Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 150: Professional habits, stay away from me

After the people went out, Su Zhixiao changed clothes.

It's just the clothes from five years ago, to say that the figure has not changed much.

It may be a little rounder, but the pants that were a little loose before are now tight.

Well, T-shirts are basically jumping to the extreme.

After giving birth to a child, Xiongwei grew by a whole yard, from B directly to C+.

I took two sets of clothes for a business trip before, but I always felt that I didn’t wash them in the hotel, so I threw them in the washing machine when I got home, and they must not be dry by now.

Forget it, let's wear it.


In the living room, the child was eating the fruit cut into small pieces by grandma when he saw Su Zhixiao come out:

"Mom, eat cantaloupe!"

Su Zhixiao smiled:

"Baby is so good, you eat by yourself, mom is going to go out."

The kid didn't even eat the fruit, got up, ran over and hugged Su Zhixiao's leg:

"Mommy, where are you going? I want to go too~"

Shaking and flirting.

Su Zhixiao followed and squatted down:

"Mom went out to buy some food and came back soon. It's so hot outside. Mom is worried that the baby will suffer from heat stroke when going out."

The kid pouted:

"All right!"

I couldn't help rubbing my son's fluffy hair a few times:

"It's so cute!"

Someone came out of the bathroom, still wearing pajamas, looked at this side, his pupils dilated a lot, and then stepped forward:

"Where to? I'll accompany you!" The gesture was about reaching out and pulling people.

But it was avoided by Su Zhixiao:

"No, you'd better stay at home honestly."

If you want to go out to the supermarket for a walk, it is still a question mark if you can come back well!

Just looking from the window to the gate of the community, you can also vaguely see the figure of a few paparazzi.

However, someone still hugged his waist:

"I'll make a good disguise."


Is it the one wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a mask?

But don't, on such a hot day, if you really go out like that, you won't be able to turn around 200%?

"No, I'll just go by myself!"

After pushing the person away, Su Zhixiao put on his shoes, opened the door and left.

Leaving someone standing there was very stunned for a while, until the son came to the front:

"Dad, do you want to eat cantaloupe? It's so sweet."

"Don't eat it, eat it yourself."

Also eat cantaloupe, your father wants to eat people now!

However, he did not forget to take out his mobile phone from his pajama pocket and send a message.

Downstairs, Su Zhixiao came out of the elevator and saw that Aban was already waiting.

"Madam, Second Young Master let me take you."

"No, I'll go to the supermarket outside."

"Then I'll follow Mrs.

Of course Su Zhixiao knew that no matter what he said, Aban would not leave.

"Stay away from me, professional habits, you know."


Actually, the original message that Aban received was:

'Follow your young lady, if you don't have eyes, you're welcome! ’

Who made this woman dress so tight when she went out?

Did you know that men are visual animals?

I have offered to accompany you several times because of this.

Unfortunately, it was rejected completely.

There is no way, I can only let the bodyguards stare at it, there are really those who are too long-lived, huh...

Of course, Su Zhixiao himself doesn't know for the time being that someone's idea is actually this?

To be more explicit, there really isn't.

Just a t-shirt and jeans are a little tight.

Walking on the street, there are many people who wear less and tighter clothes!

After entering the supermarket, I pulled a basket and headed to the fresh vegetable area.

Father Ji probably gave a menu, so just follow it and buy it.

After shopping, I went to the daily necessities area.

After all, I still have to stay at home for a few days. Now, there is another big man, and some daily necessities have to be prepared.

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