Lord Harland

Chapter 488 Heart of Reform

After Richard refined his soul crystal, it was already August 3282 in the Dawn Calendar.

After two years of occupation, the situation in Rex Province has gradually stabilized.

In more than two years, the pain caused by the war has been healed, production has been fully restored, and the Harland Kingdom has also transferred part of its industry to the Rex Province.

In the past two years, taking advantage of the power brought by the war, Richard easily migrated about two million people from the Rex Province to the mainland. Although most of the migrating population were indentured servants, there were also some freedmen. Although these people were reluctant to stay away from their hometowns, they were forced by the powerful to pack up their bags and move to the barren mountains.

Due to the large number of immigrants from the Rix Province, the development speed of the two major provinces of East Coast and Puliland has accelerated rapidly. In just two years, hundreds of new settlements have been built. Especially the settlements in the areas along the railway lines have been filled with many people.

In the past two years, the railway line has continued to extend southward. Last month, Xiaguang Castle was repaired from Xinghui Castle.

Now three main railways are in operation in Halland Territory.

The first is the Xingpa Railway that runs through the territory from east to west. This railway starts from the coastal port of Xinghui Castle in the east and ends at Padin Castle in the border area of ​​the Grand Duchy of Stanek in the west. The total mileage is 1,200 kilometers, passing through the East Coast, Annes, Gros The five major provinces of Ta, Central and Vera.

The second is the Eagle Mountain Ring Railway. This railway is crisscrossed in vertical and horizontal directions. Not counting the two horizontal and three vertical branches, it passes through the four major provinces of Grotta, Central, Eagle, and Priland, with a total mileage of more than 1,400 kilometers. Materials from the two major provinces of Central and Heihe can be easily delivered to the northern border.

The last one is the Eastern Coastal Railway. This railway goes all the way south from Haikou Castle at the mouth of the Samba River, passes through Xinghui Castle, and has been built to Xiaguang Castle, with a total mileage of 800 kilometers. After this railway is opened to traffic, a large number of steamships can be freed up to transport urgently needed goods to the Rex Province.

In addition to the three major railways, Harland Territory also has some branch railways, such as the Heisheng Railway that runs through the Dragon Canyon, the Anshuang Railway at the southern foot of the Annes Mountains, etc., with a total mileage of about 400 kilometers.

The Alo Railway in Rex Province has just completed exploration and is also under planning by the railway department.

According to Richard's idea, the coastal railway should continue southward, along the Xiaguang Castle, passing through the three major provinces of Allen, Guevara, and Crean in the Grant Kingdom, passing through the Earldom of Charlotte, and crossing Andao. Ershan Mountains and into the Dukedom of William. Then continue south, crossing the Duchy of Nelson and entering the province of Rex.

But the negotiations with the Grant Kingdom could not reach an agreement at all.

Although the relationship between the two countries is not bad and there is a marriage between the royal families, King Roger still has a deep fear and even fear of Richard in his heart.

As the saying goes, there is no room for others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed. With a powerful country like the Kingdom of Harland by your side, the neighboring country of the Kingdom of Grant naturally needs to be cautious. Now the relationship between the two parties is good, and there is a marriage between the royal family. But no one can guarantee how long this close relationship can last.

Once the railway is completed, life and death will be in the hands of human beings. Even if the Roger Kingdom nods, it is impossible for the nobles and nobles of the Grant Kingdom to agree.

Even if Richard is willing to sign a long-term peace contract, it is difficult for the two countries to trust each other on major matters related to the future of the country.

Due to the opposition of the Grant Kingdom, the coastal railway could only be built to the southern border of the East Coast Province.

The Kingdom of Grant opposed the entry of the railway, and the Grand Duchy of Stanek was even weaker and dared not agree to the request of the Kingdom of Harland to allow the railway to cross the border and be built to Earl Philip.

Since the railway could not be built to the Earldom of Phillip, Richard weighed the pros and cons and began to reduce the garrison in the Earldom of Phillip in 3282 AD.

By August, Wilde had withdrawn all the Fourth Corps, and more than 12,000 of his 20,000 auxiliary troops. Now there are only 8,000 auxiliary soldiers left in Earl Philip's territory.

According to Richard's plan, some of these auxiliary troops will be withdrawn, and in the end only about 5,000 garrison troops will be left. Then some new soldiers were recruited locally from the Earl of Philip, and the number was expanded to 10,000 people and converted into local garrisons.

The finances of Earl Philip are sufficient to support a local garrison of 10,000 people.

Although Grant and Stanik are prohibited from building railways, the Harland Kingdom's magic airships can fly freely over the two countries.

Although the Grand Duchy of Stanik imported some magical hot air balloons from the Harland Territory, most of them were lost in the war with the Kingdom of Lane.

