Lord Harland

Chapter 448 Promotion to the Ninth Ring

Richard was able to achieve brilliant military exploits in the past. In addition to the powerful combat effectiveness of Harland's army, another important reason was that the Grant Kingdom's army contained most of the enemies, allowing Richard to gain an advantage in one direction and break the balance of the war.

If the Grant Kingdom had not withstood the enemy's million-strong army, the duchy of Harland alone would have been submerged in the tide of millions of armies in Delong, East Coast, and Lane. Without the victory of several wars, the Harland Territory would not have been able to develop to its current level.

In a short period of time, the Harland territory has not developed an absolute advantage. Richard still needs to support the stability of the Grant Kingdom and let this shield temporarily block the enemy for him.

Shortly after Sutton was promoted to Legend, according to the attribute panel prompts, Richard discovered that his experience value had reached the eighth level, and it was impossible to transform and improve his mental power by continuing to meditate.

Entering late August, Richard was ready to retreat to break through the bottleneck. In order to increase the probability of breakthrough, Richard went to the magic well with the highest concentration of magic power.

The Harland Mage Association now has many magic wells, but the most abundant magic is the Mage Tower at the bottom of the snowy lake. The magic here is very abundant and can supply thousands of magicians to meditate at the same time.

This kind of large magic well is extremely rare in the southwestern magic countries and is the core of a large magic organization. The Holy Glory Empire only has three large magic wells in its 30 million square kilometers of land.

Harland covers more than one million square kilometers of land and has many magic wells. It is in an area rich in magic energy. This kind of area is very suitable for the development of magic civilization.

Richard has been in this world for more than 20 years, which has greatly affected the development of the Dawn Plane. For more than 20 years, he has established a powerful duchy, which can already affect the political stability of the eastern kingdom of the mainland in the Dawn Plane. .

In terms of magic civilization alone, Richard promoted the invention of magic steam engines, magic crystal charging technology, voice control to convert runes technology, fighting spirit to convert magic energy technology, medical magic technology, magic crystal cannons, and magic airships. Once the technology spreads, what will happen to it? The development of magic civilization in the Dawn Plane will be a great boost.

The most critical core is that the Harland Leader Mage Association has a clear understanding of elements and magic particles. Over the years, more than fifty elements have been discovered, and three special magic particles have been found.

This basic understanding of the microscopic world, once transformed into magic technology, will also greatly promote the world.

Nowadays, the level of magical civilization in the Harland Territory has surpassed that of the Holy Radiant Empire and the Southwest Magic Kingdom. Although the scale is relatively small and the strength is far inferior to that of the Holy Radiance Empire and the Southwest Magic Kingdom, in terms of advanced nature, the Harland Territory is indeed ranked first. First place.

In the mage tower at the bottom of the Crystal Lake, Richard began to try to construct a nine-ring spell template. Richard's mental power reached sixty points, and his own magic knowledge had also accumulated to a certain level. His promotion to the ninth ring was very smooth.

After only ten days of seclusion, Richard successfully broke through the bottleneck and mastered the first nine-ring spell, Gate to Another World.

The gate to another world can connect two worlds. When he followed Mavilla, Senna and others to block the passage of the plane, Richard saw this spell with his own eyes. After studying magic for more than 20 years, Richard gradually grew up to Second only to Senna's level.

After being promoted to the ninth ring, Richard's mental power increased to 64 points, and his magic power was converted to 1536 points. This kind of magic power is already several points higher than the legendary first-level magician. There is no comparison with the legendary knights. Legendary knights such as Sylph and Sutton only have 300 points of magic power, which is equivalent to the level of an ordinary eighth-ring mage.

However, some eighth-level mages have taken some potions that increase mental power and magic power. Their mental power often exceeds 30 points, and they have awakened powerful spell-casting talents. Their spell abilities are somewhat more powerful than those of legendary knights.

Although the legendary knight has magical abilities, he ultimately relies on the power of his body and fighting spirit to win. From the perspective of physical body and fighting spirit, the legendary knight can compete with the legendary warrior. With a powerful body, bursting destructive fighting spirit, and powerful magic power, a legendary knight can defeat three to five legendary warriors, which can determine the outcome of a battle to a certain extent.

Only when you reach the legendary knight class can you truly enter the upper level of the Dawn Plane. Even in the Holy Glory Empire, a legendary knight who is willing to swear allegiance can basically create an earldom.

