Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 903: He is like snow in winter

"Isn't it a few days before the due date?" Ruoyin asked.

"It's really going to be a few more days, but only these few days, early days and later nights, are all within normal time." Su Peisheng returned, he looked at Fourth Master and asked: "Master, now you Look......"

Just forget about giving birth on the first day of the new year.

But it was still on the carriage.

There is no midwife to deliver the baby, and it's freezing cold, but what a good one.

Si Ye first opened the curtain and swept the heavy snow out of his eyes, and then ordered in a deep voice, "Tell the coachman to drive slowly. Besides, you go to the midwife as soon as possible."

"Hey." After Su Peisheng responded, he hurried to make arrangements.

Then, the carriage that had stopped, went on to the Old Summer Palace.

It's just that it drove slower than before.

Ruoyin looked at Fourth Master with a gloomy face, and comforted: "Four Master, Nian’s first child is considered full-term, and he will be able to give birth to a healthy child safely. In addition, I know that I will be better after starting. It will only take a while to produce, so when we return to the garden, we still have time, it doesn’t matter."

The date of production in ancient times was not very accurate.

Early and half a month and half a month later, all within normal time.

Nian's was originally what happened these few days, but the time was too coincidental.

The man had a solemn expression, and he only gave a faint "um" before he said nothing.

Ruoyin leaned lightly on the car mat, and a faint voice of Nian's pain was heard behind him.

In fact, Nian's scream was not loud, because after all, he was outside and should be suppressed.

It's just that Ruoyin knows how painful the labor is.

If it weren't really painful, someone who pays attention to rules like Nian's would be unwilling to call it out.

After another half an hour, the carriage finally stopped at the front gate of the Old Summer Palace.

The carriage that Si Ye got off first.

Ruo Yin followed closely and walked to Nian's carriage.

Fortunately, Nian Shi had not yet given birth, so Su Peisheng ordered a soft sedan to be sent to Yanyulou.

After a while, Nian's was carried to Yanyulou.

Ruoyin and Si Ye also took the sedan chair to Yanyulou.

Nian knew that children would be born in the first month, and several midwives had been arranged in the yard.

Now when I lay down on the bed, Doctor Feng prescribed the medicine for delivery, and the midwife began to deliver the baby.

When such a big event happened, a few in the backyard, whether out of concern or gossip, came one by one.

At this time, Ruoyin and Si Ye were sitting at the top of the hall.

The few in the backyard all sat down.

One by one, seeing the gloomy face of the Fourth Master, he dared not say a word.

Even Li, who has always been talkative, sat upright.

Even drinking tea, I was cautious, for fear of making a slight movement.

Inside, one after another Nian's painful cries came.

Everyone waited quietly and waited from the afternoon until dark.

But Nian's was hanging because of the ginseng film, and because she was already young, her voice kept coming from inside, no less than during the day.

Li was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

But Si Ye did not say, she did not dare to leave first.

Just said indifferently: "It's getting dark, why hasn't Sister Nian born yet."

Can you give birth? Really!

"Sister Li is not anxious, you have given birth to several children, so one child is naturally better than one child. Sister Nian is still the first child, so it will inevitably be more difficult." Niu Colu said softly.

I was still a girl this year, and it didn't take long to serve my men. Wouldn't it be more difficult to have children?

It's like Li, the first batch of old people in the house.

Having given birth to so many children, naturally it is not so difficult.

After listening to Niu Co-Lu's words, Li wanted to talk back.

However, because Si Ye was still sitting up there.

Had to curl his mouth, drank a sip of tea to calm his breath.

At this moment, the inner door opened.

Everyone looked at the door and thought that Nian's was born.

Unexpectedly, it was one of the midwives who delivered the baby.

As soon as the midwife came out, she glanced at the room, and after she met the fourth master, she knelt down in the hall, "Four master, the situation of Fu Jin is not very good..."

"What's going on?" Fourth Master stopped twisting the beads and asked in a deep voice.

"Then...Fu Jin in the next year... should have been born long ago, but the fetus's head is so big that it is really difficult to give birth. If it continues like this, it will not be a way. Therefore, the minion dares to courage. I would like to ask you, whether to protect the adults or the children."

As he said, the midwife paused and then trembled and said: "In addition, the minion wants to remind the fourth master that the head of this child is much larger than the average newborn baby. I am afraid... Unlike ordinary people, even if they are born, they must be carefully raised..."

After that, in this winter, big beads of sweat ooze from the midwife’s forehead.

But even so, she had to put the ugly words first.

Otherwise, if you procrastinate in this way, it is likely to kill two lives.

Moreover, such a child would be difficult to feed even if it was born.

So, it's better to say everything clearly.

Otherwise, it will be their midwives who deliver babies.

Suddenly, the already suppressed atmosphere in the room became even more bizarre.

Niu Colu's eyes turned slightly in the lower part, hiding the emotions in his heart, and said with sad emotion: "Oh, sister Nian has always been healthy, how could this be the case."

Li also looked sad and wiped his mouth with his hand.

Just the corner of his mouth hidden under the handkerchief, gloating upwards.

Ruoyin didn't speak, but she was very clear in her heart.

The meaning of the midwife's words is obvious.

Nian's birth is different from ordinary people. Even if the child is born, it will be difficult to raise.

However, Si Ye's already gloomy face suddenly made people shudder from the cold.

He is like ice and snow in winter, just a look can freeze people in place.

After a moment of silence, his thin lips opened slightly, and his tone was solemn and authentic: "Then protect your lord."

"Yes." After the midwife responded, she entered the delivery room again.

Ruoyin hasn't eaten for most of the day, but it's not easy to eat snacks in this crisis.

Just pick up the cup on the table and drink some hot tea to warm the stomach.

If she had just arrived at the meeting, she would have been dumbfounded when she heard the midwife ask questions like the adult or child.

But now, she has long been used to it.

It seems that in the Qing Dynasty, where medicine is underdeveloped, this kind of problem is nothing more common for women in childbirth, just like a daily meal.

As for Si Ye's statement, she also figured it out.

If the child is born, he is healthy.

Perhaps the fourth master still has to weigh the pros and cons for Bao adults or children.

However, the midwife said that the child is different from ordinary people.

In this way, it is natural to protect the Lord.

After all, no one knows what a child is like when born.

Even if he is born, it is still a question whether he can feed him.

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