
Chapter 1157: robbery

This is the experience and lessons he has slowly summed up since he used Tianyantong these days, as well as some reflections and insights.

The magical power is indeed powerful, but it can ignore time and space, it doesn't matter whether it is near or far, it doesn't matter whether it is the past or the future, as long as you want to see it, you can see it.

You can see the past, know the cause and effect, see the future, and know the trajectory of your destiny, so you can turn it around and change its trajectory.

He felt the power of fate, a power to correct deviations, forcibly sending fate back to its original track.

Sometimes it takes a lot of hard work to really change its trajectory, especially the death calamity. It is really difficult to change.

Just like Chu Ling, how long did it take to really get rid of her death, and now she has to watch it two or three times a day to avoid going back to the old way.

But death is not the same as death.

Some are just a thin line, and a little change can turn a crisis into a safe place, while others are sure to die, and no matter how they change, they cannot be avoided.

Chu Ling is a mortal situation, so there are many difficulties.

At the beginning, Li Ying's death was separated by a thin line. If there is a slight change, it will be resolved directly, and will no longer be corrected.

He gradually realized that between heaven and earth, there is the power of life and death, and it is also a kind of yin and yang.

Sometimes the death force is tyrannical, and it takes a lot of strength to defeat it, and sometimes the death force is weak, and it can be defeated with a little force.

This kind of insight gave him a deeper understanding of heaven and earth, and at the same time, his cultivation has also advanced a lot.

Through insight, he now finds that the death of an individual is like this, but the catastrophe between heaven and earth is different.

The catastrophe of the heavens and the earth is more powerful, and it is more difficult to change the result.

Forces in all directions are correcting deviations, and their own changes are insignificant, and it is difficult to completely change the general trend of the future.

So the trend is irreversible.

Fighting with big Gan, Da Yong and Dayun is the general trend, and the unification of the world is also the general trend.

I don't know if Dagan and Da Yong Dagan have been separated long enough. When the time comes to reunite, he faintly feels that it is not good.

The unification of the world is not a good thing in my opinion, but the general trend is probably developing in this direction.

However, within the time frame that Tianyantong could see, the three dynasties were still fighting, and they had not yet been able to unite.

I don't know how many people will die during this time.

I tried my best to try to change this general trend, but it was really unpredictable whether it would be better or worse in the end.

It will take thousands of years to prove whether this result is good or bad, and we can't see that far for the time being.

Right now, you can only follow your heart.

"Master." Xu Qingluo floated down lightly, bringing a faint fragrance and fresh air, and her bright eyes looked at Fa Kong.

When she lowered her head to pull weeds, she looked up and glanced at Fakong from time to time, and suddenly saw confusion in Fakong's eyes.

She was greatly surprised, jumped up without hesitation, and landed in front of Fa Kong: "But what's the matter?"

Fakong looked at her and smiled.

Xu Qingluo said: "Is there something difficult? Let's hear it."

She became more and more certain that Fa Kong had something on her mind and something that was difficult to resolve.

Fa Kong said: "Zhao Qianjun's death, I'm thinking about whether to dissolve it or not."

"Zhao Qianjun? The head of the Tianhai Sword Sect?" Xu Qingluo said, "If he dies, will he be in big trouble?"

If this is not the case, the master will not care about Zhao Qianjun's life or death.

Fa Kong nodded lightly: "After death, the Tianhai Sword Sect will get out of control and become completely chaotic, causing chaos in the world."

"No one can control the Tianhai Sword Sect?" Xu Qingluo raised her head and asked, "Could it be that the emperor can't do it?"

Fakong shook his head.

"Then... what about Senior Sister Leng?"

"Neither." Fa Kong shook his head.

If Leng Feiqiong didn't worship herself as a teacher, it would be fine, but once she worshipped herself as a teacher, she completely lost her prestige in the minds of the disciples of the Tianhai Sword Sect.

Except for a very few loyal ones who are still secretly following, most of them disdain or even hate her, and it is impossible to listen to her.

This is also one of Leng Feiqiong's goals of worshipping himself as a teacher, and it can be regarded as a complete cut off of the relationship with the Tianhai Sword Sect.

In this way, the emperor is at ease, and the ministers are also at ease.

Otherwise, if the former head of the Tianhai Sword Sect stayed in the palace to blow the pillow wind, wouldn't the Tianhai Sword Sect be the only one in the family, can you rest assured?

"If Senior Sister Leng is not good either... What about Sister Song?" Xu Qingluo said, "As Zhao Qianjun's favorite, she should be able to borrow Zhao Qianjun's prestige, right?"

Fakong shook his head.

Xu Qingluo frowned: "No one in the Sea Sword Sect had enough prestige that day to be able to turn the tide at a critical moment?"

"They are not convinced by each other." Fa Kong said: "The Twelve Meridians were originally filthy, but once there was no one who suppressed them, no one would be convinced by the other."

Now I only control one hundred and twenty top masters, and with one hundred and twenty top masters, I can indeed control the overall trend of the Tianhai Sword Sect.

But now they are all in Zhenlongyuan, there is no way to go back within two months, and Zhao Qianjun's death is imminent, and the chaos is also in front of him.

"The group of dragons has no leader, and they are in disarray, and they will have crazy actions, will they attack the outside world?" Xu Qingluo said: "Some attacked the Six Paths of the Demon Sect, some attacked us, and some attacked the Shenwu Mansion?"