Nowadays, Stanik only has a small number of flying troops. Although knowledgeable people in the country have realized the importance of air superiority, the country's national strength is weak and it is unable to protect its own airspace.

Although Archduke Jonathan sent people into Fort William several times to request the purchase of some magic airships, the Harland Kingdom's arms sales came with political conditions, and the sale of magic airships would only be considered if it agreed to build railways.

Stanik was unwilling to agree to the request to build a railway, but there was an urgent need for flying troops. Starnik's mage department had no choice but to find a way to imitate the magic airship of the Kingdom of Harland.

The magic airship has a high technical content. First of all, the production of rare gas (helium) requires a relatively high industrial level. Stanik doesn't have any industry, so even if the technology is sent over intact, they won't be able to understand it at all. Without systematic training, they don't even know chemical symbols, and they can't even understand chemical equations.

The second is the magic energy engine, which also requires a high technical threshold. Even the super magic metal formula used in the engine is not clear to the Grand Duchy of Stanek, let alone the more profound magic energy conversion technology. If you want to conquer this technology, you not only need to invest a lot of gold coins, but also need enough technical researchers, and it will take a long time to succeed.

In addition, the calculation of fluid mechanics is also a difficulty and requires a large number of talents who are proficient in mathematics. There may only be three or five people in the Grand Duchy of Stanek who can undertake such a task.

On the contrary, the attack and defense arrays arranged on the magic airship are still within the understanding of the magicians of the Grand Duchy of Stanik, and they are sure to succeed in the copycat.

Not to mention high-end weapons such as magic airships, even the relatively simple magic hot air balloon, the Grand Duchy of Stanek has no way to successfully copy it.

The first is the magic flame jet furnace, which contains voice control rune conversion technology and magic energy conversion flame rune technology. It may seem that the technical level is average in the Harland Territory, but in the Grand Duchy of Stanik, it is truly high-level. science and technology.

In particular, Richard also formulated anti-disassembly runes to prevent violent disassembly. It will damage the inner rune core. The magic flame-throwing furnace had quality problems, and the Grand Duchy of Stanek couldn't even repair it, so it had to send it to Harland.

The second is the large binoculars. Although the Grand Duchy of Starnik has a glass kiln, the quality of the fired glass is very low and cannot be used to make telescopes at all. Even if natural transparent crystals are mined, without good lens grinding craftsmen, the Grand Duchy of Stanek cannot successfully copy even a small telescope.

Even the simplest silk balloon cannot be made by Stanik because of poor textile technology and suitable silkworm breeds. Not to mention the rubber coating brushed onto the silk balloons.

If you want to imitate magic hot air balloons and magic airships, you need your own magic civilization. If industrial civilization has developed to a certain level, the implicit threshold is very high.

If the Grand Duchy of Stanik wants to follow the example of the Kingdom of Harland in carrying out the industrial revolution, it must learn from the Kingdom of Harland, improve and innovate its political system, promulgate a series of laws suitable for the industrial revolution, and create the soil for the industrial revolution.

Even if he passed the thresholds, without the special soul guidance of Richard, it would take more than twice the time to catch up with the level of the Harland Kingdom.

Internal changes need to be forced by external circumstances.

In recent years, the Grand Duchy of Stanik has been an ally of the Kingdom of Harland, and has the upper hand in the war with the Kingdom of Lane. The territory has expanded by 70,000 to 80,000 square kilometers, and now it has signed a long-term peace contract with the Kingdom of Lane. Without strong external enemy pressure, there is naturally no internal motivation for reform.

Any reform will touch vested interest groups, and the pain of touching interests will be greater than touching the soul. A little poor management of reforms can easily trigger internal wars.

Although Duke Jonathan also wanted to reform, a decree to pardon serfs could not be implemented at all. If you can't pardon even a single serf, you can't quickly expand the market. If you don't have a market, you can't start an industrial revolution.

Grant Kingdom has the same problem.

In traditional kingdoms, interest groups have taken shape. Compared with the powerful interest group of the aristocracy, the Grant royal family did not have the upper hand. Moreover, the Grant royal family did not support King Roger's industrial revolution.

Although insightful people in the country are worried about the rapid development of neighboring countries, the rigid feudal slavery system and conservative ruling class have severely restricted the country's development, making the power gap between the two sides wider and wider, causing a serious imbalance.

On the contrary, the Delong Kingdom, which had suffered consecutive defeats, was still undergoing reforms in its political system.

The Kingdom of Delong was originally an extremely decadent kingdom.

The previous king, Henry, was old and dim, and had a very serious suspicion. Under his governance, corruption in the Dron Kingdom was extremely serious.

