Although it was just a simple question, Nie Jingnian felt that the hairs all over his body stood up.

Five realms!

And he is the strongest among the five realms!

You must know that although Yu Guizhi is only in the fourth realm, his strength is quite good because of his extraordinary talent.

This is why Nie Jinnian still couldn't do anything to her after fighting with her for a long time.

But such a well-known strong man in the four realms was not as good as a child in front of this old smoking man, and his head was smashed directly.

Thoughts were surging in his mind, and Nie Jinnian secretly increased his vigilance. His muscles tensed up and he took half a step back.

"That's right, it's Yunxiao County. The two seniors came here late at night. What do you want?"

"Haha, it's fine as long as it's Yunxiao County. I said it would be closer if we take a small road." The old man holding the pipe pot in his left hand said very proudly.

The old man holding a pipe and pot in his right hand smiled at Nie Jingnian and said, "Baby, don't be nervous. The two of us are here from the capital to do something. You are a good baby, we won't kill you."

Saying this, without waiting for Nie Jingnian's response, the two men straightened up and flew far away in an instant, heading straight for the city gate in the distance.

Nie Jinnian was shocked.

No need to ask, these two people must be the masters Wei Hongbin invited from the capital.


This matter must be told to Master and Zhao Ya as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Nie Jingnian turned around and ran towards the city without caring about Yu Guizhi's body.

But with his speed, how could he catch up with these two old men.

Before he could run into the city, the two men had already arrived in front of the government office.

But they were not in a hurry to enter. Instead, they stood on the top of an arrow tower and looked down.

"Two and a half-steps are in the fifth realm, and the rest are warriors in the third and fourth realms, so there's nothing to worry about." The old man holding the pipe in his left hand said calmly.

The other old man didn't say anything. He knocked the pot of tobacco in his hand, crushed another pot of tobacco leaves into it, took a few puffs of cigarette, and then said.

"With such a small amount of power, is it enough to ask us two brothers to come over?"

"There is no way, who let us enjoy the worship of the Wei family? We can eat people with short mouths and be soft-handed. Let's solve these things quickly and then go back." The left-handed old man responded.

The old man on the right nodded, and then took the last puff of his cigarette.


Just as the two of them were about to jump down, they suddenly saw fire bursting out of the back house of the government office, and the sound of killing was heard.

The two were stunned for a moment, then changed their goals and headed straight to the back house.

They knew very well that the direct descendant of the third room of the Wei family, Wei Hongbin, who invited the two of them to come, must be in the back house at this time.

He is the priority.

If he makes any mistakes, the two of them will lose face.

Therefore, the two old men did not hesitate at all, and arrived at the back house in a few leaps.

At the same time, in the back house.

Zhao Ya was fighting with a group of martial arts experts in the army.

Behind him, the ground collapsed and the walls were covered with arrows, apparently caused by triggering a mechanism when he entered.

But this trick may be useful to other people, but it is too childish for Zhao Ya.

You must know that Zhao Ya had studied the trap technique intensively at the beginning, but later because of the limitations of this thing, he put it aside temporarily, but his ability is still there.

Therefore, when faced with these traps and ambush, Zhao Ya can avoid them in advance with ease.

This was also the reason why he dared to break into the back house alone.

At this time, he used the kerosene he brought with him to ignite several fires, thereby attracting the attention of a large number of people.

In this way, the pressure on myself will be much less.

But even so, after being surrounded by these specially trained strong men in the army, even those as strong as Zhao Ya felt a little bit of difficulty.

Those who can be left to guard the back house are the most elite and strong men, most of whom are from the third realm, and the leaders of each team have the strength of the fourth realm.

Coupled with his tight battle formation coordination, Zhao Ya's progress inevitably slowed down.

But under this situation, Zhao Ya still did not panic. Instead, he deliberately created a great momentum in order to lure Wei Hongbin out.

In fact, his strategy did work.

In the central area of ​​the back house, which is the back study room of the government office, Wei Hongbin's face was as sinking as water, and he looked very calm, but the worry that flashed in his eyes from time to time still betrayed his true inner thoughts.

"Have you not caught the person who broke into the back house?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Return to the commander, not yet."

"Trash, they are just a bunch of trash." Wei Hongbin angrily scolded.

No one dared to speak.

Everyone knows that Wei Hongbin's mood is very unstable right now, so no one dares to touch this bad luck.

