Lord Harland

Chapter 209 Summer Grain Harvest

Resurrection is a seven-ring magic, and it is also a spell that large magic organizations must master. As long as the body is intact and the soul has not been hit, resurrection can bring the dead back to life.

Mastering this spell is almost like mastering a second life.

After receiving Deng Lejin's letter, Richard decisively chose to communicate with the Dawn Church.

After improving the spell, Richard immediately asked Heath and Butler to learn this spell.

Both Heath and Butler were low-level magicians in the Tower of Death. Heath was already a second-level magician and was about forty years old.

His magic talent was average, and he was coerced into the Tower of Death at the age of twenty-two. He studied magic for almost twenty years before he was upgraded to the second level.

People like Heath are the template for most magicians.

He has average elemental affinities and no talent for magic research. He spends his whole life studying magic and will not be able to break through to the intermediate level when he is old.

Young mid-level magicians like Richard and Sophia are in the minority in the magic world. Even in Markholm Magic Kingdom, mid-level magicians under the age of thirty are still very rare.

Heath has been studying the Book of Death for many years, and his body has been eroded by the magic particles with the attribute of death. He was as skinny as a stick, coughed frequently, and had serious lung disease. It looked like he couldn't hold on for much longer.

Hiss has a low status in the Tower of Death, and is not as good as some talented apprentices. His task in the Tower of Death is to deal with some highly contaminated magic materials.

Working like this for many years, the negative energy eroding his body every day made Heath feel extremely painful.

The fear of death lingered in his mind every day, but his soul was imprisoned in the crystal ball. If he wanted to survive in the Tower of Death, Heath simply did not dare to refuse the tasks assigned by him.

Richard and Deng Lejin drove away the necromancer Savio, and Yura also died from the magical backlash.

The magic crystal ball controlling the members of the Tower of Death was destroyed by Richard, and Heath was finally free.

He was very grateful to Richard and Deng Lejin. After arriving in Harland's territory, Heath no longer practiced meditation. Instead, he learned two spells: blood type identification and ultrasonic detection.

Recently, Heath is also preparing to learn two spells: sleep spell and light injury treatment spell, preparing to transform into a healing mage.

Even if Hiss magic is death-attributed, using life-type magic will achieve half the result with half the effort. It consumes a lot of magic power, and the effect is only about half of that of a normal magician. If used too much, it will cause magic conflict. It is also difficult to learn and takes more time than a normal magician.

But Heath still enjoys it. He studies healing spells very hard and has already learned the spell to treat minor injuries.

After several months of training, Heath's health has improved a bit. Most of his lung disease has been cured by the hospital, and he has gained some muscle. Although he still looks a little thin, he is not like a skeleton like when he first came here.

In Harland territory, Heath also married a twenty-eight-year-old widow.

It looks like Heath is ready to say goodbye to the past once and for all.

Richard saw Heath's changes and granted him a formal membership of the Harland Masters Association in advance, making him a free citizen, and appointed Heath as the deputy director of the hospital.

Today Harland Hospital has four directors.

The principal is Adrian.

Adrian is a member of the Harland family. He has been studying magic for four years and was promoted to advanced magic apprentice in June this year. Adrian not only knows magic, but also has superb surgical skills. He is the third-highest surgeon in the hospital. He participated in the writing of anatomy textbooks and is now an important figure in the medical field of Harland territory.

The first-ranked vice president is named Sawyer, who was a veteran figure when the hospital was founded. She is not a magician, and her surgical skills are average, but she has strong management skills and is good at summarizing experience. In the research on hemostatic ointment, Sawyer’s contribution is second only to Richard. Sawyer now manages the hospital's internal medicine department and is also in charge of the hospital's finances.

Ranked third is the surgical knife Griffin. Griffin is also an ordinary person, but he is very talented in surgery. The goddess of dawn gave him a pair of stable hands, allowing him to save lives and heal countless lives. Griffin has very in-depth research on surgery and anatomy.

At the bottom of the list is Heath. Heath has learned the spell to treat minor injuries. He has no pretensions to being a magician. Even if the doctor's apprentice asks him to cooperate with the operation, Heath will not complain at all.

The status of magic doctors in the hospital is superior to others. A magician like Heath who has no pretensions and is serious and responsible is still the first. In the evaluation of doctors and nurses, he far surpasses other magic apprentices.

Compared to Heath who was focused on integrating into the territory, Butler was very uncomfortable.

Butler is only in his twenties, has a high level of magic talent, and is a key personnel trained by the Tower of Death.

