Lord Harland

Chapter 254 Silence

The two armies collided fiercely, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant.

At this moment, Soros and Sophia's troops in the swamp basin also detected the enemy's situation. The soldiers stopped cleaning the battlefield and began to gather.

Thoros and Sophia were only a few kilometers away from the battlefield. The Warcraft Cavalry was the fastest and arrived at the battlefield in less than a stick of incense.

Seeing the appearance of the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, Plett had to mobilize his troops. The Orc Brigade at the rear turned around to protect the flanks of the military formation and prevent the Warcraft Cavalry from causing trouble.

Richard led the soldiers of Harland Territory to fight against the orc army.

He observed the formation, invested sixteen points of spiritual power, and released the powerful fire wall technique. Investing sixteen points of mental power, Richard released the powerful fire wall technique, which was more powerful than the standard nine-ring magic.

A wall of fire suddenly appeared in the orc array, and the howling wind carried flames and ignited everything it could touch.

Violent flames raged through the orc army.

Burns are the most severe pain. The pain is worse than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. Even though the orcs had rough skin and thick flesh, they were ignited into a burning man by the fire. The shrill screams came immediately. The injured orcs fell to the ground, constantly Tumble hoping to extinguish the flames.

In an instant, the ranks of the orc soldiers were in serious confusion.

A powerful four-ring magic fire wall technique immediately disrupted the formation of a squadron of orcs. The soldiers of the first squadron rushed forward bravely, and the orc squadron immediately collapsed.

The First Squadron fought very bravely and broke into the depths of the orc array. The grenadiers were in the back row and immediately threw alchemy bombs at the orcs.

Dozens of alchemy bombs were thrown out, causing heavy casualties to the orc rear squadron.

The soldiers of the first squadron activated their fighting spirit, activated their brute force armor and activated their brute force technique. The strength of dozens of soldiers suddenly increased by four points.

The soldiers with increased strength wielded the enchanted sword, cutting through melons and vegetables, and penetrated the second squadron of orcs. Then he penetrated the orc army formation in one go.

In less than ten minutes, the first squadron defeated three orc squadrons and penetrated the orc army formation.

Plett's Chinese army only deployed two brigades. Seeing that the two brigades could not withstand the elites of Harland's territory, Plett hurriedly mobilized troops and continued to deploy a large group of orcs to strengthen the defense line.

Although there are seven or eight thousand orc auxiliary troops, these auxiliary troops are all satyr troops, their combat effectiveness is extremely weak, and they are not suitable for use in cruel field battles.

As long as the goat-like casualties are slightly heavier, they will begin to scatter in all directions. After being away from the supervision of the main force for a while, they fled towards the mountains and forests. The only effect of using Goatmen to fight is to consume the energy, arrows, and stone bullets of the defenders.

If it is a long-term siege, using auxiliary troops to attack the city can also have some effect and consume the enemy's strength.

However, Pratt's troops are currently fighting in a field battle, and using goatmen will only make his military formation more chaotic. The only thing he can rely on now is the seven main orc brigades.

Through the harpy's reconnaissance, Plett knew in his heart that there were human reinforcements on both sides. When reinforcements from the east and west arrive tomorrow, it will become a decisive battle for the main force.

The orcs lost three brigades and used seven brigades to fight the main force of Harland Territory and the coalition of nobles from Black River County. Pratt had no chance of winning at all.

The soldiers in the Harland Territory are well-equipped and of excellent quality. In addition, they are equipped with a large number of alchemical bombs, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the Northern Army with the same force.

The combat effectiveness of the 7,000 Harland Territory soldiers exceeded half of the Northern Army.

Plett divided his forces to attack the swamp basin. The enemy's situation was not clearly investigated, which was a risk from a military perspective.

After the military adventure failed, Deputy Commander Raquel was captured alive by the Haaland Territory. In order to save the political future, he once again led the army to launch a battle when the conditions were not mature.

This battle also violated the taboo of military strategists, rashly launching a decisive battle with the main force when the conditions were not mature.

Enemy reinforcements have arrived on the northern front. Although this enemy group is small in number, with only two guard squadrons and one auxiliary squadron, close to a thousand, the enemy is equipped with alchemy bombs and cannot be underestimated.

As a last resort, Pratt could only continue to deploy a large group of soldiers to defend the north.

The battle has continued until now, and the orcs only have a large reserve team left. In order to defeat the enemy in the north, Platt personally went to the front line.


