Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 149: what are you shy

To say who is Ms. Su's favorite now, there is no doubt that only the small porridge can enjoy this honor alone!

Su Zhixiao looked straight and shook his head:

"Uncle Ji, my mother seems to have never been so kind to me."


Ji Zhengguo smiled.

"Silly girl, you are your mother's daughter."

How can a mother not love her daughter?

Strict, just because I want my daughter not to take so many detours in the future!

"Okay, yes."

If you don't like your daughter, can you like your grandson?

The father and daughter chatted for a long time, but looking at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's almost time, I'm going out to buy food, girl, what kind of food does Xiao Fu like to eat?"

"Uncle Ji, why don't you ask me what dishes I like to eat?"


Ji Zhengguo stood up:

"I don't know what you like to eat, girl?"

You don't need to ask any more, okay?

As for the son-in-law, it was the first time that he came to the door. Naturally, he had to ask in advance what he liked or if he had any taboos.

Su Zhixiao acid returns to acid:

"He shouldn't have any taboos. Just do it, don't bother, and I'll go shopping for groceries. There are reporters outside."

Su Zhixiao didn't worry about letting Father Ji go out to buy vegetables or something. Anyway, Su Zhixiao was the only one in the family who didn't expose it. Of course, the matter of going out to work was his own.

If something goes wrong, who can tell?

Paparazzi reporters are crazy, those extreme fans are really crazy and crazy!

Father Ji knew that his daughter was worried about him, so he didn't refuse any more:

"to make."

"Then I'll go back to the house and change my clothes."

room, open the door.

I saw someone standing by the window talking on the phone:

"Come over in a while and drive the car away, and all the announcements have been pushed, I'm going on vacation!"

On the phone, Zhou Huan scratched his hair very much:

"Vacation? What kind of vacation are you taking at this time?"

"If you want to take a break, take a break."

"No! You've already pushed a lot of announcements before, and you can't push it any more. Also, I heard from Xiao Zheng, you don't plan to do Ke Dao's drama?"

Hearing the movement at the door, the man glanced sideways, and when he saw the figure coming in, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he waved as if calling for a puppy.

Su Zhixiao frowned, but did not go forward obediently, and opened the closet to find the old clothes.

It's just that when someone saw his wife ignoring him, he came over by himself.

It is probably: if the mountain does not come, then I will go!

The phone is still on, and Zhou Huan's bitter voice is still talking, in short, all kinds of persuasion.

The man was very impatient to hear:

"There is nothing that can't be pushed, it really can't be done, pay the liquidated damages!"

The poor have only money left, okay?

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Huan really ended the Tang monk chanting.

"Remember to come and drive the car away, those reporters, try to get it away!"

Although I haven't read the news on the Internet, I almost guessed it after listening to Zhou Da's agent's description.

Zhou Huan still wanted to say something, but obviously he had no chance, and the call had already ended unilaterally.

"Officer Su, are you going out?" he asked with a smile.

Su Zhixiao found a set of old T-shirts and jeans, and then glanced at someone:

"Can you be a little self-aware?"

Did you find the clothes and pants?

The man smirked:

"Is there anything else in your body that I haven't seen? Why are you so shy?"


"What did you say?"


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