Although there is no blood debt in Butler's hands, he has some sense of belonging to the Tower of Death.

After the Tower of Death suffered heavy damage, Richard and Deng Lejin obtained the meditation method. Naturally, they would not train necromancers. Without the follow-up meditation method, Butler had lost his way in magic.

Butler is only twenty-three years old, a little younger than Richard, and he still wants to continue to develop in magic. Unlike Heath, Butler loves magic and desires to master power.

But the current situation makes Butler very frustrated. Recently, he has wanted to escape from Harland's territory and look for Savio, the leader of the Tower of Death.

Richard is very concerned about the thoughts of these members of the Tower of Death.

Butler's performance can usually be seen.

Sensing that something was wrong with Butler's thinking, Richard was going to talk to him and give him a chance to see if there was any room for redemption.

Butler didn't know that there was always a pair of eyes behind him.

Ruiz, who joined the intelligence department, was tasked with leading a field team to monitor these new necromancers who had joined the territory.

As long as there is an action to escape from the territory, Richard will not be lenient to these necromancers.

Richard called Butler to his office, pointed to the chair and said, "Sit by yourself. If you want to drink water, pour it yourself. How about it? Are you still used to it during this time?"

"Everything is fine in the territory." Being summoned by Richard alone, Butler had something on his mind, his hands were already trembling a little, and his legs were a little weak.

"It's good to be able to adapt. Don't you guys know whether you are lucky or unlucky?

I say you are lucky. The Tower of Death discovered your magic talent, allowing you to embark on an extraordinary path and changing your mediocre destiny.

But you are unfortunate. The Tower of Death made you leave your hometown and killed your relatives. In the process of learning magic, I deliberately made you kill each other and paid a heavy price.

You are still young and you still have hope in magic research. Don't get distracted and go down the wrong path. "

After hearing what Richard said, Butler raised his head, unable to hold back the sadness in his heart, tears streaming down his face, and cried: "Is there really hope?"

"Actually, there is. Recently, I have created a new meditation method called the Book of Fire. This meditation method is of the fire attribute. It has just reached the fifth level and has already been learned by new apprentices. I read the Book of Fire without any side effects. This is enough to show that I have a very deep understanding of the meditation method and have made profound discoveries.

As the Book of Fire gradually improves, I will deduce a dark energy element meditation method based on the characteristics of the Book of Death. It is still short for you to become a first-level magician, and you are not seriously eroded by the energy of death. You should still have the opportunity to transform. Practice meditation. The Territory Mage Association's next research focus will also be on this aspect.

Having said that, the choice is up to you. "

Back in his room, Butler thought hard for a long time and finally decided to stay in Harland's territory.

As long as people still have hope, they will not go to a dead end.

Butler has been a member of the Tower of Death for six years and has witnessed countless killings.

Even if Savio is found, relying on the tradition of the necromancer, his life will inevitably be controlled by Savio and he will do many dangerous things for Savio.

As long as he can still learn magic and continue to improve in strength, Butler is willing to stay in Harland's territory.

Not everyone is born with an anti-human personality and wants to live in a stable social environment.

After appeasing Butler, the remaining magic apprentices had average talents, and only two had medium magic talents. Richard talked to them separately and said that he would create a meditation method suitable for them to learn, which temporarily stabilized the two. A talented apprentice.

As for the less talented apprentices, Richard placed them in the hospital and asked them to learn auxiliary spells such as poison detection, light, and repair.

He'an Primary School has been open for three years and has about 380 students.

The elementary school is divided into three grades, with a total of ten classes. Some of the students with the fastest learning progress have graduated early, more than ten have stayed in He'an Elementary School as teachers, and more than ten have gone to the army as intern staff officers.

This fall, more than 8,600 slaves will be freedmen.

By then, there will be 24,000 free citizens in the territory, accounting for about 22% of the total population.

In late June, the summer harvest begins in the territory.

Every year during the grain harvest, Richard would patrol the territory to see the summer and autumn harvests with his own eyes.

In particular, the Barony of Dirham is now an important grain-producing area in the Harland Territory. This year, 160,000 acres of farmland have been cultivated, including more than 40,000 acres of paddy fields in the river valley.

If the Dirham Territory has a good wheat harvest this year, it will receive 16,000 tons of grain, which can feed a population of 60,000 to 70,000 people.

Richard's cousin Tang En followed him.

Tang En is the eldest son of his third uncle Bernie and the official responsible for agricultural production in the Harland Territory. He has spent most of this year in the Dirham Barony and is very familiar with the situation in this territory.

