Lord Harland

Chapter 429 Training in the Military

This year Harland has a cash income of 4.77 million gold coins. Although it is not as good as the year when he laid down the dragon's lair, it is far more than last year. Last year, Harland's cash income was only 3.08 million, because he swallowed Conquering a large territory requires spending money everywhere. Although a large amount of money was obtained by invading the territory of the United Kingdom on the east coast, it was first skinned by the multinational chamber of commerce, and a large amount of money was distributed in reward for the merit. He poured out 1.2 million gold coins in cash and emptied most of the treasury.

As of the beginning of Dawn Calendar 3273, the reserve funds of the territory were only 500,000 gold coins. For a lord with a population of 8 million and an area of ​​780,000 square kilometers, 500,000 gold coins could not sustain it for too long. Richard's mobile capital is 300,000 gold coins a year.

The annuity of the Duke's Palace is also 200,000 yuan a year. Of course, this 200,000 is considered the pocket money of the Harland family. Generally speaking, Richard will receive 60,000 personally, Sophia will receive 50,000, Undine 30,000, and Margaret 20,000. Philip has not yet become a professional. , temporarily unable to receive money from the public account. Food, clothing, living expenses, hosting dinners, giving gifts, etc. in the Duke's Mansion cost five thousand gold coins a year. In the past two years, the Duke's Palace's small treasury has accumulated 70,000 gold coins of private money.

According to Harland's living standards, four gold coins a year were enough to feed and clothe six people, eat one meat meal a week, and watch an opera performance once a month.

The living expenses of Richard's family for a year are equivalent to the expenses of 7,500 ordinary people living a middle-class life, which shows the luxury of the aristocracy.

Richard and Sophia don't like luxury, they don't love vanity, they don't waste money, and they rarely hold extravagant dinners. Even so, the Harland Palace's annual expenditure of five thousand gold coins is still a huge amount of money for ordinary people. A territorial capitalist like Odaye only earns twenty to thirty thousand gold coins a year. An ordinary baron, whose territory has just begun to develop, only earns three to five thousand from selling grain a year.

The royal palace expenses of the Roger Kingdom exceed 100,000 gold coins spent on dresses. Members of the royal family never wear an expensive dress a second time. The Grant royal court had a large number of government agencies, and the number of craftsmen, servants, and maids serving the royal family totaled more than tens of thousands.

The royal family's expenses at Grant's court amount to more than half a million gold coins a year, accounting for one-tenth of the royal family's total income. Five hundred thousand gold coins, save some to support two regular legions.

Although the Duchy of Harland has a cash income of 4.77 million this year, its expenses far exceed those two years ago.

The first is military expenditure. Just purchasing new weapons this year cost 160,000 gold coins.

In addition, the logistics expenditure of 140,000 yuan for the army is also a lot of money.

A soldier is issued four sets of clothes a year, consumes three kilograms of grain and three taels of meat a day, plus supplies such as brown sugar and white wine, which costs two gold coins a year. The material cost of raising one soldier is equivalent to raising three citizens with good living conditions. The total number of 140,000 soldiers and logistical supplies cost 280,000 gold coins.

In addition, there is the military salary. With the development to the present, there are not many indentured soldiers in the Harland Territory. Although the auxiliary military salary is lower, the annual military salary still costs 1.24 million gold coins.

Another major expense is pensions. Today, the total number of soldiers killed and disabled by Haaland over the years has reached nearly 30,000. According to statistics from the civil affairs department, the number of households receiving territorial pensions is 28,000. The pension expenditure for a family is as high as 120,000 gold coins.

Although there is no large-scale war this year, the military investment alone has reached 1.8 million gold coins this year, which is roughly 37.7% of the territory's fiscal revenue. Compared with a few years ago, the proportion of territorial military expenditure has been significantly reduced.

A few years ago, the proportion of military expenditures could reach more than 60%, and the pressure was very heavy. When Richard wakes up every morning, he has to think of ways to make money to support the army.

Military expenditures are as high as 1.8 million, and other expenditures are also increasing rapidly. The first is the salary of civil servants. Harland already has 35,000 civil servants, and the annual salary of these people is as high as 240,000 gold coins. .

According to the standards of two years ago, the salary of civil servants would have exceeded 300,000 gold coins. Because of the great financial pressure, Richard spoke harshly and pushed the civil servants to cut their salaries to save some expenses.

In addition to the 35,000 civil servants, Harland also has 15,000 temporary workers. These temporary workers have lower salaries and consume a total of 60,000 gold coins.

The salary of a civil servant is as high as three hundred thousand gold coins.

