Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 299: The corpse is weird

Preliminary autopsy ends:

"Officer Zhou, I'll go first."

Zhou Xingran was half-squatting, taking pictures of the corpse from various angles.

"Okay, I'll come when I'm done here."

Su Zhixiao carried the box and led the police to the victim's house.

As soon as I stepped in the door, a strong pungent smell came to my face from the door of the main house in the countryside, and I could smell it through the mask.

The three bodies are still in their original state of death. The bodies of the two old people were lying on the dining table, with painful faces and convulsions. The slightly younger middle-aged man fell to the ground, and the back of his head was broken. Blood, at least shows that before the fall, the middle-aged man still has vital signs.

By the way, there is also a small pesticide bottle in the corner not far away, half of which has been used up.

The pungent smell was obviously the smell of pesticides.

"Officer Su, we won't go in and destroy the scene. If you have anything, just call us. Everyone is at the door."

Su Zhixiao nodded, but his face under the protective mask was a little dignified.

Putting down the box, he stepped forward and carefully observed the three corpses at the scene.

Indeed, all three corpses smelled of pesticide residues on their noses and mouths.

But, looking at the scene again, it is obvious that from poisoning to poisoning, the whole family is eating at the dinner table.

And in the dishes on the table, after so long, even if there were no pesticides at all, the taste will be smothered.

So, where does the medicine go?

Can three adults eat it without any doubt?

The smell of pesticides is so pungent that no matter how diluted it is, it cannot be completely tasteless.

Another, such a strong smell in the air, it can be seen that the dose is not light!

At this moment, Zhou Xingran came in.

"Sister Su, did you find anything?" asked.

"It's a little weird."


"You take pictures first, and when you're done, do me a favor and bring down the two bodies and lay them flat."


Click, click... Take at least hundreds of photos before it's over.

The two of them lost the strength of the boss together, and then moved the corpses of an old couple lying on the table down and put them on the ground.

Zhou Xingran fanned the air in front of him:

"I'm going, this Leguo smell is really not ordinary, it feels like I'm going to be poisoned!"

Su Zhixiao tickled the corner of his lips:

"So, the taste is so great that normal people can still eat it?"

"Impossible!" Zhou Xingran shook his head.

But any normal person would never get used to the smell, let alone eat it.

Su Zhixiao lifted up the sleeves of a corpse beside him, his skin turned black, indeed he died of poisoning!

Immediately, he squatted down, took out a small crowbar from the toolbox, and skillfully pried open the mouth of one of the victims.

"Officer Zhou, help me with the flashlight."


With the flashlight, the situation in the mouth can be clearly seen.

"Hey, Sister Su, the oral mucosa is damaged!"

Su Zhixiao solved some of the doubts he had had before, and he probably knew what he had in mind.

"Look at the other two."


At this point, the oral mucosa of the three victims has been damaged.


There is still a situation!

Su Zhixiao carefully looked at the mouth of the corpse for a long time, as well as the position of the neck:

"Officer Zhou, talk about your profession, what could have caused this?"

If you don't look carefully, you can't really see those very shallow traces.

Zhou Xingran lowered his head, and the light of the torch came closer:

"This mark is caused by soft padding."

For example: clothes, handkerchiefs...etc.

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