Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 13: What a coincidence, wife

It is also fair to say that the back of Xiangmanlou is said to be very deep, black and white.

Just a gym owner, I am afraid, in front of Manager Huang, it is really not enough.

He narrowed his eyes:

"Can you take a look at the surveillance cameras in the store?" asked.

Manager Huang frowned. Obviously, he was hesitating whether to agree?

"Manager Huang, what's the problem with monitoring?"

"No, no, that's all, I can't be the master, I have to ask the boss, the two police officers, you all know that most of the guests who come to our restaurant are not ordinary people. If news spreads, we will Restaurants can't do well, eh?"

The richer and richer people are, the less they like their private daily life being exposed.

Privacy is very, very important to them!

"Just ask."

This kind of thing, even the police can't embarrass others!

Although it is necessary to handle the case, it can only proceed with the consent of the boss.

Manager Huang took a few steps to the side and started making calls with his mobile phone.

Soon, the call is connected.

Before I could wait for the other side to speak first, I had already succinctly and clearly narrated what happened on the first floor:

"Boss, do you watch the surveillance?"

There was a pause on the phone, and finally a voice came over:

"Which police officer came from the city bureau?" asked.


Does it make any difference which officer comes?

Of course, the puzzlement in this heart will definitely not be really asked:

"Boss, it's Officer Fan and Officer Su." He replied.

"Is that Officer Su?"

"Yes, it is."

Manager Huang didn't hear anything wrong in the boss's tone, when he heard the boss say on the phone:

"I'll come down right now."

The phone hangs up.

Turned around and smiled again haha:

"Two police officers, our boss happened to be in the store today, and he will come down soon."

It is naturally better to hear that the boss himself is there.

However, in about two minutes, when he saw the figure of the boss coming down the stairs, Su Zhixiao couldn't control the expression on his face. He took a deep breath and his eyes widened even more. of.

Is this... a bit too coincidental?

In just one day, less than twelve hours, it was the third time we met.

If the relationship between the two hadn't deteriorated so much, it wouldn't matter how many times they saw each other, but the fact is...

"Officer Su, it's a coincidence, we meet again."


In Su Zhixiao's mind, the whole thing would be quack, but Fan Anjie sensed something was wrong and pulled Su Zhixiao's sleeve behind him.

He snapped back to his senses, the expression on his face recovered a bit, and then looked at Fan Anjie:

"Ajie, you come and ask, I will make a record."

Although Fan Anjie didn't know what happened just now, but after working together for more than two years, she knew a little bit, and Sister Su would never lose the chain on the spot.

And the reaction of Sister Su just now.... There must be something that I don't know.

"Okay!" promised, and handed Su Zhixiao the notebook and pen at the same time.

The positions of the two have also changed. Now Fan Anjie is standing slightly ahead, while Su Zhixiao is standing behind Fan Anjie to the left. He doesn't need to look directly at someone on the other side, and he is deeply relieved.

Xiangmanlou is a private property under Fu Jiyan's name. Of course, Xiangmanlou does not have more than one store. There are three in total across the country, which are located near the three major film and television shooting bases in China.

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