Tang En has average talent. He started practicing breathing techniques at the age of sixteen and was promoted to professional in May this year.

Tang En was not too lacking in resources, and it took him seven years to become a professional.

He did not join the main army, but practiced the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique. According to the progress of his practice, he could be upgraded to the fourth level when he was about fifty years old.

At the age of fifty, he had just broken through to become an intermediate professional, and he had no future in the practice of breathing techniques.

"The weather has been good this year, and the summer grain harvest has been bumper. However, I found that some of the indentured servants in the Baron of Dirham have resentment and numbness on their expressions. It seems that this group of residents is not easy to manage?"

After hearing what Richard said, Tang En nodded and said, "That's true. Most of this group of indentured slaves come from the Baron of Harden. Many of them are free people. After coming to our territory, they were demoted to serfs. The level has dropped a lot. Normally, there are a lot of strange words, some risk escaping, and some even attack territorial officials.

The most dissatisfied are the professional families. These people are the upper echelons of the Harden Baron. Now they have fallen and become serfs. It is understandable that they cannot accept the gap for a while. It is mainly these people who dare to resist. "

Richard squinted his eyes, thought carefully for a moment and said: "These people happen to be the most highly qualified people in Baron Harden. Many of them are literate. We must find a way to absorb these people and let them serve the territory. This Among the batch of people, are there any people who perform well and are willing to cooperate with us?"

"Of course there are some."

"Find them here, I want to meet these people."

After hearing this, Tang En frowned and said, "These people have a grudge against us. What if they have resentment in their hearts and assassinate you when they get close to you?"

This is the biggest drawback of bureaucracy. It will always find ways to restrict lords from accessing the grassroots. Even though Ron is a member of the Harland family and Richard's cousin, he will still instinctively prevent Richard from reaching the lowest level.

The leadership has contact with the grassroots every day, so it is difficult for the bureaucrats to get in touch with them and rely on information gaps to deceive them. Emperor Daoguang couldn't afford eggs worth thirty taels of silver, which was a special manifestation of bureaucracy at its peak.

Richard waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "I am not a king yet, and life is not that valuable. If anyone wants to kill me, just let him do it."

Li noticed that he had awakened his talent for danger perception and could sense danger in advance. Coupled with his strength, he is enough to face most dangers.

On the attribute panel, Richard's mental power has reached 39 points, which is higher than the most rubbish nine-ring magician.

A magician who has not invented new spells and has no innovation in spell research will only have 33 points of mental power even if he is promoted to the ninth level. If he is born with stronger mental power, he will only have 35 or 35 points.

Such a magician has a very dull understanding of magic. Even if he has learned several high-level magics, he may not be able to defeat Richard in a fight.

Richard's strength already reached fifteen points, which was comparable to an average fifth-level warrior. For a person of his strength, unless a legendary assassin takes action, ordinary assassins are no match for Richard.

Seeing that Richard's words didn't sound very nice, his meaning was very firm. Tang En did not dare to persuade him any more and immediately summoned some people who were willing to take refuge.

This group of people are all truly smart people, even though they fell from the clouds to the valley. But they didn't blame others, they hated Richard who kicked them down from the top.

They knew in their hearts that the reason why they ended up like this was because they took refuge with the wrong lord and because the upper-level politics took the wrong side. The root cause was Baron Harden.

The fact that he has become so miserable has nothing to do with the Harland family or Richard.

Even if Richard doesn't come, other nobles will enter the Harden Barony, rob the population and turn them into serfs.

Relatively speaking, Richard is still a civilized person, his appearance is not ugly, and he is willing to give them a way out.

This group of people is quite large, with a total of more than a dozen households.

The total number of professional families in the Harden Barony is over fifty. A dozen of them are blood relatives of Baron Harden, and the remaining professional families only have about thirty people.

Half of the people here can see the essence of the problem clearly, and their bodies are more flexible. Families that can cultivate professionals are indeed better than ordinary people.

Richard talked with these people for a long time and decided to buy the bones with a large sum of money and give these people their freedom.

There were seven or eight educated people in these dozen or so professional families. Richard used these people according to their talents, either appointing them as grassroots bureaucrats in the territory or as teachers in the territory. He also recruited two young people. Joined the Army Staff Office.

After Richard promoted some talents from the people of Baron Harden, he achieved very good results. Many people immediately looked forward to life when they saw people who had successfully turned over.

There is no such strong resistance to Haaland's territory.

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