Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 121: the suspect's sister

In the reception room, a woman in her thirties was sitting on a chair with a paper cup in her hand. She took a sip of water from time to time, looking very anxious.

"Fang team, people are inside."

Hearing the voices in the corridor, the woman put down the paper cup and sat up.

The squad comes in:

"Hello, I'm Fang Jin, the captain of the Criminal Police Team."

The woman stands up:

"Fang team, I am Liu Zhi." He stammered.

Team Fang smiled:

"Don't be nervous, sit first."

"Well, thank you Fang team."

After the two of them sat down, Liu Zhi pursed her lips, and a little tangle flashed in her eyes.

In the end, it seemed that he finally made up his mind. He bent down and took out a few stacks of money from the old schoolbag on the ground. The bank seal had not been removed. One stack was 10,000 yuan. There were five stacks in a row. in front of the team.


Fang Dui's eyes almost popped out, and then he stood up:

"Liu Zhi, what are you doing?"

Bribe the captain of the criminal police at the police station?

Eat bear bile?

Liu Zhi was stunned by the yelling:

"Ah? This, isn't it, Fang team, all this money was given to me by Shishi."

"You mean Liu Lei?"

"Yes, just last month, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. In the mid-term, surgery is required. Even if the medical insurance can reimburse the surgery costs, we still have to pay tens of thousands of dollars. My family has two children, and his father is only As a part-time worker at the construction site, I usually sell side dishes, so how can I get so much money.

Stone later found out, and within a few days, he sent me the 50,000 yuan for the operation. "

It was also this morning that I received a call from an old neighbor saying that there was an accident at home and that Shi Shi was arrested by the police. Liu Zhi hurried back from Lin Province with the money. Once he came back, he didn't even go home, so he went directly to the city bureau. .

"Stone is a swimming coach, and his monthly salary is not much, which is enough for his personal expenses. This money is definitely not his.

Captain Fang, now I have brought all the money, my brother, can he not use it...? "

Hearing this, Fang Dui finally let go of his heart again:

"Liu Zhi, the matter of your brother is not so simple. We will also trace the origin of the money. Thank you very much for providing us with clues!"

Liu Zhi cried:

"Fang team, it's really not easy for my mother to pull our sister and brother up. My brother is really not that cruel. When he saw stray cats and dogs when he was a child, he would secretly feed them with household items."

So, how is it possible to kill someone?

The team sighed several times:

"Liu Zhi, do you want to see Liu Lei?"

"is it okay?"

"Of course, your brother won't say anything. If he really didn't kill people, the punishment can be mitigated. Can you persuade him?"

Although Liu Zhi cried again, she heard every word of what Fang Dui said clearly:

"Okay, I'll persuade him! I'll persuade him to tell the truth!"

"I'm sorry, please come with me."

In the interrogation room, the atmosphere is still frozen.

Until, Fang Jin brought people in.

"Fang team!" He shook his head.

"Let's all go out first and let the family have a good conversation with him."


Isn't this a little out of order?

However, the captain has spoken, and everyone naturally quickly put away their things and went out.

There were only two siblings in the interrogation room.

Of course, there were quite a few people standing outside watching the situation inside, and the surveillance was all on.

Liu Zhi stepped forward:


Liu Lei slowly raised his head:

"Sister, why are you here?" His voice was hoarse.

Who knows, Liu Zhi and Liu Xiulan are worthy of being a mother and daughter, and they just slap them.

A 'pop' sounded.

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