Then there is the Harland Railway Department. In recent years, the investment in the Harland Railway Department has been increasing. Last year, 230 kilometers of railways were built. Because there are more than 100 kilometers of mountain railways, 460,000 gold coins were spent. funds.

Nowadays, the length of Harland Railway has exceeded 600 kilometers, and more than 400 kilometers of railway lines from Flying Eagle Castle to Songtao Castle have been completed. The 150-kilometer railway from Heihe Fort to Military Station Fort was also put into operation.

In the Harland Territory planning, the section from Songtao Castle to King's Castle and the section from Flying Eagle Castle to King's Castle have been planned and are ready for investment and construction next year. These two sections are mountain railways and require higher costs. But it may take a long time for the railway sector to become profitable.

Then there is industrial investment. Last year, Harland led an investment of 300,000 gold coins in the industrial sector, mainly to purchase advanced steam machinery and invest it in production improvement.

Harland led a large investment in the education industry, established more than a dozen schools, almost doubled the enrollment, and invested 100,000 gold coins.

Investment in the medical industry is also increasing. The territory has added millions of people. The number of doctors in the past is far from enough. Training doctors and establishing hospitals require a large investment of gold coins. This year, investment in the medical industry has increased to 110,000 gold coins. According to Grant royal family's standards and medical investment can support 10,000 regular troops.

As the size of the territory expands, the number of members in the Mage Association is increasing, and the investment in scientific research funds is increasing. This year, the funding for the scientific research institute and the Mage Department has exceeded 200,000.

In addition to the Duke's Palace's 200,000 annuity, Richard's office has 300,000 funds. Last year, Haaland led the government to spend 3.77 million gold coins, leaving a balance of one million gold coins.

Counting the inventory at the end of last year, Harland now has 1.5 million gold coins in his treasury.

In addition to gold coins, since there was no war this year, Harland leader added 50,000 magic crystal reserves. Although he participated in a big war last year and the magic crystal loss was very serious, because of the capture of the dragon's lair and the close relationship with nearby As a result of the lord's transaction, the Harland Territory has stored 100,000 magic crystals. In addition, there are 60,000 empty magic crystals in the territory that can be charged.

Based on the current scale of the Harland Mage Association, it consumes approximately 3,000 magic crystals a year. The industrial sector consumes 6,000 magic crystals a year due to the addition of many magic steam engines. The military departments maintain training and consume 2,000 magic crystals a year. A magic crystal.

The Harland leader consumes approximately eleven thousand hundred magic crystals a year. In fact, this consumption has far exceeded the normal years of the Grant royal family.

Under normal circumstances, the Grant royal family consumes more than 3,000 magic crystals a year.

Generally speaking, the output of magic crystal mines is usually relatively low. Although the royal family controls three magic crystal mines, it can dig out more than 4,000 standard magic crystals a year. The royal family can accumulate hundreds of thousands of magic crystals, all thanks to a More than a hundred years of accumulation.

The reason why the Harland leader was able to accumulate 100,000 magic crystals mainly relied on magic crystal charging technology and trophies. They captured the dragon's lair and captured 80,000 magic crystals. This year, they defeated the Yunhai Slave Catching Group and redeemed the magic ship and obtained another 30,000 magic crystals. Held a commodity expo, sold high-end magic items, and got back 30,000 magic crystals.

Although they fought the Samba River for two consecutive years and the Elsa Castle twice, and consumed more than 90,000 magic crystals in the war, after all the miscellaneous calculations, the leader of Harland still increased his inventory of 80,000 magic crystals.

In the past two years, Harland's magic crystal charging efficiency has continued to improve, and this year it has increased to 9.2%.

Harland controls four mage towers and the natural magic well of the Ogre's Lair, which can charge 32,000 magic crystals a year.

Even if the charging technology no longer improves, Harland Leader will not be able to control other magic wells. It will take at least more than ten years of development before it will fall into the dilemma of consuming more magic crystals than charging.

After reading stacks of reports, Richard recalled Philip to the Duke's Mansion.

As of December, Philip had been training below for ten months, including three months as an indentured servant on the farm, and then seven months of working in the factory. After ten months of hard training, Philip no longer had any arrogance, and his image became much rougher. Seeing that the decentralized training had achieved great results, Richard recalled Philip to Fort William two months in advance.

After the birthday of the goddess, Philip was already thirteen years old. Because he had been well fed since childhood, his height had grown to nearly 1.6 meters, and he looked as if he was sixteen or seventeen years old. Although he was assigned to train in farms and factories this year, with the personal guidance of Jennings and others, he finally got started with breathing techniques, and was promoted to a medium warrior student after entering winter.