Fa Kong nodded.

Xu Qingluo's Void Embryo Sutra is not practiced in vain, her thinking is extremely fast, and her eyes are deep and straight to the core.

"In this case... if he dies, the trouble will be big." Xu Qingluo frowned and said, "You can only save him."

Fakong smiled.

Xu Qingluo looked at him: "But Master doesn't want to save him, because this guy really hates him."

Fa Kong smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter." Xu Qingluo said: "If you need to save it, you can kill it anyway."

Fa Kong said: "Saving him may cause some people to be unlucky, even our Daxueshan."

"Two powers are the lesser of the harm." Xu Qingluo said: "If you can't kill it if you save it, then you really have to be cautious, but he is not that strong, and the master can kill it if he wants to. It's not too late to kill him in a way to prevent Tianhaijian's derivation."

Fakong nodded lightly.

Xu Qingluo's bright eyes flowed, and she said with a chuckle, "Master, are you because of Sister Song?"

Fa Kong gave her a sideways glance.

Xu Qingluo said with a smile: "With Sister Song, you can control Zhao Qianjun, and you can control the Tianhai Sword Sect. If Zhao Qianjun dies, you can't really control the Tianhai Sword Sect."

Fa Kong snorted: "I don't have that much ambition."

"Yes." Xu Qingluo smiled tenderly: "Master doesn't want to control, but wants peace in the world."

"Go to work!" Fa Kong waved his hand.

Xu Qingluo smiled softly, as light as a white cloud drifted across the lake and fell back into the medicine garden in the distance.

Fa Kong was thoughtful.

Song Yuanyuan was indeed a factor he considered.

Xu Qingluo is getting smarter and understands her master better.

As soon as Zhao Qianjun died, the Tianhai Sword Sect disintegrated, and it was difficult to find someone with enough prestige in a short period of time.

The control over the Tianhai Sword Sect was completely dissipated.

So Zhao Qianjun can't die.

However, his previous confusion was not about killing Zhao Qianjun, but about his own approach.

What you have done is to eliminate the catastrophe and benefit the world's peace, or will it create a bigger catastrophe?

Therefore, Tianyantong has to continue to deepen and see farther.

But if you want to deepen your Heavenly Eyesight, you need enough faith and willpower, and you still need to save a lot of people.

Song Yuanyuan was pacing in her own vihara, admiring the blooming clusters of flowers.

The flowers in the outer courtyard of Kongo Temple are extraordinarily beautiful, not only lush, but vibrant and dazzling.

The same kinds of flowers bloom the same, but when the flowers from other places are placed together with the flowers in the outer courtyard of Kongoji Temple, they will involuntarily look at the flowers in the outer courtyard of Kongoji Temple.

The flowers in the outer courtyard of Kongoji Temple seem to be shining, the colors are extraordinarily bright, and the vitality is extraordinarily full.

After getting close, you will be inexplicably happy and moved, intoxicated and addicted.

Song Yuanyuan was inexplicably moved when she looked at these flowers, and her mood was extraordinarily light and quick.

She thinks this is also a kind of practice.

The state of mind of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess Gong is not blindly calm, not cold, but cold, clear and agile, just like a fish in an ancient well.

The heart is in a clear environment, but oneself must be agile, not stiff and sluggish, but it will be unpleasant.

After she gave birth to this kind of insight, the power descended from the void could not help but become more pure, agile, and faster.

The flow of breath in the body is faster and more calm.

She felt that her cultivation had risen a bit.

When she was in the midst of joy, she suddenly raised her brows, turned her head to look in the direction of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and her eyes fell on the lotus pond.

After thinking about it for a while, she walked out of the Jingshe lightly and went straight to the lotus pond in front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

"Master?" She went up to the front and came to the front of Fa Kong.

She had an inexplicable feeling that Fa Kong had something to say to herself. This feeling was strange and inexplicable, but it was clear.

She believed in the feeling.

Fakong turned his head and smiled.

Song Yuanyuan was instantly refreshed and hurriedly said, "Does Master have something to say?"

Fa Kong nodded: "Zhao Sect has a disaster tonight."

"Tonight?" Song Yuanyuan said solemnly, "But someone wants to assassinate senior brother?"

Fakong nodded lightly.

Song Yuanyuan turned her head to look in the direction of the palace.

Fakong shook his head.

Song Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is not the emperor who wants to kill the senior brother, then it is easy to say, except the emperor, other people in the world are not so easy to kill the senior brother.

Senior brother is a killer, even if he loses, he can escape with his life.

Fa Kong said: "If you want to save your life~www.readwn.com~ then leave early, and leave Shenjing before this evening, and leave without knowing it."

Song Yuanyuan nodded lightly, then frowned and said, "Master, who is going to kill Senior Brother?"

Fakong shook his head silently.

Song Yuanyuan understood that he didn't want to say it, he must be someone who had friendship with him, maybe even a master of King Kong Temple.

She smiled: "Why did the master change his mind?"

"You can't die without saving it." Fa Kong said.

Song Yuanyuan's eyes widened, her lips opened, and she finally smiled: "Master is merciful, thank you Master!"

She felt that Fakong's words were so hypocritical, and after meeting and speaking these few times, she had a faint understanding of Fakong's temperament.

I feel that Fakong is more suitable to practice the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess Gong.

He can definitely do it when he sees death.

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