Lord Harland

Chapter 208 Five Ring Magician

In the half-finished magic tower, Richard also found a complete book of death with meditation methods.

Richard opened it and looked at it, and found that this meditation method required condensing the power of the dead.

The Book of Death Meditation Method can be practiced to the second level of the Legend, and its quality is even higher than that of the Highland Meditation Method practiced by Richard.

The addition of a legendary level meditation method broadened his horizons and increased his knowledge, which was very helpful to Richard in his research on meditation methods.

The information and meditation methods left by the necromancer were copied by the Harland Territory and the Church of Dawn each. The remaining necromancers became Richard's captives and were brought back to the Harland Territory for temporary custody.

After dispersing the fog of death, looking at the half-finished mage tower, Richard felt quite embarrassed.

An elemental pool has been built in the mage tower, and a magic core from a legendary monster has been installed as energy source. The magicians of the Tower of Death have arranged a magic circle. The legendary magic core can automatically absorb the magic energy particles in the air and continuously provide energy for the magic tower.

Such a magic tower energy room is already an artificially created magic well, and its value is very high.

In the entire Grant Kingdom, there is only one natural and one artificial magic well, which belongs to the royal family and Duke Jonathan respectively.

Even the magic tower built by the Duke of York does not have an energy room to gather magic power. Using the magic power can only consume magic crystals.

This shows how precious the half-finished mage tower is.

In other words, the Dawn Church is wealthy and controls many magic wells. In addition, Richard has a special status and is a named figure among the top leaders of the Dawn Church. Only the Bishop of Geda Province, Denglerkin, would give up this place and give up the Mage Tower to the Haaland territory.

Half of this magic tower is built underground.

The energy room and the magic tower foundation are smelted together and cannot be moved.

The core of the energy room, the legendary Warcraft Demonic Core, cannot be disassembled.

The location of the magic tower is not far from Harland's territory, but it is in the wilderness.

Richard was very reluctant to give up this magic tower, but continued to build this magic tower. This land is not within Harland's territory. Once this area is sealed by the royal capital to others, there will be disputes over the ownership of the territory, which will be very troublesome.

After careful consideration, Richard decided to give up here temporarily. After achieving great military exploits, ask Nolan to reward this area, then develop the swamp basin and build a mage tower.

After making up his mind, Richard made some cover on the mage tower to prevent outsiders passing by from noticing.

In fact, the Swamp Basin is deep in the Eagle Mountains. Except for the demon hunters sent by the Harland Territory, it is impossible for outsiders to operate in this area.

Even if the orcs go south, they will not choose to pass through the swamp basin.

Richard's move was actually unnecessary. This area has been barbaric for thousands of years.

After Richard finished disguising the ruins of the Mage Tower, he did not leave anyone at the Mage Tower. He took a dozen prisoners and returned to the Harland Territory with Deng Lejin and others.

Denglerkin observed the development of Harland's territory along the way, and said to Richard before returning to Fort Wright: "The territory has developed well, and priests can be arranged to be stationed."

In recent years, the Harland territory has been under development, and no church has been stationed there.

Religious believers are very common in this world. The Grant Kingdom has the best development with the Church of Dawn and the Church of Kingship and Order. There are also some believers in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Generally speaking, most of the lower-level people are believers of the Church of Dawn, while the upper-level people are more believers of the Church of Kingship and Order. Businessmen believe in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, and most scholars are believers in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Richard is a nobleman, so he should believe in the god of kingship and order. After all, the Church of Kingship and Order protects the interests of the nobility. The butt determines the head. As long as you are a noble, you will of course believe in the God of Kingship and Order.

But the Harland family is the first generation of nobles, and their ancestors have been believers of the Goddess of the Dawn for three generations.

The three brothers William all attended the Dawn Church School and naturally believed in the Goddess of Dawn. Richard had the three views formed in his previous life and was simply a non-believer.

Although Richard did not want to expose the situation in the territory to outsiders, he had no suitable excuse to refuse the Dawn Church from entering the territory to spread its faith.

Moreover, the people in the territory had a need for faith. Since Deng Lejin proposed it, Richard agreed.

"Fort William, Depot Fort, and Fort Sophia are still front lines and will face various dangers. Churches are not suitable for building in these front-line fortresses for the time being. This year I will build churches in Vicksburg and Malte Castle, and welcome church pastors to move in. .”

