Lord Harland

Chapter 456 Sudden Attack

Richard led his troops into the red moon plane, mainly to help the Holy Glory Empire reduce the pressure and take over the Holy Glory Empire to stabilize the front line.

According to the conditions proposed by Emperor Edward, the Harland leader needs to send 80,000 troops and two legendary professionals to maintain the situation on behalf of the Holy Radiant Empire.

The power of the Holy Glorious Empire will not completely withdraw from the Red Moon Plane. The Holy Glorious Empire will give up 1.2 million of the 1.6 million square kilometers of land and retain the best 400,000.

After all, the red moon plane produces some special magic resources. Owning the territory of this plane is conducive to the diversity of magic materials and promotes the development of magic civilization. If the Holy Radiance Empire had not decided to shrink its sphere of influence without facing pressure from other directions, Emperor Edward would not have given up on the Red Moon Plane.

The 400,000 square kilometers of land that the Holy Glory Empire decided to retain was basically not far from Luyin Castle. It was located on the west side of the sea, and the territories it decided to give up were all on the front line.

According to the agreement, the territory handed over to Richard was about 1.2 million square kilometers. Although there was also a rear area, he was responsible for a front of 900 kilometers in length.

The order of handover between the two sides is also to hand over the frontline territory first. After Harland leads the army to station, all the rich land in the rear will be handed over.

Although it has decided to give up a large area of ​​territory, the power of Lord Harland has not yet entered, and the Holy Radiance Empire cannot withdraw its troops and give up its territory at will. It needs to be maintained for a few more years to complete the handover with Haaland. After all, both sides want to maintain the stability of the Red Moon Plane and the stability of the battle front.

According to Richard's choice, the first place the two parties handed over was Beers Castle, which was 1,600 kilometers away from Luyin Castle.

A journey of 1,600 kilometers, even if there are complete military stations along the way, the urgent march will take more than 20 days to a month.

Of course, the red moon plane is the second plane that the Dawn Goddess entered after becoming a god, and it is also the focus of the Dawn Church's management. Over the past three thousand years, the Church of Dawn has established a solid foundation in this plane and built eleven long-distance teleportation arrays.

With Luyin Castle as the center, you can teleport to other major strongholds in an instant.

Richard can also choose to take a long-distance teleportation array and teleport near the Red Rock Castle. The Red Rock Castle is about three hundred kilometers away from Beers Castle, which is not too far.

Long-distance teleportation requires a large amount of magic crystals. It takes a thousand magic crystals to open a teleportation array, and about a hundred soldiers can be teleported at one time. If the advance team led by Richard wants to get to Beers Castle as soon as possible, it must use more magic crystals. Spend some money.

The situation on the front line is not tense now. Richard has enough time and naturally does not want to waste money. Rushing to Beers Castle is an internal march. You can use the military depots and food storage points established by the Holy Empire of Dawn. You only need to spend dozens of gold coins to buy food and baggage along the way, which is enough to get the first batch of 300 soldiers to the front line.

Richard left his adjutant Green, his eldest daughter Margaret, and the fourth-level magician Dean to form a stay-at-home office, responsible for handling the second group of people.

In late May of this year, Margaret's professional level was improved again, and she was promoted to a five-ring magician. She is not yet twenty years old, but her magic level is already quite good. The speed of advancement is a bit faster than when Sophia was young.

Dean also has a high level of talent, and is considered the same age as Margaret. He has been successfully promoted to an intermediate professional just eight years after learning magic, and his future is very bright.

The superior external conditions are also an important reason why Margaret and Dean were promoted so quickly. When Richard and Sophia were young, although they were lucky enough to receive magic inheritance, they almost had to work hard on their own.

By the time Margaret and Dean were learning magic, there was already an excellent platform like the Harland Wizards Association. He has received guidance from famous teachers since he was a child, and it is relatively easy to acquire knowledge. He meditates and practices in the magic well every day, and his basic conditions far exceed those of his predecessors.

With a better external environment, the speed of promotion at the beginning will naturally exceed that of Richard, Sophia and others.

Especially Margaret, who has no shortage of magic crystals in her hands, has the best external environment, loves magic very much, and is particularly diligent in meditation. Coupled with the qualifications of being selected from a million people, one can be promoted to a five-ring magician at the age of less than twenty years old.

