failure. And don't worry, Master Shang, I have my own sense of proportion. After I go in, I will temporarily let Master Shang You take charge."

After saying this, without waiting for Shang Tiefeng's response, Zhao Ya flashed his body, detoured around the battle formation composed of these strong men in the army, and flew towards the back house from the side.

When Jin Zhenming saw this scene, he couldn't help but retreat to Shang Tiefeng and asked in a low voice: "What did Xiaoya do?"

"He said he was going to explore the back house."

"Confused, how could you let him take this risk?" Jin Zhenming said in shock.

Shang Tiefeng glanced at Jin Zhenming and said, "It's as if if I don't let him go, he will listen to me."

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly find a way to defeat these battle formations, and the main thing is to rush into the back house to support the small cliff." Shang Tiefeng said.

The two joined the battle group again.

And while the fierce battle was going on in the government office, Nie Jingnian and Yu Guizhi were also fighting to the death at the south gate.

Nie Jingnian's eyes were all red, his swords were dancing like the wind, and he wanted to chop Yu Guizhi alive with one strike.

If she hadn't deceived him and opened the city gate, he wouldn't be in this situation now.

She is the culprit of everything.

Now that he has another chance to redeem himself, one can imagine how desperate Nie Jingnian was.

In comparison, Yu Guizhi was a little distracted.

She had already learned about the death of her master Yuan Chenfeng, and at the same time she could faintly hear the cry of killing coming from the city, and her heart was in chaos.

Now that Yuan Chenfeng is dead, Chenfeng Martial Arts School exists in name only. With no backer, if Wei Hongbin is knocked down again, you can imagine his fate.

So Yu Guizhi had to think about his retreat.

Coupled with Nie Jingnian's aggressive attack now, this made Yu Guizhi want to retreat.

At this moment, a bang was heard on the tower, and then someone shouted: "Brother Nie, the tower has been captured!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Guizhi was even more frightened and ran away regardless of whether the news was true or not.

But how could Nie Jingnian let her go?

Before he came, he swore a poisonous oath that he would chop off Yu Guizhi's head, otherwise he would never give up.

At this time, of course Yu Guizhi did not dare to run into the city, so he turned around, jumped off the city wall, and ran towards the mountains and forests outside the city.

Nie Jingnian followed closely and jumped down from the city wall.

Then the two of them rushed into the forest, one behind the other.

Yu Guizhi was so depressed that he couldn't help shouting: "Nie Jingnian, you have to be merciful and merciful. Now the south gate is yours. Do you have to kill them all?"

Nie Jingnian sneered repeatedly, "Yes, I am going to kill them all today."

As he spoke, he tightened his grip and stabbed Yu Guizhi's vital part with the knife.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Yu Guizhi was also angry.

In terms of strength, she is superior to Nie Jingnian. She was just absent-minded before, but now once she takes it seriously, Nie Jingnian immediately feels strong pressure.

But Nie Jingnian didn't care about any of this at all, and he didn't even care about Yu Guizhi's palm attack on him. He was trying his best with every move, and it was a style of fighting that would lead to the same death.

This momentum successfully shocked Yu Guizhi.

Of course she didn't want to die with Nie Jingnian, so she muttered something crazy, then turned around and ran towards the mountains.

Just at this moment, two old men came out of the forest.

The two of them were wearing coarse cloth clothes, wearing cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles, and carrying large pipes and pots in their hands. They looked exactly like old farm men.

Not only that, the two people looked exactly the same, except that one held the pipe pot with his left hand and the other with his right hand. When they stood together, it was like there was a mirror in the middle.

You can imagine how weird it was when two old men suddenly walked out of the forest late at night.

But at this time, Yu Guizhi couldn't care less.

These two old men blocked her escape, so she ran and shouted.

"Get away!"

One of the old men grinned when he heard this.

"Is this Yunxiao County doll so rude to you?"

As he spoke, he slowly raised the pipe pot in his hand, picked up the fire sickle hanging on his waist, slowly lit the fire, and then started smoking.

At this time, Yu Guizhi had already rushed forward. When he got closer, Yu Guizhi suddenly noticed something. His pupils shrank instantly, and he swallowed back the curse words that were on his lips. Then he turned back, trying to avoid the two old men.

But it was too late. The old man smoking waved his hand lightly, and the pipe pot in his hand hit Yu Guizhi's forehead at an incredible angle.

With a muffled beep, Yu Guizhi's head was smashed to pieces, and her brains burst out and she died.

Then the old man exhaled a puff of smoke leisurely and grinned at Nie Jingnian, who was not far away.

"Baby, please ask, is this the county seat of Yunxiao County?"

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