Domestic culture is peaceful and martial, and there is no worry at all. The channel for class advancement is seriously blocked, and the military merit and nobility system is in vain.

The combat effectiveness of the army was extremely low and decadent, with millions of troops unable to defeat the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Kingdom of Grant. Richard, Zachary, Steven, William and other Grant generals, when entering the land of the Delon Kingdom, seemed like an uninhabited land, they all showed the demeanor of famous generals and easily controlled the enemy.

Even the Edward and Fox families, who were beaten by the orcs in the north and were unable to stand, rushed to the south to pick up the weak persimmons, conquered large areas of fertile land, and established a fiefdom to gain a firm foothold.

In just six or seven years, the Delong Kingdom lost almost half of its territory, and the country fell into an existential crisis.

In this environment of internal and external troubles, and the country seemed to be destroyed at any time, the Delong Kingdom burst out with powerful energy. The legendary knight Anton could not bear to commit regicide. He killed his old uncle with his own hands and eliminated Henry's incompetent courtiers.

In the following years, Anton worked hard and promulgated a decree to pardon soldiers and their families, pardoning soldiers and family members who joined the army as free men. Then he followed the example of Grant, Lane and other countries and taught the breathing techniques mastered by the royal family to soldiers on a large scale. The combat effectiveness of the army has increased rapidly in just a few years, putting heavy pressure on the Duke of Grant Kingdom.

After that, King Anton also exerted diplomatic efforts, uniting the East Coast and Lane to form the Triple Alliance. If it weren't for the fact that the Harland family's industry and magic civilization were already at a very high level, their combat effectiveness would be so strong that they would have shouldered half of the burden on their own. It is estimated that the Grant Kingdom has been destroyed by the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

Now that the Three Kingdoms Alliance has been disbanded, and the United Kingdom of the East Coast has been annexed by Harland and Grant, the Kingdom of Delon is still unwilling to accept it.

As the saying goes, one is born in trouble and dies in happiness. In the face of internal and external difficulties, the Delong Kingdom is bent on seeking change.

King Anton frantically collected information about the Kingdom of Harland, and devoted himself to learning from Richard, hoping to enrich the country and strengthen its army, and save the nation.

The capital of the Kingdom of Dron, the Palace of St. Sith Castle.

King Anton clenched his hands and walked back and forth in the palace, unable to make up his mind for a moment. There were several important ministers standing inside the palace. They were constantly quarreling with each other and obviously had different opinions.

King Anton had a headache due to the quarrel between the two sides, and shouted: "Shut up, all of you!

Looking at the information collected from the Harland Kingdom, about thirty years ago, Richard, who did not have a hereditary title, issued a serf amnesty decree and taught the breathing method to soldiers.

Twenty-eight years ago, Territory Halland enacted a private property protection ordinance.

Twenty-seven years ago, Richard had just become a hereditary baron and began to formulate trade regulations.

Twenty-five years ago, Haaland took the lead in establishing education, founded public schools, and began to cultivate a large number of talents. The Mage Association recruits a large number of people with magic qualifications from all over the country.

Twenty-four years ago, Leader Harland formulated the principle that every candidate must take the exam to standardize the selection and promotion of officials.

Twenty-two years ago, Leader Harland formulated the audit, inspection, and supervision system and began to standardize the supervision and management of officials.

Eighteen years ago, Harland began organizing trade fairs.

Eight years ago, the Harland Territory was reformed again, and the despicable businessmen Odaye and Immortun were successfully knighted.

It was not until two years ago that the Kingdom of Halland introduced a patent decree.

This country is still undergoing rapid reform from the beginning of the 30th year to the present. Every year, the Harland Kingdom is constantly changing, and new things are emerging in an endless stream.

As for us, we cannot even implement a decree to pardon serfs. "

After hearing the complaints from the Anton Kingdom, Prime Minister Raymond said solemnly: "Dear Your Majesty the King, the internal and external situations of each country are different, and other people's experiences may not be applicable to us.

When King Richard was running his territory, internal and external opposition was not strong and his reforms could be implemented. And we have many internal opponents. Once we follow the example of the Harland Kingdom and implement the serf amnesty decree, the whole country may be shaken. "

"Yes, my situation is very difficult, but how difficult is it for the Haaland family to lead thirty years ago? At that time, they had nothing and had to face the powerful and terrifying orc invasion.

Now thirty years have passed, and the Harland family has established a powerful kingdom from a border baron. Its power is so frightening that the nearby countries tremble and dare not act rashly. Even the powerful orcs were as afraid as tigers, abandoned the Eagle Mountains, and fled the northern prairie. Our country was in such a state of disarray that it was beaten by a partisan army and was almost destroyed.

The role model is here. If we don’t reform and regain the lost ground, how will we survive in the future? "

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