Lord Harland

Chapter 489 Civil War in Delong

King Anton wanted to promote reform, but domestic opposition was strong. After several discussions in the palace, the internal affairs could not be unified.

Seeing that time passed like this day by day, King Anton made up his mind and decided to promote the reform on his own.

Reform means sacrificing people, killing people, and attacking the ruling class. King Anton first dismissed Raymond, the Prime Minister who opposed the reform, and personally killed him at the court meeting.

Raymond was a talent selected by Anton himself. He had followed him for twenty years, and their children were still married. Despite this close relationship, Raymond secretly opposed the reform, and King Anton still wanted to kill the man.

After killing Raymond, Anton issued new laws one after another.

The first is the serf-amnesty decree. The Delong Kingdom promulgated this decree, which is more radical than the Halland Kingdom. It directly pardons the domestic serfs as free citizens.

Then the Kingdom of Anton took out the grain and coins in the treasury, arranged for the freed serfs to cultivate wasteland and official fields, and rented the farmland controlled by the royal family to the freedmen who had gained a new life at a low price.

In addition, the Kingdom of Delon fully followed the Kingdom of Harland and continued to promulgate private property protection laws.

Immediately afterwards, the Delong Kingdom Mage Association announced its inheritance, broke the shackles of blood, and began to select people from across the country.

Less than a month after the reform, the Kingdom of Delon implemented the fourth reform law and began to hold examinations across the country. It followed the example of Leader Harland to select officials through examinations and implemented the otherworldly version of the imperial examination law.

Immediately afterwards, the fifth establishment of education decree was issued. King Anton followed Richard's example and established schools within the territory and began to cultivate a large number of talents. Because he had more resources, he opened more than 30 schools at one time and enrolled more than 10,000 students.

After the education decree was promulgated, the Anton Kingdom then introduced a gold coin exchange for meritorious service decree, which stipulated that one hundred gold coins could be exchanged for a small meritorious service, and one hundred thousand gold coins could be exchanged for a barony.

In order to promote technological progress, the Anton Kingdom even ignored the face and worshiped craftsmen as their teachers, and then followed the lead of Harland and issued a patent protection decree.

After promoting the reform, King Anton acted vigorously and resolutely. In less than three months, he issued seven edicts and promoted seven reform laws.

The reform process was so radical and rapid that conservatives in the country were overwhelmed. When the opposition nobles finally reacted and started to connect.

The Kingdom of Anton killed Raymond directly in the court and used Raymond's head to intimidate everyone.

Because the king's reform violated the interests of the hereditary nobles, a large number of hereditary nobles began to conspire to vote against the implementation of the new law in the noble assembly.

The new law could not be passed in the Parliament of Nobles. King Anton once again broke the rules and promulgated the eighth King's Decree, announcing the closure of the Parliament of Nobles and the implementation of an autocratic monarchy.

After the promulgation of the eighth decree, a large number of nobles raised their rebel flags and formed a coalition of nobles.

After years of reorganization, King Anton has formed an elite imperial guard. This Guards Corps numbered over 100,000 people and was completely under Anton's control.

With the support of this imperial guard, King Anton dared to promote reforms and clean up the interest classes in the country.

King Anton is close to seventy years old, but his physical and mental state are maintained very well, and he has not reached the dilemma of old age and frailty. The Anton Kingdom itself is a legendary second-level knight who can live to be 140 or 50 years old. At this time, his lifespan is only close to half, and there is enough time to ensure the smooth implementation of the new law.

Because of the insistence on promoting the new law, an internal war broke out in the Delong Kingdom.

The royal guard and the coalition of nobles fought together. King Anton arranged for the eldest prince Oliver to supervise the country. He personally wore armor and fought to participate in the war to pacify the nobles.

King Anton indeed chose a favorable time to promote the reform.

Two years ago, under the mediation of the Holy Glory Empire, the two kingdoms of Harland and Grant signed a thirty-year peace contract with Delon and Lane. The two parties agreed not to initiate conflicts or provoke conflicts.

In order to ensure that the peace contract can be fulfilled, the four countries invited the Royal Church. Fairness and justice were impartial, the royal seal was stamped, strict terms were drawn up, and important persons in the country signed the contract.

Because the power of the royal seal cannot severely damage the soul of the legendary professional, the contract signed by the Kingdom of Harland is the Grand Prince Philip, the Princess Vivian, the Prime Minister Rogge of the Government Council, the wife of Richard's court, Undine, and the governor of the Province of Vera. Signed by Hayden Guan.

