Lord Harland

Chapter 253 Capturing senior orc officers

The reason why the orcs dared to divide their troops into three groups and attack the swamp basin was because of their aerial reconnaissance intelligence.

In this area of ​​Grant Kingdom, every orc invasion battle relies heavily on the power of harpies. Because of their aerial reconnaissance advantage, the orcs can always easily take the initiative on the battlefield. Therefore, when launching a war, the Orcs relied heavily on aerial reconnaissance intelligence, and every battle relied entirely on aerial reconnaissance to guide operations.

Unfortunately, the orcs never expected that two mage towers were built in the swamp basin. Under the sudden attack of the two mage towers, the orcs suffered heavy casualties and were almost in danger of being annihilated.

The officer commanding the three orc brigades is named Raquel, an eighth-level lion man. Facing such a dangerous situation, Raquel was at a loss.

The place he chose to camp was at the highest point of the swamp basin, less than a kilometer away from the Lightning Tower.

Although the location of this camp is good, it is just within the strike range of the Lightning Tower. The reason why Thoros allowed the orcs to camp here without sending troops to harass them was that he specially set up traps for the orcs.

Sure enough, Raquel was immediately fooled, and his unit was attacked by the Lightning Tower, killing and injuring hundreds of soldiers. Then it was attacked by the cavalry inside the Lightning Tower, causing heavy losses again. Suffering two blows, the loss has exceeded one thousand.

The situation in Raquel's department is not the worst. He divided his troops to attack the orc brigade at the Tower of Fire. Now almost all of the army has been destroyed.

This orc brigade was greedy for success and fell directly into the trap, and was crippled by the fire storm. Coupled with the blows from the castle's trebuchets, it has almost collapsed by now.

Raquel stood in the center of the camp and asked the kobold officer who climbed up the lookout post: "How is the situation with the Bone Ra brigade?"

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, the flag of the Gula Brigade has been cut off by humans. Now it has lost its structure and has no ability to resist the massacre by humans."

"Can you see Captain Gu La?"

Raquel's camp is not far from the Tower of Fire and is on high ground, so the situation on the battlefield can be clearly seen.

Raquel knew in her heart that in a situation of overwhelming defeat, it would be difficult to rely on a few senior officers to turn the tide. The only thing he hopes now is that Captain Gula can save his life and gather the defeated soldiers.

As long as the Gula brigade was not completely wiped out, some human soldiers would be restrained and they could cover their evacuation from this dangerous location.

Raquel is already a middle-level orc high-level person, so of course she knows the recharging time of the mage tower. A normal mage tower only takes one day to recharge, and a mage tower with low charging efficiency can be fully charged in a week.

What's more, the mage tower can also use the energy of magic crystals to release magic. If the defenders have enough magic crystals, they can continuously release chain lightning.

If the enemy continues to attack them with magic, the three thousand troops under Raquel will also collapse.

After Raquel forced back Soros's troops, he immediately organized the soldiers to retreat. In order to travel lightly, he even ordered the soldiers to abandon hundreds of wounded soldiers. Abandoning the wounded is an act that seriously affects morale, but in order to preserve the army, Raquel can only do this.

The swamp basin is not very large and is surrounded by gently rolling mountains. As long as you retreat into the mountains, you will not be afraid of being chased by the Warcraft Cavalry.

As soon as Raquel was transferred, he was immediately discovered by Soros who was waiting for work.

Soros chased with his cavalry, but Raquel couldn't retreat at all. In desperation, he could only lead his army to stop and fight Soros.

Thoros only had 600 cavalry under his command, and although Raquel suffered heavy losses and the morale of his troops was low, the number of soldiers was only 3,000.

If Raquel were to inspire the orcs' courage, they would probably be able to launch a beautiful counterattack.

Without complete assurance, Soros certainly would not attack a fortress when his troops are insufficient.

In the swamp basin, the soldiers of Harland's territory took the initiative on the battlefield. After the soldiers of the Tower of Fire surrounded and annihilated the remaining soldiers of the orc brigade and joined Thoros's troops, they would look for opportunities to fight the orcs decisively.

With the cavalry watching from behind, Raquel's men couldn't move fast at all. After procrastinating for more than three hours, they only walked two kilometers, and they were still halfway to the mountainous area.

Within these three hours, Sophia and the Flame Tower defenders had cleared out the remaining enemies and wiped out the defeated orc brigade.

All the main officers of the Gu La Brigade were killed in the battle, and the three to four hundred orcs who managed to escape from the battlefield had already dispersed in the wilderness.