Margaret's promotion speed is extremely rare in Markholm Magic Kingdom, and there are not even three or five people in the country.

Green led two geniuses to take charge of the permanent residence at Luyin Castle, while Richard, Sophia, and Silver led the advance team to Beers City.

The three hundred soldiers led by Richard were not Warcraft cavalry. In order to speed up the march, they first purchased some pack horses at Luyin Castle, and then headed south non-stop.

The physical rules of the Red Moon Plane are almost identical to those of the Dawn Plane, and the vegetation is also very similar. However, in addition to green, the main colors of the vegetation in this world also include red and purple.

Along the way, Richard saw a large number of red fruit trees. The red fruit trees were full of purple fruits. This purple fruit contained a lot of starch. Richard tasted it. Although the taste was very average, the yield of the red fruit trees was great. It is amazing that one fruit tree can produce two to three hundred kilograms.

Planting thirty trees on one acre of land can produce a yield of several kilograms per acre.

"If plants from the Red Moon Plane can be transplanted to the Dawn Plane, it will greatly increase food production. However, cross-plane transplantation must be incredibly difficult. If it can be easily transplanted successfully, this red I’m afraid the fruit trees have already spread in the Dawn Plane.”

Richard suppressed the emotion in his heart, and still decided to establish a botanical research institute in the red moon plane to conduct in-depth research on the underlying causes of plant growth.

"When we have a foundation in the Red Moon Plane, we must build a mage tower and a magic plantation, cross-dimensional plant hybridization, and transplantation research must also increase investment and be carried out as soon as possible."

Richard looked at the strange plants on the road and made up his mind.

Along the way, everyone admired the strange scenery while marching quickly. It took only twenty-one days to arrive at Beers Castle.

The daily marching speed reached 80 kilometers, and the performance was extremely amazing.

The most important factor why the infantry marches so fast is the internal march. There are towns every dozens of kilometers and there is no need to camp in the wild. In addition, Richard's men are all professional elite soldiers, and their physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary infantry.

In fact, marching lightly and without carrying a lot of baggage, Haaland's elite troops could march continuously for twenty hours, covering 200 kilometers day and night. After all, the physical fitness of professionals far exceeds that of ordinary people. Even warrior apprentices have physical strength that is already somewhat better than that of athletes.

A first-level warrior can carry a weight of seven to eight hundred kilograms, and his strength exceeds that of Richard's fierce general brother in his previous life.

When Richard arrived at Beers Castle, the second group led by Harland had already set off from Luyin Castle and were halfway on the way. The second batch of teams totaled more than 500 people, including 40 magicians, 10 Dawn Priests, and 30 Bipedal Flying Dragon Cavalry. Three hundred infantry and one hundred and twenty Warcraft Cavalry.

The flying dragon flew extremely fast. When Richard and his men had just completed the handover with the Holy Radiance Empire army and settled down, the flying dragon cavalry had already appeared nearby.

Although they arrived at the front line, due to the continuous rapid march and the unsuitable environment, six of the thirty bipedal dragons actually contracted diseases.

"Sabo, please go and count immediately. How many of our people are sick? By the way, let Adrian come over. I want to ask him if he has found the cause of the disease."

Even the thick-skinned flying dragons suffered from a large number of diseases, which immediately attracted Richard's attention. After completing the handover with the Biers Garrison, Richard immediately showed special concern for this issue.

Not long after, Sabo appeared in Richard's camp with Adrian.

Sabo is the third son of Rogge. He is over 30 years old. His talent is quite good. He has awakened his knight blood and is now a fourth-level knight. Like Green, he is Richard's adjutant.

After Sabo entered the tent, he immediately reported the situation he had to Richard.

"Dear Duke, after entering the red moon plane, our people have been sick. One hundred and eighty-six people have symptoms of cough, cold, fever, and vomiting. Most of them are mild and do not affect their daily activities. , more than a hundred of them have recovered, and a total of 27 people are currently in bed resting in the camp. The remaining more than 50 officers and soldiers have very mild symptoms and should be able to recover within three days."

After entering the red moon plane, Harland's officers and soldiers successively developed various symptoms such as acclimatization and pneumonia. Although they obtained the information from the Church of the Dawn and took precautions in advance, a large number of diseases were still inevitable.