"Normally, the top guy will brag and talk about how great he is, but at the critical moment, he'll just brag." Wei Hongbin scolded angrily.

The captain in charge of guarding the back house looked aggrieved.

"Commander, we have surrounded that kid, but unfortunately this guy is as slippery as a loach. We won't be able to catch him for a while, but don't worry, I promise..."

Just when the captain was about to pat his chest and ensure that Wei Hongbin's safety would not be a problem, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

Then I heard a sound of exclamation coming into the study.

"Collapse, collapse!"

"The wall is down!"

Then the cry of killing suddenly became clearer, as if it was already close at hand.

Wei Hongbin turned pale and quickly walked to the window. Then he saw smoke and dust in the distance. It seemed that the high wall connecting the back study to the front yard had been knocked down.

Wei Hongbin could no longer sit still. Although he pretended to be calm, the hands in his sleeves were trembling slightly, showing the fear in his heart.

"Come here, escort me to evacuate!" Wei Hongbin said in a deep voice.

"But Lord Commander, the situation outside is chaotic. If you go out like this, wouldn't it be more dangerous?" The captain in charge of guarding the back house persuaded bravely.

When Wei Hongbin heard this, he became furious and slammed the vase at hand.

"Then what do you mean? Do you want me to stay here to catch turtles in a jar? You bunch of losers, hurry up and take someone with you to escort me out of the secret passage at the back."

Naturally, the government office also has a secret passage that can lead directly to the streets outside.

After Wei Hongbin moved in, he slightly modified it and turned it into a secret escape route.

The captain was hit by a vase. Although nothing happened, the fragments still scratched his cheek.

Even so, he didn't dare to make any move. He could only hold his fists and say, "Yes!"

At this moment, a person's laughter suddenly came from outside.

"What a fierce doll, it's quite interesting."

Then I heard another person say: "Master Wei, don't panic, I, Shi Dong and Shi Xi, are here to protect your safety on the orders of the head of the Wei family."

After hearing this, Wei Hongbin, who was originally full of fear, couldn't help but feel reassured.

Because he knew that these were the reinforcements from the capital that he had been waiting for.

He has also heard of the names of these two brothers, Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqu. They are top masters worshiped by the family and are extremely powerful.

Once they arrive, it can be said that the situation is set.

Ever since, Wei Hongbin swept away the gloom just now and laughed.

"Wei Hongbin is here. I'm very grateful to you two seniors for arriving in time. I will be very grateful to you when this group of rebels is wiped out."

These words are very clear.

As long as Zhao Ya and others can be eliminated, he, Wei Hongbin, will be grateful.

Shi Donglai, the old man carrying the pipe and pot in his left hand, narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Then he looked at the young man in front of him who was holding a long knife and looking at him warily, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I really didn't expect that there is such a talented person in this Yunxiao County. He has achieved the Half-Step Five Realms at a young age. If time passes, his future will be limitless."

This sigh comes completely from the heart.

You must know that the two Shi brothers are already fifty-three this year. They only achieved the Half-Step Five Realm twenty-three years ago, when they were thirty years old.

As for the five realms, it was only achieved eight years later, at the age of thirty-eight.

This is already considered fast.

I didn't expect that today in Yunxiao County, I would meet a Banbu Wujing who was about 20 years old. You can imagine the shock in my heart.

Zhao Ya didn't speak. He just looked at the pair of old men in front of him coldly, silently regulating his energy and blood, and the muscles and veins all over his body slowly tightened like clockwork.

He knew that what he was going to face next might be the most difficult and dangerous battle since time travel.

Because the pair of old men in front of them are both genuine five-level experts, and judging from their aura, they seem to be slightly stronger than Wang Tiancheng of the Golden Sword Academy.


This is also related to age. After all, Wang Tiancheng is only in his twenties this year. Even if he is extremely talented, it is difficult to compare with Shi Donglai and Shi Donglai who have worked hard for decades and accumulated countless experience.

But the more this happened, the calmer Zhao Ya became.

The qi, blood and organs in the body seemed to sense that a war was coming and became active.

The powerful heart beats slowly like a drum, and the qi and blood stored in the liver are ready to go.

Zhao Ya's entire state was adjusted to its peak.

Compared to his intense preparations for the battle, Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqiu looked unconcerned.

