Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 75: Stop it all, your own people!

Fu Jiyan went to the bathroom, and then came out, but regained two points of sobriety.

Just as he was about to return to the booth, he suddenly caught a glimpse of several figures in the aisle in front of him.

Obviously, these figures were planning to leave through the back door.

As for the back of the woman, Fu Jiyan glanced at it before, but at first there was no response.

But in less than two seconds, the footsteps stopped suddenly, and the sharp killing eyes shot straight at it.

Su Zhixiao was supporting the drug dealer 'Brother Chang', and immediately felt the tingling sight behind him, so he couldn't help but look back.

It's just that when he sees people, his brain is short-circuited in an instant.

In this situation, I am afraid, it is impossible for anyone to be calm, right?

Before Su Zhixiao, with strong willpower, he succeeded in intoxicating Brother Chang, just a little bit. As long as he successfully takes people out, tonight's task will be completed!

But, who knows...

"Xiao Su, what's wrong?"

He Wen's anxious voice sounded again in the WeChat headset. Seeing that Su Zhixiao in the monitor did not respond, He Wen couldn't sit still:

"Everyone, take action!"

"Group A received."

"Group B received."

"Group C received."

There was no one else in the aisle at the moment, and Fu Jiyan didn't know how to do it. Under the eyes of Brother Chang and his two subordinates, he grabbed the woman one by one and held it tightly in his arms.

A Yuan and A Chao saw that something was wrong and shot at the same time.

However, one-on-two, still has the upper hand.

And this situation didn't last long. The bodyguards appeared from the shadows, and Fu Jiyan didn't need to take another shot. Brother Chang, A Yuan, and A Chao were completely stopped in a few strokes.

Especially Brother Chang, the whole person was pressed to the ground.

"Second Young Master."

"I want both of his hands!"

It was the waist, back, and wrist of the woman that the two hands touched just now.

Although he drank a lot and got drunk, he didn't miss what he should have seen.

The bodyguard got the order, and of course did it immediately:


Su Zhixiao had to speak hastily:

"Wait! No way!"

The whole bar is under the surveillance of the police, is this to intentionally hurt people under the nose of the police?

The bodyguard put his raised foot back and looked at Fu Jiyan.

"Why?" The tone was really bad.

Fu Jiyan was so angry that his heart was about to jump out, and the hand holding the woman's waist was so strong that Su Zhixiao couldn't care about his own waist for a while, otherwise, the man would have to enter the game immediately.

Leaning into the man's ear, he whispered:

"Mission target, don't mess around!"

Sure enough, just after Su Zhixiao finished speaking, He Wen rushed in with someone and even fought with the Fu family's bodyguard. The scene was very chaotic for a while.

"What are you doing? Let go of her?" He Wen shouted at Fu Jiyan as he moved his hands.

However, someone very badly replied:

"Don't let it go!"

Su Zhixiao desperately pinched the soft flesh on someone's waist:

"Fu Jiyan, shut up!" The warning was full of meaning.

Then he shouted to He Wen and them:

"My own people, stop fighting!"

Both sides withdraw their hands instantly.

Su Zhixiao also struggled to release someone's restraint.


Five minutes later, at the back door of the Blue Night Bar.

Brother Chang and two of his subordinates were taken away by the police.

He Wen is looking at the red marriage certificate that someone just dumped to him. The information on it is enough to prove someone's identity.

"Cough, sorry, Mr. Fu, we don't know about you..."

Someone coldly curled the corner of his lower lip: "It's okay, Captain He, can Fu go now?"

"of course."

Fu Jiyan turned around and left, pulling the woman standing beside him by the way.

Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly pushed away vigorously:

"He team, please take me to the hospital, I was given C medicine in the wine!"


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