Judging from the promotion progress, he is better than Richard and William when they were young. After all, Philip is already the eldest son of the Duke and his status is extraordinary. Even though he has average talent, his education and resources are far superior to those of Richard of a similar age. with William.

However, professional promotion is a long-term career that requires decades or hundreds of years of perseverance.

Once you don't practice for a long time, your professional level will even degrade. For example, Richard's second uncle Powell has not practiced breathing techniques for more than 20 years, and his current combat effectiveness is not as good as that of advanced warrior students.

Richard read the various statistical reports, then handed them to Philip, and said seriously: "You have to read these reports carefully. After reading them, you will have a general understanding of the territory. But if you want to manage the territory well, We can’t just read reports, we must investigate and practice.

You have to remember that without investigation there is no right to speak.

This year you have been to a farm and a factory. Before the holidays, you can go there for a walk, take a look, and hand me an investigation report by the way. You have grown up, and you should gradually help me share some of the government affairs. "

After sending Philip away, Richard summoned Morgan, Jennings, Vito, Wendy, and Anne into the Duke's Mansion.

Richard politely asked the five people to sit down and bowed to them first. In the eyes of everyone with some surprise, Richard said slowly: "Philip has been delegating to exercise for a year, and the effect is very obvious. Not only has he mastered the breathing method, but also It took eight months to be promoted to a medium fighter trainee. As his father, I want to thank you. It is precisely because of your hard work that Philip has made such great progress.

Next year I plan to let Philip go to the army to train, and temporarily prepare to train in the Levin brigade for three years.

The reason why I asked Philip to go to the army for training was mainly because I wanted him to understand the thoughts of army soldiers and learn from military experience. Therefore, he cannot be allowed to float on top. He must enter the real grassroots training like an ordinary soldier.

When Philip enters the army, he must receive actual combat training, but his life must not be put in danger.

It is very difficult to determine the right balance, so I can only leave this problem to you.

Jennings, after you return, you will still serve as the commander of the Third Army.

Morgan, I hope you will give up the management of the territory and return to the Third Army as the deputy commander and concurrently as the captain of the Third Warcraft Cavalry Brigade. Philip is in the Third Army and it is up to you to take care of him.

As for Vito, please take care of Philip for a while.

Philip is relatively safe in the army. Wendy and Anne both have magic research projects that have been stopped for a long time, so there is no need for a substitute to protect him. I'll let Bella and Harrison take care of Philip for a few years in your stead. "

Bella and Harrison were both magicians trained by Harland. Among them, Bella's talent was relatively better, and like Wendy, she had an average to upper level talent.

Although not as good as Wendy in terms of resources, the environment for learning magic is better than Wendy's. It took thirteen years to be promoted to the fifth ring, almost catching up with Wendy's promotion speed. Bella is only twenty-seven years old. A five-ring magician of this age has the hope of breaking through the legendary bottleneck, and is considered an important figure in any magician organization.

In the Harland Mage Association, Bella also received a lot of attention. However, Bella's meditation method needs to be deduced from scratch. Now Richard is busy with affairs and has no time to deduce the meditation method. Bella and Butler can only rely on themselves. They have no reference to the legendary fourth-order starlight breathing method and have no contribution. To redeem the legendary second-level Book of Death, there is not even the No. 4 meditation method used by ogres to meditate. In addition, their understanding is not as good as Richard's, so it is very difficult to deduce the meditation method, and future promotions may take longer.

Harrison is the second mage apprentice under Harland. He has been studying magic for sixteen years. Although he has an inferior talent, his elemental affinity is higher than that of Adrian, mainly because of his innate physical fitness and mental strength. insufficient. If he lays a good foundation from an early age, Harrison's elemental affinity can be comparable to that of a medium talent.

Harrison is thirty-two years old and has just been promoted to the fourth level. The reason why he was promoted in his thirties was mainly due to hard work, which was far harder than ordinary people.

Harrison has a perseverant character and can withstand pain that ordinary people cannot bear. An ordinary person can meditate for two hours a day, but he can meditate for about four to six hours. Sixteen years of persistence has allowed Harrison to far surpass the progress of his classmates and walk out of the world. A very solid step.

Bella and Harrison were both born into families of indentured servants. Their fathers were purchased by Harland, and they were the first batch of free citizens in the territory. They were successively detected by Richard and Sophia for their magical talents, and became noble Magician, change your own class. They have very deep feelings for Harland Lord, and they are very grateful to the respected Lord from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing that Richard personally assigned the task to the two of them, Bella and Harrison happily agreed to Richard's request. The two of them will be responsible for personally protecting Phillip within three years.

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