Alchemy bombs exploded continuously, with streaks of fiery red light like blooming flowers. The gravel on the ground was splashed more than ten meters by the air waves, sweeping down a large area of ​​nearby orcs. Under the leadership of grassroots officers and key veterans, the soldiers of the Harland territory immediately swarmed forward and killed all the injured orcs.

Pratt personally led the troops to fight several times and broke through the defense line, but was immediately attacked by the mage group.

With the blessing of the lightning staff, the power of the chain lightning was quite extraordinary. A chain of lightning struck down, and more than a dozen Pratt soldiers were blown away. Their limbs mixed with gravel were sprinkled from the sky.

These orc army commanders' personal soldiers are all low-level professionals and reserve officers. In an instant, there were heavy casualties, which made Pratt's heart bleed.

The battle lasted all afternoon, and the orcs on the northern front suffered 700 casualties. Wendy and Sophia released seven consecutive lightning bolts. Seeing that the orc soldiers could no longer fight, Pratt chose to call off the troops and call a truce.

At the same time, Thoros and Richard led their troops to end the battle with the orcs.

In this battle, the orcs suffered small losses on two battlefields, with a total loss of two thousand soldiers.

The soldiers on the northern front commanded by Sophia only suffered 200 casualties, and the main force of Harland Territory commanded by Richard only suffered 400 casualties. Thoros led the Warcraft Cavalry, which was only a diversionary operation in the morning, with only casualties. There were more than a dozen soldiers.

On the second day, although the soldiers from Flower City and Graveson were further away, they rushed to reinforce them.

The fifth and sixth brigades were almost in full force, and they also brought two squadrons of auxiliary troops. The number of reinforcements exceeded nearly 3,000.

The arrival of these three thousand fresh troops on the battlefield was like the last weight on the balance, immediately changing the situation on the battlefield, and the situation of the orcs immediately became worse.

The fifth and sixth brigades were unified under the command of Roland. After Roland led the troops to come for reinforcements, he immediately built a camp one kilometer away from the orc camp, blocking the east side of the orc camp.

Richard took the main force of Harland's territory and built the camp south of the orc camp. Thoros also led the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade and built a temporary camp in the north of the orc camp. With the addition of Sophia's troops, the orc camp was immediately surrounded by soldiers from the Harland territory.

No matter which direction we break through, we must face a battle.

The strategic situation has developed to the current situation, and the orcs have become very dangerous.

Tomorrow, reinforcements will come from the coalition of nobles from Heihe County, and the human advantage will become even greater.

By then the encirclement will be stronger, and the 59th Army Corps under Pratt may be surrounded and annihilated.

Although two decisions failed, Plett was still a decisive commander. After two battles, Plett knew that the Orcs had underestimated the strength of Harland's territory.

Although there are only 7,000 regular troops in the Harland Territory, there are 3,000 auxiliary troops. The military strength of this territory is not weaker than that of a developed earl territory.

An orc army whose strength is not much different from the military strength of Harland's leader. Relying on the Platt Army, it was difficult to break through the Haaland Territory defense line after the enemy gained a geographical advantage.

In this battle, the Orc Front placed a burden that was beyond its carrying capacity on the Plat Army, making it difficult for the Plat Army to bear it.

After analyzing the situation, Pratt immediately issued an order to break out that night, and the direction of the breakout was also chosen to the east.

As soon as the orc army moved, it was immediately noticed by the Harland Territory scouts.

Richard immediately ordered the entire army to launch attacks from all directions, putting pressure on the orc breakout troops to encircle and annihilate the orcs.

Breakout requires strong organizational skills, and organizational skills are precisely the weakness of the orc army. After all, many races are gathered in one legion, the language is difficult to communicate, and the organizational skills are not improved at all.

Without good organizational skills, there will be countless problems during the breakout process.

In particular, the more than 8,000 goat-like auxiliary troops almost collapsed halfway.

The rout even disrupted the orcs' positions. Some of the lagging orc troops were overtaken by the pursuers and could not resist for too long in the darkness.

Plett gathered all the elite soldiers, more than 200 snake-body professionals, plus Plett's guards, formed a powerful attack arrow.

Although Roland and Jennings had camps, dug trenches, laid out antlers, and had a simple defense line, they still could not stop them.

The two infantry squadrons blocking the front were defeated, and a large group of orcs broke out of the encirclement.

Because it was dark night, Roland and Zhannings didn't know how many thousands of orcs had broken through?

The noise of fighting resounded through the battlefield, and bonfires were lit everywhere. The orcs did not dare to take the road leading to the Fort, and chose to burrow into the hills around the swamp basin.

