Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 902: It's very useful for this charming appearance

The one who has been tolerant, does not pursue, knows the general appearance.

The other, in order to prove his innocence, broke the rules again and again, making it ugly.

"Presumptuous! The Yonghe Palace in this palace is not a place for you to spoil your favor!"

Concubine De was so angry that her heart fluctuated violently, "Fourteenth, look at this Wu family. In front of the palace, she shouted loudly to his wife, very rampant. Back in the house, I don't know how to be presumptuous, let alone Saying outside the hall, a push is considered light!"

In her eyes, Wu did this thing.

Seeing that Concubine De believed it was her fault, Wu had to ask the Fourteenth Master for help.

Looking at the Fourteenth Master with teary eyes, he said, "Master, the minion really didn't push fortune, you must believe me."

Master Fourteen seems to be very fond of Wu's set.

It is very useful for this charming appearance.

Whenever he meets Wu's hooked eyes, nothing else is left behind.

A pair of piercing eyes was filled with distress.

Upon seeing this, De Fei rushed to speak harshly before the Fourteenth Master spoke.

"Fourteen, you just spoil the Wu family in the house, but this is in the Yonghe Palace in this palace. This palace only asks you a word, this year, do you still want to live it!"

Ruoyin saw Defei and Shisi Ye on the bar for the first time.

Seeing it in person now, I'm a little expectant, whoever wins.

However, looking at the fourteenth master standing in place, it seemed a bit difficult to make a decision.

Seeing Master Fourteen's delay in responding, the Concubine De concubine above was a bit unable to face her.

Before the Fourteenth had spoken, he said again: "Finally, if you feel sorry for the Wu family, take her back to your house for the New Year, and let the Wanyan family stay here with the palace."

As soon as this remark came out, the Fourteenth Master immediately said: "Emami, my son is not filial, and the backyard is improperly managed. You are worried."

Then, he gently said to the Wu family: "Wu family, you and the slave should go home first."

Hearing the meaning of this, I just didn't say "you go back to the house first, and then I will coax you after you go back".

But Wu seemed a little unwilling to sit there and didn't move.

Upon seeing this, Concubine De Concubine took a condescending look at Wu, and said displeasedly: "Fourteen, no one will be brought to this palace from now on. This palace is the lord of the first palace at any rate, not cats or dogs. , Can enter the eyes of this palace, and enter this palace."

As a queen, he is the lord of the Sixth Palace.

But there is no queen in this harem, only concubines.

Concubine Xian is the master of the sixth house.

Consort De Concubine is the master of one party, and there are many other concubines living in Yonghe Palace, so she is naturally the master of the first palace.

Wu was compared to a cat and dog by De Fei, his face flushed with shame.

A pair of watery eyes looked at the Fourteenth Master in a grievance, wanting the Fourteenth Master to support her.

But the Fourteenth Master frowned.

If Wu had gotten acquainted earlier and went out obediently, he wouldn't be humiliated by them.

However, she hasn't realized her identity yet, so she is insulting herself here.

It is impossible for him to be at odds with his mother on New Year's Day because of his concubine.

This is unlucky and it is not compliant.

So he looked straight at the Wu family, and said solemnly: "Wu family, don't hurry out."

Although the fourteenth master often used temperament in front of Concubine De, he was also a filial son.

For the sake of the concubine and the concubine, there was a small gap.

But it is impossible for a concubine to run into a mother-in-law, this is disrespectful.

Wu originally thought that the Fourteenth Master would speak for her, but he didn't want to anger the boy.

She bit her lip and went out pitifully.

But there was a burst of sorrow and grief in my heart.

I remembered last year, when she was just pregnant and didn't want to enter the palace.

But Fei Defei always clamored to see her.

I invited her into the palace every other time, wanting to see her belly, and let the minion cook her some replenishing meals.

It's better now, she can't give birth, and never wants to see her again.

It's really cheap!

De Fei glanced at Wu's back, and before she went out, she said lightly: "Fourteen, you are almost doing this."

As she said, her gaze fell on Ruoyin, "At this point, Ermian will talk about you. Look at the old fourth family, when will you bring a Gege to this palace."

Upon hearing this, Ruoyin twitched his mouth.

Ha ha, did De Fei forget.

A few years ago, Concubine De Fei took the initiative to ask her to bring the Guo clan and Wu Ya clan to Yonghe Palace.

However, in this regard, the Fourth Master never took the initiative to bring a concubine to the palace.

So in the past few years, De Fei has converged a bit.

For Na Wuya, he was only allowed to enter the palace once or twice a year, which was not as frequent as before.

But anyway, after watching a good show just now, Ruoyin felt that De Fei finally understood her mother-in-law.

And she also saw Wanyan's every move.

It seems that she has listened to what she said to Wanyan last time.

Otherwise, things will not happen today.

Just as Ruoyin was pondering, Wanyan raised his head and glanced at her.

The two concubines looked at each other with understanding, but did not speak.

On the contrary, the Fourteenth Master looked at Wanyan's tearful eyes and couldn't help but train: "Now you are always satisfied, and you are still crying here. It is not too bad for those who are celebrating the new year."

After listening to the Wanyan clan, he didn't say a word, just turned sideways, not to see the Fourteenth Master.

For Concubine De, all her hope now lies in Wanyan.

This is a heir, different from those concubines.

"You must be frightened, so why do you care about it? Besides, it's weird if a pregnant woman is pushed and joked." Seeing the fourteenth master reprimanding the Yan clan, Defei couldn't bear to protect her calf: "You have If you have the skill here, just go back and tell you that Wu family!"

Hearing this, Master Fourteen had to shut up.

After Wu Shi left, the atmosphere in the hall became much more harmonious.

Even De Fei's thoughts are all on Wan Yan's body.

But Wanyan has always been a rule-based.

While responding to the Concubine De, she would also strike up a few words with Ruoyin.

Unlike the Wu family, she was so angry that everyone wanted to surround her.

Therefore, the atmosphere this year is still relatively harmonious.

After about a stick of incense, the fourth master also returned to the temple from the elder brother's residence.

After the reunion dinner, Si Ye and Ruoyin didn't make more stops, so they took Nian's and took a carriage back to Old Summer Palace.

In the carriage, Si Ye leaned on the cushion and closed his eyes to rest.

Ruoyin was holding Tang Pozi and sitting righteously.

It was snowing outside, and the carriage was driving very slowly.

In the quiet carriage, only the rolling sound of the wheels was heard.

About half an hour later, before the carriage arrived at the Old Summer Palace, Ruoyin heard the noise coming from behind him.

Before long, the carriage she and Si Ye were riding in stopped.

When Si Ye also stopped the carriage, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Before Ruoyin asked, the car curtain was opened.

And it was Su Peisheng who raised the curtain.

He looked anxiously and said: "Master, Fu Jin, the young man Fu Jin suddenly said that his stomach hurts badly, and he looked like it was activated."

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