Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 911: Mother and two isolated old father

When the child chased after him, he saw that his father was already packing his luggage.

Humph, I knew it would be like this!


Before long, there was a sound of brakes from downstairs.

The little boy ran downstairs, his mother had already entered the house by now.

Then, I saw my dear son rushing towards him and caught him steadily:

"Are you all packed?"


"have you eaten?"

"Had breakfast."

It's not time for lunch yet.

I didn't plan to have lunch at home, I would eat something on the road later, or wait until I got there, it wasn't too far away anyway, it only took an hour and a half to drive.

It's only eleven o'clock now.

When the mother and son went upstairs, Su Zhixiao wanted to go back to the room first, but who knows, she was dragged into the children's room by her son as a thief.

In the room, the children's exclusive suitcases have been packed and put aside.

"Shh, Mom, we're sneaking away."



Why can this be?

Of course he wanted to get rid of his dad!

It's a pity that his father had been standing at the door long ago.

Naturally, what my son said just now, he also listened to every word.

Still want to sneak his mother away?

It's pretty beautiful to think about.

The child suddenly noticed something, raised his head, and suddenly his face fell.


Su Zhixiao didn't notice it before, but when he saw his son's sudden reaction, he basically guessed it.

Turning around, sure enough, the man was standing there.

Also quite ashamed.

"Okay, are your mothers planning to abandon your husband and father?"


Look at this mouth, it's not a good stubble.

The tongue is tight.

"Aren't you on a business trip?"

Except for the first night that the man came back from the Northwest Desert, he stayed in the north of Beijing, and he didn't even go home at night. The next day, he went abroad for a trip.

Didn't expect to come back so soon?

Also got caught.

Should I say something back?


The man laughed, especially when he looked at the mother two, his eyes were full of resentment.

"With your mother, are you still not happy for Lao Tzu to come back?"

The mother and son looked at each other, speechless.


Forget it, too lazy to care so much.

"You weren't at home before, and we didn't tell you when you were coming back.

Well, if you are free, would you like to go to Jiuzhai with us?

Just go for a day and a night, and come back the day after. "


Of course go! "

Not to mention, the luggage has already been packed.


Before the family of three left, they all went to the old man's house and were relieved to see that the old man's physical condition was getting better.

Moreover, Fu Feishen was not very busy during this time, and could go home to accompany the old man every day.

Sitting in the car, the children are still very happy.

"Mom, Xiaopang and his family went to Jiuzhai camp last week. I heard that it was fun and beautiful. They took a lot of photos."

Someone was driving the car, and there was no one in the co-pilot, and both mothers were in the back row.

Hearing his son's chirping voice, the man also raised the corners of his lips.

This time, there was only a family of three, and they didn't even bring bodyguards.

Like, it's the first time!

"Okay, okay, Mommy will help you take pictures when you get there, okay?"

"Well, mom is the best."

Both mothers are tired and crooked.

On the highway all the way, I passed two service areas on the way, but the little guy was not hungry. Except for a trip to the bathroom, he didn't waste much time.

It was estimated that it was an hour and a half away, and it arrived several minutes earlier.

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