The arrival of this new force made the situation of the orcs even worse.

Charlemagne, captain of the guard squadron, commanded five hundred infantrymen and attacked the orc array very determinedly.

Behind the main force were six hundred auxiliary soldiers.

The auxiliary soldiers in the Harland Territory need to train for two months every year. Although they are not professional off-duty soldiers, they have some combat effectiveness. Although these auxiliary soldiers have less steel armor, they are fully equipped with weapons and equipment.

Although the salary of the auxiliary soldiers in the Harland Territory is very low, their actual combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the serf soldiers. With professional officers, their combat effectiveness can be as good as that of the inland city defense army.

The auxiliary soldiers often undertake the task of defending the city and have rich battlefield experience. Their formations are well drilled. Although they are very nervous, they are afraid of the harsh military law and still follow the soldiers of the guard squadron to participate in the raid.

Normally, a guard squadron of 500 soldiers, plus 600 auxiliary soldiers, would not be able to fight in the field with a large group of orcs, nor would they dare to attack the orcs' line.

However, firstly, there was the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade to contain them, and secondly, the morale of the orc army was low. Charlemagne grasped this decisively and launched a surprise attack.

The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer. Charlemagne suddenly lowered his raised right hand and shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

When the soldiers in the guard squadron heard the command, they neatly loosened their bowstrings.

There are two guard squadrons in the Harland territory, respectively used to perform guard tasks. Because of their special nature, the soldiers of the guard squadron naturally have to be carefully selected. The members of this army are all veterans and must undergo strict political review to prevent spies from getting in.

Both guard squadrons were under the command of Charlemagne. They were very well equipped. The soldiers were all wearing steel armor and equipped with bows and arrows with excellent range. The lower-level officers all wear enchanted armor and are equipped with enchanted crossbows and enchanted long swords. Even if the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the First Squadron. The second squadron, the first-class infantry in Harland territory, is also stronger than the average field army.

The arrows were like locusts, instantly covering the orc array. Rows of orcs continued to fall, and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

At the same time, the orc soldiers also used slings to throw stones. The stones hit the iron armor fiercely, making a clanging sound. A few soldiers were unlucky and were hit on the cheeks by stones. Suddenly, they looked like watermelons that had been burst, with red and white water flowing down their cheeks.

Charlemagne waved the enchanted sword to block the rocks hitting him. He estimated the distance and immediately shouted the order.

"Grenadier, throw alchemical bombs!"

Charlemagne's voice was very loud, like thunder.

In the Dawn Plane, if you want to become an officer, having a loud voice is a prerequisite.

Only when the voice is very loud, in the noisy battlefield, can the command be heard by the soldiers under his command.


Loud noises were heard, and the orc army formation was filled with white smoke.

Morale was already very low, but the casualties suddenly increased, and an orc squadron collapsed.

Seeing that the orcs were so weak, Thoros decisively invested his troops and led the Warcraft Cavalry to cooperate with Charlemagne to attack the orcs' weak points.

Almost all the mage regiments in Harland's territory were in Charlemagne's army formation, cooperating with the infantry in combat.

More than a dozen greasy spells were released, and the orc army in front immediately slipped and fell. The guard squadron immediately fired a round of feather arrows, easily defeating the orc squadron and breaking into the orc army formation.

Seeing that magicians cooperate with infantry, the threat is so great. Raquel took her own soldiers and launched a counter-raid, hoping to kill and injure the members of the mage group.

Raquel was immediately noticed by Wendy as soon as she moved. She waved her thunder staff and aimed a bolt of lightning at Raquel.

Wendy reached out and pointed, and a bolt of lightning suddenly hit Raquel.

Raquel hurriedly arranged a fighting spirit shield and wrapped herself in the fighting spirit shield from head to toe.

The lightning hit the Dou Qi shield hard, and instantly shattered the Dou Qi shield.

The Dou Qi shield shattered, and Raquel instantly felt severe pain in her body, and electric currents coursed through her muscles.

Before Raquel could breathe a sigh of relief, Sophia released the fire wall technique, and a wall of fire suddenly hit Raquel.

Raquel's flesh was roasted by the blazing flames and stung. He waved the sword vigorously, with powerful fighting energy in his hand. This energy split the fire wall in two.

A wall of fire passed through Raquel, setting all his clothes on fire. Raquel instantly turned into a burning man and let out a shrill cry.

Raquel endured the severe pain in her body and rushed into the guard squadron's formation with a long sword in hand.

