Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 363: Huo Yun has a daughter

"Ah? Why don't you go to school? Isn't there a new teacher to take over?"

Is there no teacher coming?

Sister-in-law shook her head again:

"Yes, there is a new teacher coming, but the children don't like that teacher. They say that the new teacher doesn't teach as well as you, Mr. Huo, and they make fun of our village all day long. Over time, the children don't go to school. Well, the school is empty now."


That school was built by Huo Yun at his own expense when he came to the village a few years ago!

When I left, I also contacted the local government and the Education Bureau, and agreed to send another teacher to teach.

But now....

"What are the kids doing now?"

"What else can I do? Just help the family herd sheep and cattle, and then go up the mountain to collect herbs and sell them."

The ancestors in the village have lived like this for generations, and no one thinks there is anything wrong with it.

Huo Yun felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. At first, he finally changed the children's thinking a little, read more and read good books, and then they could go out of the mountains later!

It's too late to say anything!

Sister-in-law was already sitting on the stool next to her and started sewing the family's torn clothes.

"Mr. Huo, why did you suddenly come back?"

Huo Yun's face paused for a while, and then forced a smile:

"Well, come back and see."

The honest and honest sister-in-law naturally didn't see anything, and continued to ask:

"Mr. Huo and Teacher Cheng are already married, right?

Oh, look at my memory, for sure, your two children should be two years old. "

Huo Yun's face turned pale in an instant, his fingernails even pierced the palm of his hand, and he couldn't feel the pain.

"No!" suddenly responded.

"Huh? Nothing?"

Obviously, this sister-in-law has not recovered.

Huo Yun closed his eyes and finally suppressed all the sourness and sweetness in his throat:

"At the beginning, I didn't find Cheng Juan!"

The needle and thread in the sister-in-law's hand fell to the ground:

"What? No, no one was found? Then... Mr. Huo has been taking the children by himself all these years?

That teacher, Cheng, doesn't look like someone who would abandon his wife and children, how could he be? "

The last sentence is almost the kind of self-murmur.

However, Huo Yun still heard clearly, and his fingernails poked deeper all of a sudden.

Yes, didn't you still believe that man at the beginning?

Not to mention the villagers in the village!

Moreover, when Huo Yun left the small mountain village to find the teacher Cheng mentioned by his sister-in-law, the child in his belly was already full-term.

It was because there was no news for too long and no one came back, that Huo Yun planned to leave the mountain village to find someone.

And that person, Huo Yun was only about four months pregnant when he left the village.

It is equivalent to nearly half a year without any news.

Huo Yun's temperament is not that kind of love that has been clinging on all the time. People have already abandoned her, and after all these years, Miss Huo has long lost that person's place in her heart.

The only thing that Huo Yun kept in his heart was the child who was born in October!

a girl!

She is also Miss Huo's personal daughter!

However, because he wanted to go out to find the biological father of the child, after the child was left, he gave the child TOEFL to a family in the county to take care of him.

I thought I would come back soon to pick up the child, but who knew that I was stuck in Japan for two years.

And this afternoon, I went to the original TOEFL home again, wanting to pick up my daughter.

I never thought that I would get such bad news!

The child was stolen when it was only two months old, and the couple from TOEFL have been looking for the child for the past two years, but there is no news.

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