The signatories of the Kingdom of Delon are also very powerful, including King Anton's Queen Hathaway, the eldest prince Oliver, the second prince Hudson, and even Prime Minister Raymond, whose head was beheaded by Anton, are signing the peace on the list of contracts.

Due to the signing of the peace contract, and the joint justice of the Royal Church, the Church of Equity and Justice, and the Holy Radiant Empire, Lane, Grant, and Harland were unable to directly interfere in the internal war of the Kingdom of Delon.

Because according to the treaty drawn up by the four parties, no more than a thousand troops can be sent to attack enemy towns.

In a large-scale war like the Civil War of the Delong Kingdom, a thousand elites cannot play a decisive role at all. Unless the Harland leader can expand the Flying Dragon Knights to a thousand people, it will have the power to take advantage of the loopholes in the Four-Nation Treaty and interfere in the internal war of the Kingdom of Delon.

After Richard refined his divinity, he prepared to leave the province of Rex, and the provincial governor was transferred by the Minister of the Interior, Martin.

The Ministry of the Interior holds a high-power position in Haaland, whose responsibilities are equivalent to Richard's senior political and legal officials in his previous life. He also supervises the security forces and is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the armed police.

Martin is an old man from the Kingdom of Harland. He was William's old subordinate in the army. After the Harland family became a hereditary noble, he quit the military and came to serve Richard. He has worked for Harland for thirty years before and after his horse. He has followed William and Richard and his son for most of his life. He is very loyal.

Martin and Jennings are the core of the noble hilltop of the No. 1 Squadron of the Kingdom of Harland. Martin was the first captain of the First Squadron and Richard's earliest right-hand man. Jennings, Sura, Lost and others were all Martin's old subordinates. Although his influence in the military is no longer as deep as that of Soros and Jennings, Martin still has a very important status and is a truly meritorious veteran of the Kingdom of Harland.

Now Martin is over sixty years old, and his professional level has been promoted to the eighth level. For him at this age, there is basically no possibility of being promoted to a legend.

Both generations of Martin and his son are smart and capable. His son Levin has a higher talent than Martin. Under the age of forty, his professional level has already caught up with his father's.

Two generations of father and son have been fighting in the Kingdom of Harland for thirty years, and both have obtained hereditary titles. They are considered to be Richard's trusted confidants. The military achievements made by father and son in two generations will soon lead to promotion to the viscount class.

It was precisely because of Martin's status that Richard sent him to the Rex Province to take charge.

Rex Province has 280,000 square kilometers of land, more than 10 million people, and is more than 2,000 kilometers away from the mainland. It naturally has a strong centrifugal tendency and must have important ministers in charge.

Fortunately, the Harland Territory has the legendary magical plant Dream Tree, which can function as a radio station. Richard, Sophia, and Margaret can all contact the senior officials of the Rex Province through dreams. Otherwise, the management of this territory It will be more difficult to get up.

Because it was too far away from home, Richard was preparing to build an ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

The Harland Mage Association is no stranger to teleportation arrays.

After so many years of development, the Harland Mage Association has successfully established multiple teleportation arrays, starting from ultra-short-distance teleportation arrays, to short-distance teleportation arrays, and then to medium-distance teleportation arrays.

Nowadays, the medium-distance teleportation array arranged by the Harland Mage Association can be teleported directly from the mage tower near Fort William to the dragon's lair 360 kilometers away in a straight line.

Of course, the Harland Territory has not built a long-distance teleportation array with a longer teleportation distance, let alone an ultra-long-distance teleportation array with a teleportation distance of more than 2,500 kilometers.

To build a teleportation array, you need to first open a teleportation gate, calculate the most suitable teleportation channel, and use a space altar to stabilize the teleportation channel.

The higher the level of the teleportation array and the longer the distance, the more precious the materials used to build the space altar.

In fact, advanced magicians don't really need a teleportation array. Magicians can master teleportation spells. After being promoted to the fourth level, they can master short-distance teleportation spells.

After mastering the short-distance teleportation spell, you can use standard magic to teleport up to ten kilometers away. This magic is very helpful for the mage to avoid danger.

After being promoted to the seventh ring, you can also master the medium-distance teleportation spell, which can teleport up to thirty kilometers away.

When promoted to the ninth ring, the mage can also learn the long-distance teleportation technique, and can easily teleport up to a hundred kilometers away. If a powerful spell is released, the maximum transmission distance is about three hundred kilometers.

