Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 364: my baby two years ago

When Huo Yun first heard the news, he immediately fainted.

After a while, he woke up.

The couple knelt apologetically in front of Huo Yun.

However, the child was not lost on purpose. People have been looking for it all these years. If you really want to blame it, you can't blame the husband and wife, but Huo Yun himself.

After that, he wandered in the county town for a long time like a lost soul. In the evening, he unknowingly arrived at the village under his feet.

And then, it's the scene just now.


Sister-in-law didn't ask anything at the moment, Huo Yun took a few deep breaths before slowly saying:

"The child is lost!"

lost... lost?

Sister-in-law's eyes widened:

"How did you lose it? How could it be lost? What should I do? Did you find it?"

A series of questions.

Also anxious.

Huo Yun shook his head:

"I can't find it, there is no news at all."

Sister-in-law stood up:

"Mr. Huo, where did you lose it? When did you lose it? Be clear, I'll find someone, and everyone will help you find it together!"

Huo Yun finally cried:

"Sister-in-law, I really can't find it. I lost it two years ago."


so long ago?

Well, it's really hard.

Seeing Huo Yun crying, my sister-in-law hurried forward, supporting her back and comforting:

"We can definitely find it, let's report it now!"

Although it has been lost for two years, I still have to call the police first. What if the police can find it?

Huo Yun was also confused, wiped two tears, and left with his sister-in-law.

The two drove an ox cart and hurriedly left the village to head to the county.

However, when they arrived at the county police station, the police heard that the child was lost two years ago, and looked at Huo Yun from head to toe:

"Ms. Huo, what do you think?

You don't call the police when your child is lost. It's been two years before you remember to call the police? "

It's been two years, where are you going to find a child?

Damn it, isn't it too big of a heart?

Only then did Huo Yun talk about what happened back then, and the sister-in-law added.

Of course, in the past, Teacher Cheng was definitely praised and admired, but now, there is only the title of "Heartless Man".

Since the masses have called the police, it is impossible for the police station not to answer them.

After filing a case, Huo Yun borrowed the police's mobile phone:

"Comrade police, can I borrow my mobile phone? I want to make a call to my family."

The policeman was very straightforward and handed over his mobile phone directly.

Domestic machines, the kind that cost a few hundred dollars.

In the past, the servants around Miss Huo were not needed.

A phone call was made from the county seat to Beijing North.


When Huo Yu received the call, Huo's annual meeting had ended successfully and was about to get in the car and go home.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Brother, it's me."

Huo Yu snorted, his face full of disbelief:

"Xiao Yun?"

"Brother! I... woo woo... bro, I did something wrong."

For several years, Huo Yun had never contacted his family once.

When I suddenly heard my brother's voice, I couldn't hold it in anymore, and full of grievances emerged.

Huo Yu's blue veins jumped on his forehead:

"If you do something wrong, make it right in time, this is what I taught you since you were a child, forget?

Now, tell me, where are you? "

"The police station in county X, province X."

"Why are you still at the police station?"

Huo Yun stopped crying:

"Well, I'm here to call the police, brother, there's something I haven't told you. I gave birth to a child two years ago...two years ago."


Mr. Huo almost thought he was hallucinating.


sister born?

"What child?"

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