
Chapter 1158: Method

Fa Kong shook his head and said, "Actually, you also understand. According to Zhao Sect's actions and its relationship with our Daxue Mountain, I really don't need to meddle in my own business."

Song Yuanyuan nodded lightly.

Senior Brother Zhao had to kill Fa Kong before, although he didn't do it in the end, but if he had the chance, he would definitely do it without hesitation.

This is already the enemy of life and death.

Under such circumstances, Fa Kong could still open his mouth to remind him that there was a life-and-death threshold, and he was indeed worthy of being called a master, no matter the reason.

Fa Kong said: "Why did you open this mouth again?"

"You can't see death without saving." Song Yuanyuan pursed her lips and chuckled.

Fa Kong laughed, shook his head and said, "Part of this is because of Miss Song."

"I—?!" Song Yuanyuan was surprised.

She never thought it was because of herself.

Fa Kong said: "For the sake of Miss Song, let's save his life for the time being, it's just a matter of words."

"...Thank you, Master." Song Yuanyuan saluted again.

Fa Kong accepted the ceremony calmly, and said, "I have already said what I should say, but if Sect Leader Zhao listens to the persuasion, then it will depend on his life."

"I will persuade my senior brother well." Song Yuanyuan said solemnly.

Fa Kong said: "You persuaded him to stop messing around. If you persuade him now, I'm afraid he won't listen."

"...I have my own way." Song Yuanyuan said.

Fa Kong nodded and said no more.

Seeing this, Song Yuanyuan did not intend to leave, but looked at him quietly.

Fa Kong smiled and turned to look at the sky, but his eyes were directed in the direction of Zhenlongyuan and fell on the people of Zhenlongyuan.

They are desperately practicing sword formations, and they are enemies with each other, surrounded by enemies, fighting in chaos.

This can increase the tacit understanding between each other, as well as familiarity with the sword formation, and a deeper understanding of the sword formation. The more you hone, the more mysterious this sword formation is.

At first glance, it seems simple, but when you go deeper, you will find that this sword formation is simple and effective, and it contains the essence of turning gorgeousness into plainness.

The more you practice, the more you will feel that the taste is infinite and the mystery is infinite, and the more you are immersed in it, it is difficult to extricate yourself. Therefore, there is no slack in spontaneous cultivation.

Fakong nodded in satisfaction.

Their level of diligence is unimaginable by others. They can have the current level of cultivation. Seven points are talents, and the remaining three points are hard work.

There are also many talented people, but very few of them reach their level, and Gein's degree of diligence is amazing.

His eyes then turned to Hu Lieyuan, seeing that Hu Lieyuan was losing his temper and angrily scolding the servants beside him.

With such a cultivation base, Hu Lieyuan will not lose his temper easily, and the ancient well is not disturbed. Losing his temper is often an opportunity to attack, and his heart has long been held in anger.

Fakong smiled.

He could see through Hu Lieyuan's anger at a glance, it was because of Zhen Longyuan's matter, and he was dissatisfied with Hu Houqing's choice.

Hu Houqing unexpectedly sent a letter to Chen Jiaolong for the harm of leaving the abyss, expressing that he wanted to live and die together with Zhenlongyuan, and that he would not let the Jiaolong come out of the abyss as long as he breathed, unless he died, the Jiaolong could leave the abyss.

Seeing this letter, Hu Lieyuan was extremely angry, but he was like a person with nothing to do. After receiving the letter, he wrote a reply letter and asked the messenger to take it back.

After the messenger left, his expression changed, and he was angrily reprimanded because the servant was walking too loudly.

Fakong shook his head.

Hu Houqing even advised Hu Lieyuan in the letter to focus on the overall situation and not to use some small means to destroy the power of Zhen Longyuan.

This made Hu Lieyuan's arrangement all void.

Hu Lieyuan valued Hu Houqing very much, and he respected, pitied and helpless.

So you can only take anger on the people around you.

Fakong's eyes moved away, and he looked at Chuxiong, the emperor of the Great Qiang.

Chu Xiong is sitting lazily in the Humble Administrator's Hall, his right hand resting on the dragon case, and his left hand is playing with a delicate and exquisite jade pendant, turning it over and over, the warm glow is like a spring flowing in it.

Standing in front of Long's case was a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, reporting in a low voice.

The Humble Administrator's Hall was silent.

A wisp of blue smoke wafted out of the two pure gold beast furnaces under Dan Qi, and scattered into various circles in the air.

"Your Majesty, it has now been confirmed that the head of Zhao went to the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple, met with Song Yuanyuan, and then left." The middle-aged Tsing Yi said solemnly: "It seems that they are falling out."

"It's a fallout..." Chu Xiong said lightly: "Real fallout or fake fallout? Isn't it just a show?"

"It seems to be true." The middle-aged Tsing Yi said: "Zhao Qianjun showed reluctance, and Song Yuanyuan, the same is true, if it is fake, there is no need to do so."

"They still have feelings for each other, but they have to fall out, don't they?"

"Yes." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi said solemnly: "There must be a powerful force forcing them to fall out."

"What is this power?" Chu Xiong asked lightly.

The middle-aged Tsing Yi hesitated.

"But it doesn't matter." Chu Xiong said.

A young voice in Tsing Yi said, "Fakong God Monk."

Chu Xiong raised his eyebrows.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, why is Miss Song in the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple? She didn't come to the door because she believed in Buddhism, but stayed in the temple to cultivate, but she was forcibly plundered by the monk Fakong."

Chu Xiong chuckled: "Fak Kong can he still do such a thing?"

"According to Wei Chen's investigation, Song Yuanyuan was forced to stay in the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple, not voluntarily."

"Hmm..." Chu Xiong smiled even more.

