Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 221: If you don't cry, I'll take you to your mother

Very good, because of that little brat, his father has been scolded twice by his uncle pointing his nose.



In the ward, the nurse has pushed the liquid in.

The child didn't cry much at first. When he saw the medicine bottle on the cart, he knew it was going to be an infusion, and the tears flowed out again uncontrollably.

Zhou Huan couldn't bear to see it:

"Little porridge is good, don't be afraid, Uncle Zhou and your father are with you."

"Wuwuwu, Uncle Zhou, can I stop the infusion? It hurts."

The infusion must be painful, not to mention that children are always moving around.

Certainly not without infusion!

Fortunately, Fu Jiyan had returned and took the cub from Zhou Huan:

"Don't cry, I'll take you to your mother after the infusion, okay?"

Um, looking for mom?

The allure is still quite strong.

"But isn't mom at work?"

"I'll take you to find it at work too!"

"All right."

The deal is done.

Sure enough, when the nurse gave the needle and infusion, the child did not cry even though the child fell out of pain.

Not long after, the kid fell asleep.

Zhou Huan took a call and came in:

"Ayan, you take care of the porridge here, I'll go back to the company first."


"Call at any time if you have something to do. I won't make an itinerary announcement for you these two days."

Someone nodded in response.

Zhou Huan just left the ward.


It has been several hours since the child finished the infusion.

The family brought food and was forced to feed half a bowl by his father:

"Dad, I can't eat anymore, it's uncomfortable."

"Then don't eat it."


The father and son cleaned up again before leaving the hospital.

Along the way, the children were wrapped tightly, for fear that they would catch a cold again.

It looked like it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening. At this time, there was no one else everywhere.

"Dad, are we going to find Mom now?"

The kid hasn't forgotten what his dad promised before!


Is it cold? Where else is it uncomfortable? "

The kid shook his head:

"Dad, the porridge is ready."

The fever has subsided long ago, and naturally I feel comfortable.

Fu Jiyan hummed, and got into the car with the little man in his arms.

"Aban, find your young lady."

"Okay, Second Young Master."


The city bureau, the office building is all lit.

On the second floor, there were only two people on duty tonight in the Criminal Police Office.

"Sister Su, would you like a drink? Refresh yourself."

Su Zhixiao shook his head:

"No, thanks."

I really don't like drinks and so on. Wouldn't it be nice to have a cup of coffee at this time?

Too bad there is nothing!

In addition to drinks in the office, there is instant noodles and ham sausage.

Su Zhixiao would not choose to eat these things until he had to.

Just then, footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

Guo Yishuo howled angrily:

"Who's here again?"

At the door, one big and one small, the figures of father and son.



Su Zhixiao looked up and stood up in surprise:

"Baby, why are you here?"

"Mom Mom~"

The child stretched out his arms in his father's arms, and Su Zhixiao stepped forward and hugged his son.

Guo Yishuo also stood up and greeted someone with a smile:


Fu Jiyan nodded, then waved to the outside:

"Come in, I brought you something to eat."

Aban came in with his things in his hands.

Guo Yishuo thanked him repeatedly:

"Brother-in-law, you are too polite."

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