A legendary knight who is unwilling to swear allegiance can also become the master of a very large mercenary group and be attracted by major forces.

Sylph's husband, Bolton, is such a person.

The Blood Mercenary Group massacred Count Casare's entire family, and was able to operate openly in the Holy Glorious Empire. It withstood the huge pressure from the government and attacked Count Casare's in-laws and allies head-on. It relied on two legendary mercenary groups. Long Ron and Bolton.

Now Harland has two legendary knights. Because William took the legendary ability fruit, his combat power exceeds that of ordinary legendary warriors, and he can be used as half a legendary knight. In terms of combat effectiveness at the highest level, Haaland already dominates nearby countries.

In addition to the three legends, the Harland Territory also has six ninth-level professionals, Sophia, Richard, Jennings, Thoros, Terrason, and Rand. Although Bernie is not serving in the territory, he will be there at critical times. Will obey Richard's instructions.

After the Five-Nation War ended last year, the four main participating countries signed a short-term peace contract. However, this contract was not signed by a heavyweight, and the cost of tearing it up was relatively low. Although the short-term peace contract was only signed for five years, Richard estimated that if he took another year or two of rest, war would still break out among the four major warring countries.

Unless the two sides can separate the victory and defeat, they will have a chance to recuperate and call a truce.

If the Grant Kingdom wins this battle again, it will gain hegemony in the eastern part of the Central Continent, just like the Delong Kingdom a thousand years ago.

Three months after Richard was successfully promoted to the ninth ring, his sister Wendy followed suit and was successfully promoted to the eighth ring.

During this period of time, good news continued to come from the Harland Leader Mage Association. Anne and Caperson were promoted to the sixth ring, Bella, Berika, and Roentgen were promoted to the fifth ring. On the contrary, Butler, who had been promoted the fastest before, Because the meditation method is incomplete and requires time-consuming deduction, the speed of promotion gradually slows down.

Time passed so quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was December of the year 3276 in the Dawn Calendar.

In December, Harland led the second railway across the Eagle Mountains to finally be completed.

The section from Double Star Castle to King's Castle is connected and connected with other railway lines.

From Double Star Castle to King's Castle, Eagle Castle, Malte Castle, Fort William, Hurricane Castle, Military Station No. 8, Military Station No. 10, and Military Station No. 3 completed the cycle.

This railway line formed a complete railway network in the Eagle Mountains, spanning the north and south of the Eagle Mountains, with a distance of more than 1,400 kilometers, and a total investment of 3.4 million gold coins.

A stack of 3.4 million gold coins could fill dozens of rooms.

In order to build this railway, Harland took seven years and used a large number of indentured servants, engineers and magic construction personnel. More than 200,000 people participated in the construction of the railway.

After the Eastern Ring Line of the Eagle Mountains was completed, Richard directly approached Railway Minister Clemen.

"After the opening of the Eastern Loop Line, the efficiency of transportation from the south to the north of the Eagle Mountains has been greatly increased. In order to commend those who have made contributions to building the railway, and to inspire people's confidence in the Harland Territory, I propose to hold a large-scale opening ceremony. You can start from the railway The department will search and select some representatives. I will personally issue medals to them, and the best ones will also record their merits.

We all know that railways are the core of the territory's development. Only after the Eastern Ring Line of the Eagle Mountains is completed, the Puliland region will truly be under our control. With sufficient logistical supplements, we can control the land and defeat the orcs.

I know in my heart that although the railway department did not directly participate in the war, it made meritorious service just like the army. Moreover, in order to build this railway, the railway department also suffered many casualties.

I also see your efforts. Let me tell you today. During this celebration, the railway department will distribute a total of twenty merit awards to reward you for your meritorious service.

But I also ask that you give half of the credit to the scientific research department, and the remaining half will mostly be distributed to the grassroots.

The management department can only get three major contributions, of which you can share one major contribution.

But you have to stand firm for me, select the most unquestionable candidate, let me know that someone is taking credit, and hold you directly accountable.

Clementine is also a veteran, and he should know that what can best maintain the morale of the army is fairness in rewards and punishments. Since you have served as the Minister of Railways, you must have the courage to take responsibility when you should. If you have any matters, please come to me directly for judgment. As your old commander, I must not be a fatuous person.