The middle-aged Tsing Yi said: "Song Yuanyuan is Zhao Qianjun's sweetheart. He controlled Song Yuanyuan, and then he caught Zhao Qianjun's handle. How could Zhao Qianjun dare to take action against Daxueshan? How dare he take action against King Kong Temple?"

Chu Xiong shook his head: "Then you don't know Zhao Qianjun, he will not be coerced, but will be even more angry, and he must kill Fakong."

The middle-aged Tsing Yi was surprised.

Chu Xiong smiled and said, "Look, Zhao Qianjun is about to strike a thunderbolt soon, and Faku is going to be out of luck."

"Although the head of Zhao is strong, he is God Monk Fakong..." The middle-aged Tsing Yi said hesitantly, "I'm afraid he can't deal with God Monk Fakong."

"Zhao Qianjun is so inflated now that he almost thinks that I'm not his opponent either. How can he feel that he can't deal with Fa Kong?"

"Zhao Sect did not directly challenge the Fakong monk."

"It must be a sneak attack."

"Sneak attack and plotting are invalid for the Fakung priest, right?"

"That's not necessarily true." Chu Xiong shook his head: "Divine power is not invincible, and will be subject to many constraints and restrictions. Let's see what Zhao Qianjun's means this time."

"Your Majesty, then we..."

"Just stand by and watch."

"But in case the Dharma Kong monk..."

"No matter how bad he is, it is no problem to save his life. So many life-saving tricks are all at the bottom of the box."

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi nodded.

Chu Xiong waved his hand: "Keep an eye on Zhao Qianjun and see what he is doing in Shenjing."

"Yes." The middle-aged Tsing Yi clasped his fists in awe.

Seeing this, Fa Kong smiled.

Chu Xiong sees people very accurately, Zhao Qianjun is indeed not able to be coerced, and wants to assassinate himself, but unfortunately he is resolved by himself.

Zhao Qianjun had the courage to assassinate himself for the first time, but after persuading him, he did not have the courage to come a second time.

After all, Song Yuanyuan's Jiutianxuan goddess has become more sophisticated and more beautiful, making Zhao Qianjun more addicted to her.

As Song Yuanyuan's Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess became more sophisticated, Zhao Qianjun couldn't let it go, and he had to accept the threat honestly.

And Song Yuanyuan behind her was able to improve so fast. First, she provided the full version of the secret recipe, and secondly, she adjusted the surrounding atmosphere through Xiaoxitian Paradise, so that she could be in the best atmosphere for cultivation.

There is also their own mental pressure to polish.

Three-pronged approach, do not worry that she is not diligent.

What's more, her xinxing is very suitable for the Nine Heavens Profound Goddess Gong, and the three complement each other, she is really like a duck in water, making rapid progress.

Fa Kong turned to look at Song Yuanyuan, his eyes suddenly became deep.

Song Yuanyuan endured the discomfort and looked at him calmly.

Fakong frowned and shook his head.

Song Yuanyuan said: "I failed to persuade senior brother?"

"Well." Fa Kong said: "You go to persuade directly. It's useless. He won't listen to you. The last time he listened to you, he was very dissatisfied."

"Then what can I do?"

"If it doesn't work, what will you do?"

"...I can only deceive him." Song Yuanyuan sighed, shook his head and said, "Let's deceive him out of the capital first."

"Neither." Fa Kong's deep eyes fell on her, and he shook his head gently: "I couldn't deceive him."

"Then..." Song Yuanyuan frowned and pondered: "That can only pretend that I was taken away by you? Let him chase me?"

"Neither." Fa Kong said.

Song Yuanyuan frowned and thought hard.

I have already thought of all the ways I can think of, but none of them work. Obviously, Fa Kong is using the Sky Eyesight to spy on the future, to see which way can work out, so that the senior brother can avoid this death catastrophe.

Could it be that he couldn't persuade his senior brother to help him avoid this disaster?

Fakong withdrew his deep eyes and returned to normal: "It seems that you are not successful."

"There's always a way, right?" Song Yuanyuan said hurriedly.

Her uncomfortable feeling dissipated at once, and she knew that Fa Kong had received supernatural powers.

But extremely disappointed.

He clearly knew that his brother was in danger, but he couldn't let his brother avoid it.

The first time, I told the truth, said it directly, and persuaded me earnestly, but it failed.

The second time is a lie, the third time is a lie, it is useless.

I am poor myself.

Fakong looked at her and finally shook his head: "It seems that you can't help."

"...I'll convince Elder Zhou." Song Yuanyuan gritted his teeth.

Elder Zhou was their teacher and had the best relationship with him. After his death, they regarded him as their teacher.

When Senior Brother Zhou speaks, Senior Brother can always hear a few words.

Fa Kong's eyes became deep again, Song Yuanyuan endured the discomfort and looked at him with awe.

Fakong shook his head.

"Not even Elder Zhou?" Song Yuanyuan asked.

Fa Kong said: "He insists on leaving Shenjing tomorrow because he wants to meet an important spy."

Song Yuanyuan frowned~www.readwn.com~Fa Kong said lightly: "The secret spy in the palace."

Song Yuanyuan's face darkened.

Fa Kong chuckled lightly: "Zhao Sect is worthy of being Zhao Sect Master, and Tianhai Sword Sect is also worthy of Tianhai Sword Sect!"

Song Yuanyuan stared at Fa Kong.

If Fa Kong spreads this news to the emperor, the emperor will be furious and he will be punished severely.

How will the brothers respond then?

Thinking of this, she was faintly worried.

Fa Kong said: "I can only threaten him, saying that the secret spy has been found in the palace, and I'm just going to follow the clues."

"...Okay." Song Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and nodded slowly, "Let's do it like this."

This is the only way to survive this calamity for the senior brother.

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