He brandished his sword and was about to slash at a magician. The two professional officers raised their heavy shields and stood in front of Raquel.

The long sword hit the shield hard, and the powerful force directly shattered the iron-clad shield. The hands of a second-level professional officer holding the shield were also broken by the powerful force.

Just as Raquel was about to take action, Wendy held the thunder staff and fired a second bolt of lightning.

The lightning staff is a legendary level magic equipment. Wendy holds the lightning staff, and its attack power is stronger than that of a seven-ring magician.

The lightning spell attacks so fast that it is almost impossible to dodge, and one can only rely on the fighting spirit shield to block it.

Raquel's fighting spirit shield shattered just now, and she was unable to condense the fighting spirit shield in a short period of time. She was instantly scorched black by the lightning, and her whole body was numb.

Sophia reacted quickly and hurriedly released the powerful magic activation rope, transforming into a magic rope to tie up Raquel.

With her body tied up, Raquel let out a loud roar and exerted force on her body, breaking the magic rope.

Raquel had just broken the magic rope when Charlemagne came up and slashed Raquel's head with the long sword in his hand. In panic, Raquel could only raise her left hand to stop him.

The long sword swung across and instantly cut off Raquel's left hand.

Raquel suddenly raised her leg and kicked Charlemagne hard. In an instant, she broke Charlemagne's ribs and kicked him more than ten meters away.

Seeing that Charlemagne was seriously injured, Sophia hurriedly released a four-ring magic spell to treat serious injuries, which brought up most of Charlemagne's vitality.

Raquel severely injured Charlemagne with a kick, and just as he was about to continue killing, Heath and Butler released their spells.

Heath released the Holding Technique, and Butler released the Blinding Technique.

Even though Raquel was already at level eight and had high magic resistance, these two spells still imposed serious negative effects on him, making his movements and reactions very slow.

At the same time, Wendy raised the lightning staff for the third time and released the third bolt of lightning.

This bolt of lightning was like the last straw, knocking down Raquel instantly. The soldiers swarmed up and immediately tied up the eighth-level lion man with iron chains.

After many years of war with the orcs, the Grant Kingdom has never captured such a high-ranking orc officer.

Sophia was worried that the man would die from his injuries on the way, so she released healing magic on Raquel to help her stop the bleeding.

Raquel personally attacked the guard squadron array, but was besieged by professionals from the Harland Territory, and instead became a prisoner. The commanders were all taken prisoner, and the morale of the orc army was extremely low, and they quickly collapsed.

The situation in the swamp basin could not be concealed from the orcs who had the advantage of reconnaissance. When the orc army was ambushed by the mage tower, Pratt sensed that the situation was not good and immediately mobilized troops to prepare for support.

As soon as the orcs moved, Richard immediately led the main force of the military station out of the city to fight.

The main force of Harland's territory is stationed in the military station. There are four infantry brigades, one reconnaissance cavalry brigade, and 5,000 elite soldiers.

With five thousand elite troops to restrain them, Pratt's troops naturally marched very slowly.

After he arrived at the swamp basin, Pratt found that Raquel had been captured by humans and the remaining orcs had dispersed. The human army has cleared the battlefield, and most of the soldiers have returned to the castle.

The situation faced by Platt's troops was already very bad. There were nearly 2,000 enemies in the swamp basin in the north, and 5,000 elite soldiers in the Harland territory in the south.

Three large groups of soldiers were lost. Although the orc army had a main force of 14,000 people and an auxiliary force of 8,000 satyrs, the situation became more dangerous.

After analyzing the situation, Pratt felt that he could not continue to delay.

Now there are reinforcements on both the east and west sides of Harland Territory. To the east is the fifth and sixth brigades of Harland Territory, with two thousand elite soldiers. To the west is the coalition of nobles from Heihe County, with a total of two thousand soldiers. When the human soldiers complete their assembly, their troops will be completely surrounded by humans.

At the critical moment, Platt was very decisive. He immediately sent an order for the orcs under his command to attack the enemies on the southern front, hoping to break through the obstruction from the front.

After the orcs turned around, Richard immediately ordered the soldiers to form a formation and fight.

Compared with the orc army, although the number of soldiers in the military base commanded by Richard was smaller, they were like a rock and determined not to take a step back. He took the lead and successfully mobilized before the war.

The two armies slowly approached, and the long-range orcs suffered heavy casualties. Pratt suffered more than a thousand casualties before leading his soldiers to approach the array of soldiers in Haaland's territory.

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