Lord Harland

Chapter 490 Discussing Strategies

Although Martin's idea for Richard was quite radical, it sounded quite ruthless and emotionless, which made Richard secretly wary. But Richard would not keep a score in mind for this reason and prepare to deal with Martin in the future.

Richard is extremely angry, and he is not a narrow-minded person in his two lives. Because of his past life experiences, he is able to put himself in others' shoes, empathize with others, and show concern and sympathy to those at the bottom.

Most of the time, Richard is able to think from someone else's perspective. This kind of character makes it easy for Richard to win people's hearts.

The two generations of Martin and his son have followed the Harland family for forty or fifty years and have risked their lives many times. They cannot punish the hero just because of someone else's suggestion.

On the contrary, Richard believed that Martin's idea was not isolated. The nobles under the Kingdom of Harland were basically from Northern Xinjiang and had experienced countless cruel wars.

Since there is war, it will naturally destroy human nature. In order to survive in the cruel northern Xinjiang, people in this area must be tough, good at fighting, decisive and fierce.

Even Richard's style has been changed a lot by the situation, let alone others.

In the minds of northern Xinjiang people, they can sacrifice everything for victory and ambition, and they are not heroes if they love their wives and children too much.

Emotions and interests must be prioritized at critical times.

Richard's palace wife Undine is already a nine-ring magician, her soul is on the verge of transformation, her spiritual power is very strong, and she can survive the attack of the royal seal.

Richard's power is far inferior to that of a demigod. When making decisions, he also needs to consider the opinions of his subordinates to avoid violating public anger and act arbitrarily.

Although extraordinary power exists in the Dawn Plane, great power belongs to individuals. But Richard did not have enough strength to contend with a military and political group by himself.

In the minds of Martin and others, his daughter-in-law Vivian is a complete outsider, and sacrificing her would not hurt him at all. If something happens to Vivian, she can also prevent the Grant family from intervening in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Harland.

The only regret is Philip, but Richard not only has one son, Philip, but also has three heirs. Besides, Richard, Sophia, and Undine still have long lifespans to give birth to other heirs.

Needless to say, Martin has been following the Haaland family for nearly fifty years, and has profound qualifications and outstanding military exploits.

These people are the core backbone of the Harland Kingdom.

After all, people like Martin left their homes and careers to follow the Harland family and made many sacrifices. Many of Martin's relatives and nephews also died in battle.

Although Rogge is talented, civil servants are just tools in the eyes of hereditary nobles and can be sacrificed when necessary.

What people like Martin like most is the internal marriage between the royal family and the country's big nobles. For conservatives, such marriages are the most stable.

There were no more than ten high-level people participating in today's meeting, including Martin, the consul of Rex Province, John, the deputy consul, and Thorne, the deputy consul. Commander Jennings of the Third Army, Deputy Commander Morgan, Deputy Commander Bradrick, Commander Grumang of the Ninth Army, Deputy Commanders Sosk and Foreman.

Although the military power of the Harland Kingdom is now far more powerful than that of the Grant Kingdom, the situation has changed. Once Richard and Sophia have an accident, the surrounding situation will change greatly. This marriage relationship will cause Harland The kingdom's internal affairs were unstable.

Richard didn't want to sacrifice his sons, brothers and other relatives, so he had to find a way to convince those who wanted to break the treaty and start a war. There are many supporters of this idea, and the representative figure is Martin.

Now that the situation has changed, everyone is discussing whether to tear up the contract and actively participate in the internal war of the Delong Kingdom?

This matter is related to the strategy of the Kingdom of Harland. After listening to everyone's news, I have to return to the homeland to discuss with domestic ministers, senior military officials, and even the important ministers who stay in the Red Moon Plane. I need to seek opinions and synthesize the majority opinions. , to make a decision. "

I thought carefully for most of the night and thought of my words. Early the next morning, Richard convened a meeting with the senior military officers of the Rex Province garrison and said straight to the point: "In recent days, everyone has received news of the civil war in the Kingdom of Delong.

Some time ago, under the witness of the Holy Glorious Empire, the Church of Equity and Justice, and the Royal Church, we signed peace contracts with nearby neighboring countries.

If you cherish your feelings too much, you are not a qualified king. Even if Richard is very prestigious, I am afraid that many people will be disappointed and feel that Richard is not a person worth following.

Zhan Nings is Richard's benchmark for freeing himself from slavery. Now he has been promoted to Viscount. He is the fourth person in the Harland Kingdom's military. He has long been on his own and has greater influence in the army than Martin.