Even after Shang Tiefeng, Jin Zhenming and others entered the back house and met Zhao Ya, they didn't say anything.

"Interesting, he is indeed a young man, and he is brave enough. Looking at this, are you planning to start a fight with us two brothers?" Shi Xiqu said with a smile.

Zhao Ya was not moved by the words at all, and slowly locked the Qi of the two of them.

Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming behind him were no exception.

They have more experience than Zhao Ya, so they can naturally see how extraordinary these old men are.

But they did not persuade him, nor did they back down. They just silently walked to Zhao Ya's side, ready to take action together.

At the same time, in a restaurant a street away, Wang Tiancheng, Xu Nianran, and Gu Chaoyue were also observing the situation on the battlefield.

When they saw the brothers Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqiu, the expressions of Wang Tiancheng and the others changed.

"It seems that the Wei family really values ​​Wei Hongbin, and actually sent these old men out. Now, Zhao Ya and other warriors have no hope anymore." Xu Nianran shook his head and sighed.

Gu Chaoyue said nothing, but a look of gloating flashed across her eyes.

She had long disliked Zhao Ya.

A warrior from a small place, relying on his talent, dared to refuse the invitation of the capital sect face to face. Isn't this arrogance?

Although this matter had nothing to do with her, she just couldn't stand Zhao Ya.

In her opinion, this Zhao Ya would never become a great person if he acted on his own initiative.

And the fact was just as she expected, the two brothers Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqi were considered to be the number one figures in the capital.

If Zhao Ya encounters them today, he will definitely die.

Wang Tiancheng also looked solemn.

He originally thought that if he knew someone from the capital, he could mediate and help Zhao Ya.

But what he didn't expect was this pair of old men. Wang Tiancheng knew that the Shi brothers were extremely difficult to deal with, and they didn't buy anyone's face. Even if he intervened, it would probably be difficult to end it, so he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Yes, this group of warriors will definitely lose this time. I just hope that Zhao Ya can judge the situation and escape from here."

Based on the speed of Zhao Ya's movements that he had seen, if he used all his strength, he might not be able to escape from the hands of the Shi brothers.

This was Wang Tiancheng's only thought.

At the same time, in the battlefield, Shi Donglai glanced at the street in the distance with some surprise and muttered.

"It's strange. They seem to be people from the Golden Blade Academy. What are they doing here?"

"Don't worry about them, they are probably just passing by. Kill this kid first, and then deal with the others." Shi Xi said.

Then he tapped the ground with his toes and shot towards Zhao Ya like an arrow from a string.

The person is still in the air, but the pipe pot in his hand has already arrived in front of Zhao Ya.

The whole process was almost at its peak, leaving no chance for anyone to react.

This is how Yu Guizhi died under their cigarette pot.

But at this almost impossible time, a knife suddenly appeared in front of the pipe pot.

The blade is jet black and made of meteorite iron.


There was a huge clang of gold and iron.

Zhao Ya was sent flying several feet away and somersaulted several times in the air before the force of the blow was relieved.

Even so, Zhao Ya still felt soreness in his wrist and numbness in the tiger's mouth, which showed the power of this blow.

But the one who was more shocked than him was Shi Xiqu.

He never expected that Zhao Ya could avoid his fatal blow.

His face instantly became a little confused.

"Good doll, take another move from me."

With that said, Shi Xi went and pounced again, this time the attack was even more fierce than before.

But Zhao Ya did not choose to accept it this time.

At this time, although Zhao Ya was shocked by the strength of these old men, he was already much calmer.

The reason why he took the blow just now was to verify his strength.

The result reassured him.

Although these old men are indeed very strong, incredibly strong.

But he was not completely powerless to fight back.

At least in terms of reaction speed, he is almost the same as them.

This also gave Zhao Ya a chance to fight.

When Shi Xiqu attacked in anger, Zhao Ya ducked lightly. While dodging the attack, he slashed out with the knife in his hand, directly under his ribs.

The sword light was like the wind, coming towards him.

Shi Xiqu also felt a hint of threat, but he did not dodge.

Because at this moment, another pipe and pot stabbed out diagonally, just blocking Zhao Ya's knife.

"You're such a vicious baby, if you are allowed to continue to grow, you will become a disaster, so...go to hell!"

Shi Donglai said calmly, and then countless sparks burst out from the pipe pot, hitting Zhao Ya's door directly.

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