Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 74: There is a problem with the wine

The subordinate named A Yuan had already come over with a bottle of wine and two clean wine glasses.

After pouring the wine, Brother Chang handed Su Zhixiao a cup:


Su Zhixiao stretched out his hand with a smile and took it.

When Brother Chang didn't respond, he gently touched the wine glass in Brother Chang's hand:


He drank the whole glass of wine without hesitation.

How can you not know there is something wrong with this wine?

It's just that, in order to win the trust of this drug dealer, even if he knew there was something wrong with the wine, he had to drink it!

Sure enough, the suspicion deep in Brother Chang's eyes was dispelled a lot.

Maybe, I really feel that the woman in front of me is no different from those women in the usual bar, it is not doubtful.

He Wen's voice sounded in Su Zhixiao's headset:

"There's something wrong with that wine, Xiao Su, you can leave when you have a chance, and I'll let others do it."

Who knows what's in that wine?

Su Zhixiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a hand hanging on the skirt made a silent gesture towards the surveillance camera:

'It will be resolved soon! ’

Suddenly changing people again, but it will not be so smooth, and it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of Brother Chang and the others.

After drinking a cup, Brother Chang actually poured another full cup:

"What's the beauty's name?"

Su Zhixiao paused for a while, and the wine in the glass shook:


Brother Chang was still smiling: "Linda? It sounds good, can't you drink it?" asked.

It's just that smile that doesn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

Su Zhixiao smiled and shook his head:

"No, I can drink it, I just drank a few glasses, and I was a little flustered."

"Drunk? Don't worry, brother will take you home later, okay?"

"Okay, then thank you sir."

After two glasses of wine, Su Zhixiao did feel a little uncomfortable.


card holder.

Someone had already drank more than a dozen glasses on his own, so he must have been drunk, but fortunately he didn't have the habit of being drunk.

Seeing that the wine was about to be poured, Rong Xi, who was sitting opposite, suddenly reached out and covered the mouth of the glass:

"Ayan, that's enough, I can't drink any more."

It should be almost the same as drinking to relieve anxiety.

Fu Jiyan let go of his hand, rubbed his temples, which were a little painful, and leaned back on the sofa.

However, the flower next to him suddenly jumped up from the sofa:

"Damn it! The eldest lady of the Nan family is back! Look at the location, it's still here!"

Miss Nanjia?

Isn't it... Nan Wu?

Both Rong Xi and Chang Tingxiao frowned instantly, and then Rong Xi said thoughtfully:

"Ayan's request back then was that Miss Nan could not enter the country for ten years, right?"

Outsiders don't know about this, but a few people know it.

Chang Tingxiao nodded:

"Yes, so, how did people suddenly come back?"

For those things that Nan Wu did in those days, the price paid by the Nan family was not small.

Nan Wu could not enter the country for ten years, and it was only one of them.

Back then, the Nan family was also the fourth-ranked family among the four major families in northern Beijing, but it didn't take long for it to be hit hard and fell out of the top-notch circle.

The current Nanjia can only be regarded as the second-rate end.

On the contrary, the Chang family and the Hua family have shown their super strength in just a few years, and the Chang family has even replaced the former Nan family.

"This matter...Ayan, what do you think?"

Fu Jiyan didn't have any extra response to Rong Xi's question, it seemed that he really drank too much.

stand up:

"Go to the bathroom."

After speaking, just step away.

Rong Xi and the others looked at each other. Finally, Chang Tingxiao clicked his tongue:

"At the beginning, A Yan didn't completely kill the Nan family, but let the Nan family go one yard, because Nan Zhou saved a few of us and was disabled for life, and Nan Wu is Nan Zhou's only sister. Now, kindness has been used for a long time. already."

Naturally there is no one who owes whom!

There is a saying in the circle: It is better to offend Fu Feishen than to offend Fu Jiyan!

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