After a magician is promoted to a legend, he can also master the legendary teleportation technique, which can teleport a thousand kilometers at a time.

If legendary mages like Richard and Sophia want to rush from the Harland Kingdom to the Rex Province quickly, it will take up to an hour to release three legendary magics.

Although high-level magicians like Wendy have far less magic power than Richard and Sophia, they have enough magic crystals to replenish them on the way, so it only takes a day or two at most to travel desperately. Flying units such as griffins and wyverns will need to spend five or six days on the road. As for the ordinary professional army, there are no military stations and supplies along the way. It takes several months to travel by land, and about ten days by sea.

Building an ultra-long-distance teleportation array actually saves the time of professionals below the legendary level and facilitates the reinforcement of ordinary soldiers. Of course, after the teleportation array is completed, it can also save the mana of legendary magicians. After all, releasing the three legendary magics would consume at least a thousand points of magic power, and it would take a few days to make up for it.

To build an ultra-long distance teleportation array, legendary level space treasures are required to serve as the core of the teleportation altar.

Although the Harland Kingdom Mage Association has collected many treasures, there are no legendary level space materials in the treasure house. If you want to build the teleportation array, you still need to wait for an opportunity, and you don't know how long it will take.

Richard was about to leave the Rex Province when he suddenly received news of civil strife in the Delong Kingdom.

Martin, who had just arrived, changed his expression and paid a secret visit overnight.

"Your Majesty, a civil war has broken out in the Kingdom of Delong. What should we do? King Anton is a hero. If he succeeds in reforming the law and eliminating the civil strife, he will become a big trouble for us in the future.

At the critical moment, we must be determined to solve this problem, even if we have to make some sacrifices. "

Although Martin didn't say it explicitly, Richard understood the implicit meaning.

Martin hopes that at the critical moment, Richard will not be tied down by family ties. Even if he sacrifices Philip, Vivian, Hayden, and Roger, he must put the overall situation first. When it's time to tear up the treaty, decisively tear up the treaty, defeat the Delong Kingdom in one fell swoop, and eliminate this hidden danger.

As a noble who rose from the ranks of common people, Martin's ideas were slightly radical. Even though he knew that saying these words would offend the powerful and affect Richard's perception of him, he still did not hesitate and took the initiative to advise.

Promoted from an ordinary soldier to a murderous general, and surviving in brutal battles, Martin not only relied on force and luck, but his judgment of the situation was the most important reason. In fact, people like them who have risen from the dead have very smart IQs although they have not received much education.

Whoever threatens them, Martin is unusually sober.

Just judging from the reforms promoted by the Delon Kingdom, Martin immediately felt the danger of King Anton.

For Martin, his family has long been tied to the Kingdom of Harland, and he has followed William and Richard for fifty years without ever having second thoughts. For the overall interests of the Kingdom of Harland, Martin believed in his heart that anyone could be sacrificed. Richard's relatives and children can be sacrificed, and their father and son can also be sacrificed for the overall situation.

After seeing Martin off, Richard suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew in his heart that his subordinates were all tigers and wolves, and the heroes who founded the country were often extremely vicious because of their experiences. This world can even amplify this viciousness because of the existence of super-magic power.

Even Jennings, who usually behaves relatively mildly, can be ruthless at critical moments.

Without ruthlessness in his character, he would not be able to lead troops in wartime.

"If he and Sophia were gone, Philip would never be able to suppress these people. Fortunately, Sophia and I drank the water of life and have a lifespan far longer than that of our subjects. We can survive these founding heroes to death. We need to imitate Zhu Yuanzhang and kill the heroes." Richard shook his head to dispel the haze in his heart.

Although his thoughts have been assimilated into this world, he never shows mercy when killing people and can be called ruthless. His moral standards are far lower than those in his previous life. But compared with natives like Martin, they still lack a ruthless spirit.

The indigenous nobles did not care about family ties at all for the sake of profit. It was common for the nobles to kill each other and turn their wives and children against each other.

But my heart is still affected by the peaceful life of more than thirty years in my previous life. There is always warmth in my heart. I can only be cruel to outsiders. I don't have the ruthlessness to use the knife on myself, and I can't make up my mind to sacrifice my loved ones.

It is also difficult to accept in my heart that I would use the lives of my son, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, brother, and wife to paralyze my opponents and realize my ambitions.

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