Even gods need to establish churches and cultivate followers. They also need to consider the opinions of the higher-ups of the Holy See and subordinate followers and divide their interests well in order to win in the cruel competition.

Judging from the information we have, the Anton Kingdom is very ambitious and wants to imitate Harland in leading reforms, which has triggered a war between the reforming and conservative factions.

Hayden has average qualifications and talents, but he can also be sacrificed for the great cause of the Harland Kingdom.

Morgan is Richard's cousin. He has followed Richard for thirty years. He has experienced meritorious service in the army and is brave and good at fighting. Now he is an eighth-level knight and a high-ranking official in the legion.

Although Grumang joined Harland's leadership halfway, he also made many achievements.

Sosk is young and promising. His father is Roland. He also comes from a family of honorable ministers of the Harland Kingdom. Bradlik and Forman are both veteran generals. They have served the Harland family for more than 20 years and have a strong foundation in the military. deep.

John is the son of Bernard the Steward, and has followed his father into the Harland Territory for twenty-seven years. John stayed with his father in his early years and was responsible for managing orc slaves. Then he moved into local politics and served as township mayor, county magistrate, and county guard. He was recently promoted to provincial deputy consul.

Thorne is the son of Richard's third uncle, Bernie. He joined the Grizzly Legion in his early years. After retiring from the army, he entered the leadership of Harland and became a civilian official. He has also worked diligently in these years and served as the deputy consul of Rex Province.

Of course, John and Thorne are only civil servants and do not actually have a high say in the Kingdom of Harland.

Although the system of the Harland Kingdom is an autocratic monarchy, the core is that the army owns everything. It's just that Richard is the founder of the army and the most prestigious commander. He is the brains of the Harland Army and can easily command and mobilize the Harland Army.

If something happens to him, the founder of the legion, the heir will not be able to control the monster of Harland's legion at all, and there is a high probability that the internal military leaders will start a civil war.

Their own authority is insufficient, and simple civil servants such as John and Thorne can only talk about decisions and policies involving the general direction of the country on the surface.

As civil servants in the government, the two did not like war, because war would expand the authority of military officers and nobles. Moreover, years of war would seriously affect economic development, making the civil service class naturally resentful.

After the two proposed the idea of ​​abiding by the treaty, Martin immediately refuted it loudly.

"Stupid, short-sighted, without political vision, let alone strategy. Anton is very ambitious. Once he succeeds in reform and monopolizes power, he will be a great threat to us in the future.

Especially the southern province of Rex, which is far away from the mainland, is right under the nose of the Kingdom of Delon. As long as the Kingdom of Dron defeats the two Dukes of Visia and Crean, it will be able to put its troops at our waist.

By then our situation will be very troublesome. "

Martin's scolding immediately left John and Thorne speechless. Martin's qualifications and military exploits far exceeded those of the two deputy consuls, and his own momentum intimidated the two civil servants into silence.

After listening to Martin's argument, Richard nodded calmly, then turned to Jennings and asked: "What is your opinion?"

"We must not only consider the internal situation, but also the external situation. We just signed a peace treaty some time ago. This treaty was witnessed by three major forces. Breaking the treaty will cause serious political consequences. Perhaps the Holy Glorious Empire, Fairness The Church of Justice and the Kingship Church will cause trouble for us.”

Hearing Zhan Ningsi's talk, Richard nodded approvingly, obviously very satisfied with Zhan Nings' answer.

Before Zhan Nings finished speaking, he was interrupted by Grumang, the commander of the Ninth Army.

"The Holy Glorious Empire is very far away from us. It cannot invest too much power to intervene in the civil war of the Delong Kingdom, nor can it prevent us from tearing up the treaty. Moreover, the Holy Glorious Empire is in a bad situation now and is shrinking its power. It will not reverse its national policy and concentrate its power against us. The only thing they can do is to condemn us, and condemnation will not make us lose a piece of flesh. If we are concerned about external interference, we will be too courageous.

Moreover, we have the support of Morningside Church, which is enough to help us resist the pressure of the two major churches, King Power and Justice. What I mean is that a decision should be made immediately. "

Although Grumang joined the Harland Territory halfway, he also made many meritorious deeds. He commanded the noble coalition forces on the battlefield many times. He was once appointed by Richard as the commander of the Fifth Army and the commander-in-chief of the Puliland Theater.

