Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 120: violent means

H City Bureau.

Criminal Police Office.

"Team Luo and Team Fang are here, okay, I'll notify them right away."

The police officer who answered the phone got up after listening to the call and strode out into the corridor.

At this moment, Luo Yifan and Fang Dui were standing at the railing at the end of the corridor smoking a cigarette, and neither of them looked very good.

"Team Team! Team Luo!"

The team extinguished the smoke:

"Come on, what's the bad news?"

The old detective must have a sharp eye!

From the person's look, footsteps, tone of voice, etc., you can basically guess whether it is good or bad without listening to specific reports.


"Officer Su and the others just called. Someone sent a courier to Liu Lei's mother. It was a pot of orchids, but there were ten cut fingers hidden under the pot!"



Team Fang and Luo Yifan suddenly changed their expressions:

"Call Master, and go to the X community immediately."



When the criminal police team came over, Li Yu also came back, but no one chased after him. I asked people in the community, and they all said that he was not the guy who usually delivers the courier.

This result was expected, not unexpected.

Liu Lei has been arrested, so who sent these cut fingers over?

And what is the meaning of sending these severed fingers?

These questions can only be answered from Liu Lei's mouth.

The police are not stupid. What everyone is most worried about right now is that there may not be more than one suspect in the 'Daffodil No. 2', but a gang committing the crime!

Although Liu Lei was arrested, other people in the gang may continue to commit crimes!

The people brought by the team all stayed in the old community to investigate and visit, and Su Zhixiao and Bai Yu had already rushed back to the H City Bureau.

The identity information of these ten severed fingers must be found as soon as possible.

Since the suspect only sent the severed finger, it is very likely that the victim is still alive!

Now, time must race!

Forensic autopsy room.

The ten severed fingers have been basically completed.

"This is a child's hand!" said the forensic doctor of the H City Bureau.

Indeed, this is not an adult's finger, it is obviously a child's. Moreover, the victim's family conditions are not bad, and it looks like a hand that has been playing the piano for many years.

"There is a life reaction to the wound, and it was cut alive." Su Zhixiao said slowly.

Simply cruel!

The child is innocent, let alone such a small child, obviously less than ten years old.

"Xiaoyu, immediately screen the gene bank to see if you can find someone!"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

"Mr. Xu, are Team Fang and the others back?"

The forensic teacher of City H's surname is Xu, and the only name is Hui, who is nearly ten years older than Su Zhixiao.

"I came back before, I should still be arraigning Liu Lei."

Not everyone has entered the information in the DNA gene bank, so it may not be possible to find it.

The biggest breakthrough is still in Liu Lei.

From him, it is the fastest.

This time, Team Fang personally participated in the interrogation, prying, and prying out the information!

"Crack!" With a sound, the square team placed their palms on the table vigorously:

"Liu Lei, don't give Lao Tzu a dead pig to not be afraid of boiling water!

Confession is lenient, resistance is strict, have you heard this sentence? "

However, the person being interrogated directly closed his eyes, and did not intend to answer the questions just now.

The square team was so angry that they wanted to use violence.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room:

"Fang team, a lady who claimed to be Sister Liu Lei came and said she wanted to see you."


"Sure, I'll go take a look, you guys continue here!"


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