Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 912: old ox

When the prince's family went out, even if he didn't order many things, some people would make all preparations in advance.

For example, this time, although it was camping, there was a five-star resort hotel right next to the camping area. The room had already been booked, and all the items had been replaced.

The tents, etc. needed for camping are all provided by the hotel.

So, maybe it was a little guy who didn't understand these corners.

After getting out of the car, the child stayed on the ground in his mother's arms.

His father could only carry luggage, dragging two large boxes, one large and one small, which really did not match his external image.

"Mom, I want to eat roast chicken and rabbit." The child said excitedly.

The most attractive thing about camping in mountain villages is these wild animals.

The children have listened to their classmates to show off several times.

Su Zhixiao hooked his lips, really helpless, and kissed his son's forehead:

"Well, you have to find your father."

Your mother, you have more than enough heart but not enough strength!

The little guy has a good attitude with his father at the moment. Ding Dian is not like he usually dislikes each other, and he looked at his father with a pair of bright eyes:

"Dad, roast rabbit~"

The person who responded at the hotel happened to come over, and after hearing the child's words, he quickly said:

"Young Master Fu, Mrs. Young Master, rabbits, pheasants are all provided by our hotel, including stoves, baking trays, etc."

Everything is there.

After all, the country expressly stipulates that jungler is prohibited.

If the hotel can launch a camping project, it is natural that all preparations have been made.

On the other half of the hill are all kinds of livestock that the hotel sent people to keep in captivity.

Su Zhixiao was still stunned for a while, but it was someone who didn't even blink an eyelid.

Finally, outside the room, the staff who responded to the hotel left.

After entering the door, Su Zhixiao was the most advanced bathroom, and after washing from head to toe, his whole body relaxed.

After that, the father and son were not so hypocritical. They went in and washed together, and the speed was very fast.

After the family of three had washed their hands, it was already 1:30 in the afternoon.

Fortunately, it was easy to fill up with hunger on the road, and it was not enough that the hungry front chest was attached to the back.

Su Zhixiao has already blown her hair:

"I ordered some food and it's almost going to be delivered."

Two faces, one big and one small, are almost the same, and their expressions are actually very synchronized.

Tsk, as expected of father and son!

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang immediately.

Sure enough, the hotel kitchen delivered food.

Four dishes and one soup, sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed beef with powder, small stir-fried pork, fried bacon with dried tofu, and a large cup of wild mushroom chicken soup.

The dishes are all grown by the hotel's own reclaimed mountains, and the taste is extraordinarily good.

The muscles are also very chewy, not a little bit of wood, it seems that it should be the legendary running pheasant.

The little guy eats in big mouthfuls, and it is rare to be so supportive when he is at home.


Six pm.

The family of three had long since left the hotel to the camping area. The mother and son sat with a pony and a small pony, both holding a piece of ice cream in their hands and eating.

Not far away, the child's father humming humming old scalper seems to be doing the work at hand.

The oversized tent must have been set up, and the man has covered it with several layers of cushions. He wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked at the mother and son here:

"Where are the bed sheets?" asked.

The mother of the child pointed to one of the large bags on the ground:


The man raised his lips, bent down, opened the bag, took out the four-piece suit he brought, and continued to work in the tent.

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