Richard led his soldiers to chase him in the dark through the middle of the night, and found that the sound of fighting gradually stopped. Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, he ordered the battlefield to be cleaned. The battlefield was not completed until early the next morning.

The fifth and sixth battalions suffered heavy casualties in this battle. The two squadrons were almost completely wiped out by the orcs. In total, only a dozen wounded soldiers survived. Adding the casualties of other troops, the number of soldiers killed in the battle exceeded 400, and 300 were lightly or seriously injured. Many people.

On the frontal battlefield, the two squadrons that blocked the orcs fought very bravely and did not collapse until the end.

Richard personally looked at the battle line and found that the two squadrons had more than thirty snakemen killed or injured in the front defense, and more than a dozen orc professional officers were also killed. Ordinary orc soldiers left more than a hundred corpses.

Richard knew in his heart that the first reason why these two squadrons were so capable of fighting was because of the racial war.

The soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang have a blood feud with the orcs. As long as they are well organized, they can often fight to the death. Even a lot of underdogs can do this sometimes. Many city defense troops guarding the castle can do this.

The second reason is that the death benefit policy of the Haaland Territory has been implemented for more than ten years, which reduces the soldiers' worries and makes them willing to sacrifice their lives and fight desperately for the territory.

The third reason is that because of the ability of the grassroots officers, under the leadership of their organization, they fought the orcs until the end, until the orcs broke through the line.

The fourth is that the military discipline in Harland Territory is very strict. If you escape during battle, not only will you be killed, but your family will be demoted to slaves, and you will not be pardoned in your life. Under the command of officers, soldiers can basically fulfill their responsibilities and will not break up easily.

Seeing such a tragic scene, even though Richard had led troops for many years and had a hard-hearted heart, he still felt a little sad and a little sad. With red eyes, he said to the staff officer beside him: "After last night's battle, the two brigades of Roland and Jennings suffered heavy casualties. Although they did not block the opening and let the orcs escape, they still won last night. The key, the top priority should be given to them. After the war, excellent soldiers will be mobilized to replenish the 23rd and 27th Squadrons as soon as possible.

This year I killed a lot of snakes and after making them into enchanted armor, I gave priority to replenishing the 23rd and 27th Squadrons. "

Except for the troops who blocked the orcs from the front and suffered heavy casualties, other troops suffered less casualties, totaling about 300 people.

In the pursuit and annihilation battle last night, the casualties in Harland Territory were about one thousand.

Counting the previous battles, nearly 700 soldiers in Haaland Territory have been killed and more than 1,400 were lightly or seriously injured. The total casualties have exceeded 2,000.

Although the casualties were not small, the results were also brilliant.

There were more than 4,000 orc prisoners captured last night, more than 3,400 satyrs, and about 800 other orc prisoners.

Orc professionals are sent to Nolan for bloodline experiments in exchange for more meritorious deeds.

Ordinary satyrs can herd, and their life-sustaining needs are relatively low, so they can easily integrate into Harland's territory. Harland discovered copper ore last year, and the orcs not needed by the Grant Mage Association can be mined, saving human resources.

More than 4,000 prisoners were captured and more than 5,000 orc heads were beheaded.

The orc army that followed Pratt to break out was only about four thousand. The remaining four to five thousand orcs should have scattered and fled into the surrounding mountains and forests. It is estimated that less than half can be contained.

By the time the coalition of nobles from Heihe County arrived, the battle was already over.

The battlefield has also been cleaned, and the weapons seized are piled up.

The heads of the orcs were loaded onto dozens of carts, and the prisoners formed a long queue.

Even though they could no longer smell the smoke of the battlefield, Baron Sharp and other nobles could still feel the intensity of the battle.

In just a few years, Harland's territory has become so powerful. This situation makes Sharp, Rice and others feel unbelievable.

Twelve years ago, Richard was still a junior officer under Sharp's command. His status was far from being comparable to that of Sharp. Only his father, William, could be on par with Sharp.

Nine years ago, Richard and Baron Rice joined forces to fight the orcs. At that time, there was not much difference in the strength of the two territories.

In just ten years, the province of Geda has undergone tremendous changes. Richard actually developed a powerful territory. The soldiers of the Harland family actually defeated a legion of orcs?

Seeing this scene, many nobles were silent.

This is the fear of power. They know in their hearts that after this battle, a new great noble will be added to the Grant Kingdom, and a new power will emerge in the northern region.

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