Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 220: How the **** did you become a dad?

Fu Jiyan had no choice but to surround the crying little guy and said to the doctor:

"Don't worry about him crying, what should I do!"

Since you are sick in the hospital, you should listen to the doctor.

It's no use crying!

Get used to it!

The child's father has spoken, and of course the doctors are not as worried as before.

After all, this is the only little great-grandson of the Fu family.

Sick children are playing around, and it is indeed difficult to teach them.

Fortunately, it wasn't his mother who brought him to the hospital today.

Otherwise, this struggle might not be able to restrain him.

"Fu Zhizhou, if you mess around, believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

Your father doesn't have such a good temper, let you mess around with it, if you can't, beat him up!

If you don't listen, beat again until you obey!

Good, finally quiet.

After a series of inspections, the child just had a simple fever, maybe he caught a cold while on the plane, and the air conditioner on it was indeed a little big.

Therefore, after getting on the bus from the airport, it means that I want to sleep, but it is actually uncomfortable.

As a child, the ability to express is definitely not as precise as that of an adult.

No, it only took half an hour, and it was so hot that I was confused by the burning.

The doctor removes the stethoscope:

"Mr. Fu, why don't you go out and talk."

In front of children, try not to talk about injections and medicines, so as not to make people cry.

Fu Jiyan nodded, and then gave Zhou Huan a wink.

Zhou Huan stepped forward and hugged the little guy:

"Small porridge, come here, Uncle Zhou hugs, your father and uncle doctor go out to talk about something, and come back soon, okay?"

The children are still dropping golden beans, sobbing:

"No, I want Daddy, Daddy won't go."

Oh, now I know I want my father!

Usually not uncommon?

Fu Jiyan still went out with the doctor, but he was at the door of the ward.

"Mr. Fu, the young master has already burned to 38 degrees 5. You need some fluid to reduce the fever."


"Yes, otherwise the burn will not be able to retreat for a while."

Fu Jiyan frowned, and finally nodded in agreement:

"Okay, come and see."

I just didn't expect it to burn so high?

No wonder they were all confused, and shouted that the whole body felt uncomfortable.

It is impossible for adults to burn to 38 degrees 5.

"After that, the nurse will bring an ice pack, and the infusion will also need to cooperate with physical fever reduction. At that time, Mr. Fu will have to work hard."

Coincidentally, the phone rang, Fu Jiyan waved his hand, and a group of doctors hurriedly left.

"Hello, brother?"

"Porridge is sick again?"

Hiss, the news spread so fast?

"Well, I have a fever. The air conditioner is relatively low when flying, and I caught a cold."

"Fu Er, are you an idiot?

The temperature of the air conditioner is low, you will not ask the flight attendant for a blanket to cover it?

If one is not enough, then you need more. You are such a big man, don’t you know such simple common sense in life? "


"did not expect."

did not expect?

"Fu Er, tell yourself, how many days have you brought porridge with you? The child had a fever once last time, and today is the second time!

How the **** did you become a father? "

In this regard, someone is indeed more thoughtful than the uncle, his own brother.


"What are you? From now on, take care of people for me, and I'll be back tomorrow!"

Fu Feishen was so angry that he wanted to beat someone on the other side of the ocean. No, it would have taken at least a week to come back, but he suddenly changed his schedule to tomorrow.

It's not that I'm worried that someone in the family can't take care of the children!

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