Grumang has made many military exploits in previous wars. Now his merits have been accumulated to the level of Viscount, which is higher than that of Martin and his son. He was promoted to the ninth level earlier than Soros and Jennings. If he received strong support from Richard, he would also have a high probability of being promoted to the legendary realm.

If it weren't for the special status of the Rex Province, Richard would not have transferred Grumang to take over as the commander of the Ninth Army.

Seeing Grumang's rudeness, Zhannings was secretly angry and retorted without giving any face: "You are right. According to common sense, the Holy Radiance Empire will not adjust its strategy and mobilize its army to prevent us from tearing up the treaty.

But the probability of interference does exist and is not low.

The Holy Radiance Empire has been implementing the balancing strategy of the eastern countries for more than a thousand years. The Kingdom of Stark more than a thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Rex 700 years ago, the Kingdom of Venus 600 years ago, and the Kingdom of Venus 400 years ago. The Delong Kingdom are all victims of this strategy.

For more than a thousand years, no matter which country developed rapidly and had the idea of ​​​​annexing the eastern countries, it would be targeted by the Holy Glorious Empire.

Tell me, if we tear up the treaty, will the higher-ups of the Holy Glory Empire be afraid? Will they change their strategy and focus on attacking our country that disrupts regional balance and take the initiative to cause trouble for us?

In addition, the notarized party is the Church of Equity and Justice.

Even though the Fairness and Justice Church doesn't have many believers, its church power is not as powerful as the Morningside Church. But believers in the God of Fairness and Justice are paranoid lunatics who are not afraid of death and have the idea of ​​​​eradicating war. If we tear up the treaty, will the Paladins of the Church of Equity and Justice prevent us from participating in the war?

Another point is that the Delong royal family is a believer in the God of Kingship, and the Kingship Church will never want the Delong Kingdom to be wiped out by us. I think the current external environment is indeed not suitable for us to tear up the treaty. "

After listening to Jennings's argument, Bradrick was also very dissatisfied and asked: "You said that the external environment is not suitable for taking action. Are you just going to sit back and wait for death? Wait for the enemy to accumulate strength and attack at our doorstep?"

Bradlick, like Martin, served as Jennings' commander.

More than 20 years ago, Jennings once served as his deputy. Now the two people's positions have changed, but at the juncture of decision-making, Bradrick still agrees with Martin and Gruman's strategy.

As a native of Northern Xinjiang who rose from slave to general, Martin, Grumang, Bradrick and others have some common traits. In addition to being tenacious and good at fighting, they also have a strong sense of worry. Although they have not received much education, the cruel reality has tempered their abilities and allowed them to clearly see the dangers.

Jennings said: "Just because we can't tear up the treaty doesn't mean we can't intervene in the situation."

Richard heard this and took over what Jennings said: "Zhannings is right, war is a continuation of politics, and tearing up treaties is the clumsiest method.

The foundation we have now is very solid. Not counting the territory in the red moon plane, the land area is twice that of the Kingdom of Delong, and the total population of the territory is several million more than that of the Kingdom of Delong.

Even if the reform of the Delong Kingdom succeeds, the country's potential will still be far less than ours.

Moreover, the development of magic civilization and industrial technology requires not only institutional reform, but also a technical foundation. At our current development speed, it will be difficult for the Kingdom of Delong to catch up with us even if it takes fifty years.

In addition, even if we do not tear up the treaty, we still have many means of interference. First, we can send people to buy the serfs who escaped from the Kingdom of Delon at the borders of the four duchies of Guevara, Visia, Crean, and Allen.

In addition, we can also send people to be stationed in the four dukes to sell weapons, swords, guns, shields, cloth armor, trebuchets, magic hot air balloons, and even Tenghui potions, alchemy bombs, and enchanted weapons to the opposition in the Kingdom of Delon. . Even if it is a magic crystal cannon, I think we can open up the gap and sell it to the opposition nobles of the Delong Kingdom.

By exchanging weapons for people, we can use the method of drawing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron to weaken the national power of the Delong Kingdom. The longer the civil war lasts, the better it is for us.

I think the weapons-for-population plan will be left to Martin to take full responsibility. The Holy Radiance Empire can formulate a balancing strategy for the eastern countries, and we can also follow the example of our ancestors and formulate a balancing strategy for the Delong Kingdom.

It is important to maintain the balance of power between the two sides and strive to allow the civil war to continue for many years. "

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