Fortunately, Harland's medical force was very strong. The army not only had a large number of magicians and priests, but also a large number of doctors and a wide variety of medicines, so no one died.

Seeing that although the scale of the injury was relatively large, it had been brought under control, Richard finally let go of his worries. He turned his head, stared at Adrian and asked, "Adrian, has your medical department found the cause of the disease? "

Although Adrian has a low professional level, he is the head of the medical department. He has been studying this field for more than 20 years. Adrian is not only a medical researcher, but also an excellent and experienced doctor.

"With microscope and magic power observation, the cause of the disease is mainly viruses and bacteria unique to the Red Moon Plane. The flora and viruses of this plane are slightly different from those of the Dawn Plane.

Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, and we can only rely on our own immunity to adapt. Fortunately, those who enter the red moon plane are all professionals with very strong bodies and strong immunity, so our casualties will be lighter. If ordinary people came, the mortality rate would be at least 90%. "

After hearing what Adrian said, Richard suddenly thought of something, his face changed slightly and he asked hurriedly: "Since viruses and bacteria are slightly different, will we bring germs from the red moon plane into the morning light plane?" .”

"There is violent space energy during cross-dimensional transmission, which is estimated to be able to kill viruses and bacteria, or because of the divine power of the Goddess of Dawn, it helps us disinfect viruses and bacteria.

The Church of Dawn has operated the Red Moon Plane for three thousand years, and frequently initiates inter-dimensional teleportation. The Kingdom of Palame has never heard of a serious plague, so we don’t need to worry about this problem for the time being. "

Richard also agreed with Adrian's guess. According to Adrian's observation, the epidemic in the military is not very serious. Most professionals can rely on the strong immunity of their bodies to adapt to the viruses and bacteria in the red moon plane.

Although the physical fitness of magicians is a little worse, it is far superior to ordinary people. If your immunity is no longer able to withstand it and you contract a disease, you can use magical means to save your life. Healing techniques can enhance your vitality. Exorcising diseases can eliminate viruses and bacteria. In addition, space spells such as dimensional gates can also allow magicians to enter a vacuum environment.

The two chatted for a while, and then Richard began to summon the main officers to discuss the military situation.

"Beers Castle is already a frontline stronghold, and there are enemies ten kilometers away. We have just entered the Red Moon Plane. Although we have paper intelligence obtained by the Church of the Dawn, we are still relatively unfamiliar with the enemy.

In your first battle, you must be cautious.

Sylph and I will personally participate in tomorrow's reconnaissance mission, while Sophia will lead some soldiers to sit in Beers Castle. The Flying Dragon Knight has dispatched twenty people to participate in tomorrow's investigation operation. "

Since being promoted to earl and commanding the army, Richard has almost never personally participated in reconnaissance operations. This time I went out in person and just left Beers Castle. I didn’t have time to appreciate the scenery along the way in the new dimension. An extremely strong sense of danger suddenly hit him, and Richard was sweating profusely in an instant, knowing in his heart that his talent for danger perception had come into play.

Almost instinctively, Richard activated his magic power and activated the force field protection spell attached to the advanced enchanted armor. At the same time, he raised his arm shield and hid his body behind the arm shield. A variety of magic runes have also been condensed in the mental space, and a variety of spells have been prepared and ready to be used at any time.

"Enemy attack, everyone be careful."

After preparing his defense, Richard immediately issued a reminder. Sylph reacted the fastest. After hearing Richard's reminder, she immediately jumped up the tree and disappeared from Richard's eyes. The other officers and soldiers were all professionals, and their reactions were equally fast. The soldiers stopped uniformly, squatted down and raised the force field shields they carried with them.

Before Richard could finish his words, bursts of piercing sounds suddenly came to his ears.

Several extremely sharp and shrill screams that broke through the air suddenly appeared near Richard.

When Richard glanced out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw hundreds of feather arrows shooting towards everyone. A white metal arrow hit the force field shield hard, slipped through the force field shield and pierced into the soil fiercely. Although protected by a field shield, Richard still felt the strong wind.

This metal arrow is about four feet long. It looks like it was fired from a high-grade enchanted crossbow. Its power is extremely amazing. The arrow penetrated fiercely into the stone wall on Richard's left side. The arrow penetrated two feet into the stone wall. The arrow shaft exposed on the ground was still trembling, making a heart-stopping buzzing sound.

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