The territory's politics are clear, and as a high-level member of the civil service class, you can also enjoy dividends. If the territory falls behind in the competition, your future will become gloomy. Because other nobles have many of their own people, when the big nobles hire people, they pay great attention to blood. If they are not their own people, they will not be reused at all. "

Clemen left the Duke's Palace and began to continuously summon the middle and senior management of the railway department.

It took seven years to build the Eastern Ring Line of the Eagle Mountains. During these seven years, Clemen had almost no vacations and spent most of his time at the construction sites along the railway. During this period of time, he didn't even care about his wife and family.

For the section of road he was responsible for, he naturally knew who had made contributions to the construction of the railway, and he could certainly select the most undisputed person. However, the section of this railway that Clemen is responsible for is only 400 kilometers, and the remaining 1,000 kilometers can only be approached by other leaders of the Ministry of Railways.

In order to complete the tasks assigned by Richard, Clemen could only continue to summon the backbone of the railway department, and from time to time go down to the grassroots level to find grassroots cadres and employees of the Ministry of Railways, so that everyone could hold democratic votes, draw the list based on the opinions of the management department, and then declare it publicly. Pick the most suitable person.

This time to reward the Ministry of Railways, Richard spent his money and rewarded the Ministry of Railways with twenty great achievements, which in total was equivalent to two baronies.

Although the role of the railway department far exceeds that of the two baronies, the inheritance of the Dawn Plane is the military knighthood. This time, giving the Ministry of Railways twenty major merits, Richard once again violated tradition and insisted on going his own way. Only a territory founder like Richard, with extremely high prestige, could break the tradition and make contributions to the people in the railway department.

According to Richard's request, half of the twenty great achievements received by the railway department will be given to the scientific research department.

The Technical Research Institute of the Railway Department is large-scale, with a metallurgical department, a machinery manufacturing department, and a scientific principles research department. The total number of people exceeds more than 300, including six magicians, more than 30 magic apprentices, hundreds of middle school students, and the remaining two Hundreds of people are excellent technicians. Each one has graduated from elementary school and has a high level of knowledge in the Harland territory.

Although there are many people in the research department, when it comes to scientific research, sometimes one person can be used by 10,000 people.

The reason why the Halland Land Railway developed so fast was that, in addition to Richard's strategic guidance, Bonova played a very key role.

Bonova's magic qualifications are very average. He has only been in the third level after studying magic for twenty years. He has no talent in the study of magic configurations. According to common sense, he is considered a mediocre person among magicians. But Bonova was very talented in mechanical manufacturing, advanced mathematics, and invention. He was Harland's version of Stephenson and Edison.

In just over ten years, the steam locomotive was successfully built under the auspices of Bonova. Over the past ten years, it has continued to innovate. Successfully designed three types of steam locomotives: Julong I, Julong II, and Julong III. The failure rate has been continuously reduced and the efficiency has been continuously improved.

Bonova also played a key role in the construction of the Magic Steam Locomotive.

Although the railway department is not only locomotive manufacturing, but also vehicle dispatching, steel metallurgy, road structure analysis, tunnel planning, route survey and other departments, Bonova still achieved five major achievements.

Bonois is Lost's son and is considered the second in line to inherit the title of Lost. Seeing that their son, a magician, was so promising, Lost and his eldest son Zuo En decided to use the three major skills and six intermediate skills they had accumulated to pool their merits together. The Lost family was very close to the second hereditary title.

Lost was originally from the Kingdom of Lane. He was defeated and became a slave more than 20 years ago. After being purchased by Richard, he served the Harland leader. Over the years, he not only struggled to become a hereditary noble, but also promoted himself to the rank of Silver Knight. His eldest son Zuo Enbilost is still talented. Although he does not have the blood of an awakened knight, he has been promoted to a sixth-level warrior before he was forty years old. He serves as the captain of the second legion and has accumulated some merits.

The two generations of father and son worked together and had the opportunity to win three baronies and lay a solid foundation for future generations.

Bonova received half of the credit, and the remaining five major credits were shared by more than a hundred people. The smaller ones could only be assigned one or two small credits. Technicians who played a major role in the development of the railway department may have They were divided into five or six medium-level skills. But there is no scientist who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Bonova and act independently.

The merits of the scientific research department are relatively concentrated, while the merits of the railway construction front-line departments and management departments are relatively scattered. Only Clemen received Richard's approval and received a major credit. Another deputy railway minister, Constantine, was only assigned a medium merit.

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