After sending Deng Lejin away, Morningside Church sent clergy before the church was completed. It seems that Denglerkin attaches great importance to the Haaland territory, and the two churches sent eleven clergy.

The bishop is the fourth-level priest Sanders, the deputy bishop is the third-level priest Dennis, and there is a first-level priest Carano. The remaining clergy are four third-level warriors and four senior priest apprentices.

Saunders officiated at Vicburg Church and Denis at Malte Castle.

Because the Harland territory is on the front line of northern Xinjiang and does not need to pay tithes, the daily expenses of the church need to be borne by the Morningside Church itself.

But Dawn Church is not short of money at all.

According to the division of the Church of the Seven Gods, the Kingdom of Grant belongs to the diocese controlled by the Church of the Dawn and the Church of the God of Kingship and Order. As long as they are not the first line of defense against orcs, other areas need to pay tithes. The King Power and Order Church will share one-third of this money, and the Dawn Church will share two-thirds.

With a tithe of more than 600,000 yuan each year, it is more than enough to maintain the daily expenses of Morningside Church in Grant Kingdom.

There are thirteen captured low-level members of the Tower of Death, two of whom are magicians and nine apprentices.

These people were interrogated by Dengler King and found not guilty of capital crimes.

However, they joined the Tower of Death and learned necromancy. In order to avoid being controlled by high-level necromancers to do evil, they were temporarily handed over to the custody of Harland Territory.

The Tower of Death selects its members from civilians.

Some of this group of low-level magicians have been joining the Tower of Death for more than twenty years, while some have only joined the organization for less than half a year.

The main reason why they survived was that they did not do evil and did not kill living people for the purpose of studying necromancy.

After returning to the territory, Richard prohibited these people from continuing to research and learn necromancy. He allowed them to temporarily become preparatory members of the Harland Mage Association, opened them to some basic mage knowledge, and then began to study the Book of the Death meditation method.

Including the Book of Death, Richard has read three advanced meditation books.

Richard has his own understanding of magic and the fundamentals of meditation.

The core of the meditation method is to absorb magic energy particles and promote the advancement of magic power. Every time a magician advances, the core is to expand and solidify the spiritual space.

The Book of Death, a meditation method, also absorbs magic energy particles with the attribute of death.

After practicing the Book of Death, the magician's soul will adapt to the magic particles with the attribute of death.

Once other attribute magic energy particles are absorbed and refined, conflict will break out in the soul.

Not only that, the magic energy particles also have special volatility.

Practicing the meditation method of the Book of Death can only refine a special kind of fluctuating magic energy particles.

Absorbing and refining other fluctuating death attribute magic energy particles will also cause trouble.

Relying on the magic energy particles with the attribute of death, a special spiritual space will be constructed.

Once you abandon the Book of Death and learn other meditation methods, the underlying logic will cause a spiritual space conflict.

From this understanding, we can easily conclude that after a magician practices meditation, he cannot easily change it.

Although the conditions for studying microscopic magic energy particles were immature, Richard began to compile a brand-new meditation method through study and thinking.

This meditation method is a fire attribute meditation method, and was named the Book of Flame by Richard.

After more than two months, Richard has compiled this meditation method to the fifth level, which can be practiced to the second level.

After I compiled the meditation method, I naturally needed to find someone to experiment with it.

It just so happened that this year He'an Primary School discovered two children with magical talents. Through Sophia's test, it was found that one child had the highest affinity for the fire element.

So this little girl named Bella is the first member to practice the Book of Fire.

Bella's talent is pretty good, barely reaching the average level, not as good as Annie, but better than other apprentices.

Last winter, Anne was promoted to a senior magic apprentice. According to the progress of her meditation, she should be able to become an official magician in two years.

Created a new meditation method and gave Richard very good meditation feedback.

During this period of time, he was very close to the essence of magic, and the effect of meditation was particularly good. In just two or three months, his meditation method experience increased by 20,000.

This is not the first time this phenomenon has appeared in Richard. It happened once when he invented the blood type identification spell. It lasted for more than ten days, and his meditation experience increased by more than 3,000.

It appeared again when the Brute Armor was created, lasting over a month.

