Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 298: Family of four killed

With Lao Zhao and Guo Yishuo helping with these breakfasts, Su Zhixiao breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, everyone was busy with their work.

Probably, at 9:30, the police receptionist of the police station received a report from the masses, and there was a family of four in XX Village who were all gone.

A family of four, four lives.

The police force was almost fully dispatched.


The village where the incident occurred is relatively far from the city center, and the police car used to drive for more than half an hour before arriving.

Moreover, when they got to the entrance of the village, the road was too narrow for cars to drive in, so everyone could only get out of the car and walk in with their equipment.

It rained in the middle of the night, and the road was wet and slippery.

Su Zhixiao carried the box in both hands and walked as steadily as possible.

Zhou Xingran walked aside, also carrying a box and a camera on his chest:

"Sister Su, give me a box."

Gay men are definitely more stable than lesbians.

At such times, it is common for colleagues to help each other.

Su Zhixiao really had a hard time walking every step of the way. The road was full of mud. If you step on it, your shoes can sink in. Fortunately, everyone put on their shoe covers in advance.


It was indeed a lot easier to give Zhou Xingran a box.

There is an abandoned fish pond not far from the entrance of the village. Because it rained last night, half a pond of water has accumulated in the abandoned fish pond.

On the bank of the fish pond, there was a body of a victim that was salvaged.

When the criminal police arrived, the police in the area that dispatched the police came over.

"Xing Da, you are here."

"Well, what's the situation?" Luo Yifan asked.

The police were the first to arrive at the scene of the crime, and naturally they knew more:

"We also received reports from villagers that people drowned in the fish pond.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, the body was salvaged, and when I went to the victim's house, I found that there were three poisoned dead at home!

No, I will contact you immediately. "

Luo Yifan frowned and glanced around the fish pond, which was already surrounded by villagers.

"What did the villagers say?"

"Well, it is said that the female victim was bullied very much at home. Her parents-in-law and husband beat her. Just yesterday morning, the female victim was beaten so badly by her husband that she vomited blood."

Therefore, it is very likely that the three victims of poisoning in the family were poisoned by the female victim?

The villagers all said so, and the police naturally doubted it.

But I won't say it directly until there is definite evidence.

Luo Yifan nodded, then summoned Zhou Xingran and Su Zhixiao:

"Xiao Zhou, take a picture here first, Officer Su, let's see if he drowned?"

"Yes, Team Luo."

"Okay, Team Luo."

Specifically, we must go back to the autopsy to find out.

The other members of the criminal police team were divided into several groups and each took action.

The village survey, visit, the survey data record of the survey data record.

Since it was poisoned to death, where did the poison come from?

These must be thoroughly investigated one by one!

Su Zhixiao and Zhou Xingran have a very tacit understanding. After all, they have cooperated for three years. The revolutionary friendship is very deep.

Zhou Xingran took a photo, Su Zhixiao had already squatted down and began to examine the body.

"There are a lot of white and pale pink foam in the mouth and nose, and the eyelid and conjunctiva have spot bleeding, which belongs to the state of drowning before death!

The corpse spot has entered a fixed period of proliferation, the corpse corpse has developed to the whole body, and the death time is 10-12 hours. "

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