Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 14: It's up to our boss

So, in fact, it is to accommodate the prince's stomach.

After all, the prince spends most of the year filming in these three major film and television bases.

Fu Jiyan's perspective could only see a small corner of his wife's figure for a while, raised his eyelids, and said thoughtfully:

"I heard that the two police officers want to adjust the surveillance in our store?"

Fan Anjie nodded:

"Yes, Mr. Fu is also aware of the case of the Studio City this morning."

How could it not be clear?

They were all taken as one of the suspects and went to the police station to have their fingerprints taken.

"So, the surveillance of our store may be related to this morning's case?" The man turned his fingers and asked coldly.

"I'm sorry, the case is still in the confidential stage."

The man didn't feel anything, his fingers stopped, and his eyes turned to the person beside him:

"Manager Huang, take them to the monitoring room."

With the boss's instructions, Manager Huang certainly doesn't have to worry about anything:

"Yes, boss!"

"Two police officers, please come here."

The monitoring room is on the negative floor. When the group entered, there were still people guarding it.

"Manager Huang, what's going on?"

Manager Huang waved his hand and whispered:

"Don't ask so much, just listen to the two police officers."

Did you stand at the door without seeing the boss?

Manager Huang couldn't figure it out, why is the boss so interested today?

Did you even follow me to the monitoring room?

Both Su Zhixiao and Fan Anjie were wearing police uniforms, which was quite stressful for ordinary people.

No, I can only speak first:

"How long can the surveillance footage in the store be kept?" asked.

"How long ago did Officer Su want it?"

This seems to be... Is it difficult, how long ago did you want to have it?

Generally speaking, the shortest surveillance video will only be kept for a week, and if there are more, it will be 30 days according to national regulations.

But the surveillance video I'm looking for is more than a month old. According to Qian Bing's account, it was a meal with Wu Honglian at Xiangmanlou two months ago. At that time, I met Wu Honglian's boyfriend here, and the two even fought.

Of course, in some places, the surveillance video can be kept for a long time, from half a year to a year in many cases.

So, coming here is also a chance.

Unexpectedly, it was a bit unexpected.

"Manager Huang, if we can, we would like to see the surveillance video from two months ago."


Manager Huang's face was very condensed, and then he glanced at the boss who was leaning against the door, and then said:

"The host in the monitoring room can only keep the monitoring video for one month. If it is earlier, it must be from our boss's office."

Not to mention two months ago, even the surveillance video from two years ago can be found.

Of course, the latter words can only be passed in Manager Huang's heart.

Su Zhixiao and Fan Anjie looked at the figure leaning against the door at the same time.

The man's face seemed to tremble a little, and then he stood up straight, his hands in his pockets accustomed to, and when he looked at Su Zhixiao, it was obvious that he was deliberately laughing.

For a while:

"Two police officers, come with me."


Su Zhixiao felt a little mixed in his heart, and his face changed with the changes. Fortunately, he kept his head down, and no one noticed.

Someone's office is on the topmost floor, the third floor, with the best lighting.

After entering the door, even Su Zhixiao had to sigh at this surprisingly large office.

Office area, lounge area, billiard room, bar, and several rows of large bookcases...


Capitalists are indeed arrogant!

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