It was a bit worse when creating the light armor. It may be that there were too many same thoughts, which was reflected in the meditation method. It only lasted for two or three days and added a thousand experience points.

After creating the meditation method, it lasted the longest and actually raised Richard's magician level to the fifth level.

It takes 70,000 experience points to upgrade to a fifth-level professional. If Richard follows his normal meditation speed, it will take about twenty years to advance.

But if he has new insights in magic research, the feedback from meditation will be much better. A great innovation may allow him to advance to the sixth level in two or three years.

Sophia learned the knowledge of space geometry that year and created the new magic of transformation, which was soon promoted to the fifth level.

It has been six years since I advanced to the fifth level.

Sophia has been meditating very hard for the past six years. Even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, she still meditated every day, trying not to delay her specialization in magic.

It's a pity that she has no new magic achievements in the past six years. On the contrary, Richard and Wendy have continued to improve in the level of magic.

After Wendy created the ultrasonic detection magic, she became a four-ring magician in February this year. Wendy studied magic for eight years and became an intermediate magician, which is considered very talented.

After becoming an intermediate magician, Wendy signed a Warcraft partnership contract with the Flame Spider Queen.

Although there are no new magic results and the effect of meditation is average, Sophia's elemental affinity is very good. After entering May, she successfully broke through to the sixth-ring magician. If it weren't for the delay in giving birth, Sophia should have completed the advancement before Richard.

Entering the dawn calendar year 3260, the Harland Magic Association is developing very rapidly. Not only have new magic apprentices been recruited, but thirteen lower-level members of the Tower of Death have also been recruited, and the association's high-level magic levels have also made progress.

There are currently twenty-five members in the Mage Association including the preliminary members.

In terms of scale, it has surpassed several counties, and even has two more people than the Marquis Guevara Mage Association.

In a few years, when the mage apprentices grow up, Richard will be able to join the mage group in the army.

After obtaining the human experiment data from the Tower of Death and mastering brand-new knowledge, Richard returned to busy magic research.

The Tower of Death is not only good at creating magical plagues, but also has in-depth research on blood synthesis and soul control. Their understanding of the nature of life far exceeds that of Harland Territorial Hospital.

By studying the human experiment data from the Tower of Death and combining it with the knowledge he learned in his previous life, Richard gained a deeper and deeper understanding of the plague in the Dawn Plane, and in May he improved the spell to eliminate the plague.

Eliminating the plague is a four-ring magic. This magic can use magic particles to kill harmful bacteria and viruses in the human body. It can be said to be the nemesis of all kinds of plagues.

Using this magic, plague, smallpox, influenza, malaria, cholera, and more can be treated. Even the magical plague developed by the necromancer also has a very strong restraint effect.

Although the spell casting effect improved by Richard is not as good as the original version, the threshold for spell casting has been lowered a lot.

The magic runes have been optimized a lot and turned into a one-ring spell.

In order to distinguish it from the original version of Plague Elimination, this spell was named Plague Treatment by Richard.

This improvement in magic has a great impact on society.

Normally, once a plague breaks out, it spreads very quickly.

Compared with the speed at which the plague is spreading, the healing power of the church and magicians is far from enough.

A county usually has a population of hundreds of thousands, and often only has one or two fourth-ring magicians. Even if the magic power is exhausted, plus the power of the church, only ten people can be treated every day.

This kind of treatment intensity can be said to be a drop in the bucket for the epidemic of plague, and can only treat some important figures.

Although the Dawn Plane has powerful means of treating the plague, it is a pity that it can only serve a few people.

Plague is still a big trouble for mankind.

Hundreds of years ago, a plague even destroyed half of the human kingdom. A large-scale plague epidemic may have killed more than 10 million humans.

The threat of plague to humans may be greater than that of the Orc Empire.

Richard's improved new magic lowers the threshold for plague treatment, allowing low-level magicians and priests to use plague expulsion.

In a large county with a population of several hundred thousand, the number of people it can treat every day will expand to several hundred.

Not only does it benefit ordinary people, it can also suppress the spread of the plague. Especially for the Church of Dawn, such spells are very suitable for harvesting faith and expanding the parish.

After Richard wrote to Deng Lakin, Deng Lakin immediately decided that he was willing to use resurrection skills in exchange for Richard.

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